Running longer and faster… a few thoughts…


Race Report – Benidorm halfmarathon – 2022/03/05

Planned: supposedly A-race for halfmarathon this year… 1:31-34

Actual: 1:36:56 (netto)

214 total
8th female
1st age category

Nothing crazy really.

Join-start with the 10K-race, which always make it difficult to find a correct pace, as those 10K- runners in the same box are just flying away. The box was for 1:25-1:35 for the half-marathon, which is quite a large group and difference in time…

Started not too far behind the elites. Counted that there were at last 3 running the 21K… 3 places already taken at the end then…

6:30pm: Start shot after a gun countdown. A bit of pushing. Took it carefully as the first 150m are just downhill directly. Settled into a good feeling before turning left towards the first little uphill. Good to gave checked it before the race, so I knew… Turn right downhill, then right towards 1km. Checked the watch which indicated a good 4:13. A bit surprised, but I take it. Then the beach front. Hating to run in the beach front, due to the stone paved path. Got to the second kilometer a bit slower, which also surprised me as it was all flat. After that I did not look my watch. Tried to find halfmarathoners to follow, by looking at bibs colour. Passed by a chick after km 3. This one I should try to pass later. Not now. And she disappeared. The 90min-group was not large, they passed me on the way to km4. I did not even try to follow them… The training indoor is a good way to keep the form, but it does not prepare to the long lines to run. Not crazy really, but the straight 1+ km and u-turns to get to km5+ felt like crazy long. Then slow steady uphill towards km6.5 or so. Getting 25m elevation there. It kills the pace really. Just kept my plan, hanging along a lady in front of me. Passed the mat after the U-turn at the top. Tried to get back som speed on the way down. Which is there it was actually good to have 10K- runners… as they were starting to accelerate for their final kilometers. Hang along a few guys, but passed them easily as they apparently were not sprinting yet… Took almost all my gel around km9. It was a little later than I planned, but ok. Arrived the separation between the races, 10K on the left and 21K on the right. Never wanted that badly to turn left… Had questioned several times on the way down why I did not choose the 10km- race. I hate this distance, but at least I would have gotten a good place and would have been able to run a long run tomorrow… Anyway. Turned left, paved streets. Wonderful…not! At least I could see the gals of the halfmarathon now. Three in sight. Nothing easy, but doable. Passing the 10km mat in what… too much time really? 45 minutes or so. Counted quickly how much time I had to make the second half, and still not be passed by the 1:45-group… Finish the gel after the 10k-mat.

Long first stretch on the beach front
Everyone still pursuing a fast pace…

After this first half, we ran in the darkness and very little lights of the streets. Not much people cheering compared to the city centre. Passed a first gal on the way up to…km12? Hoping she would not keep up with me on the way down… I pressed a little there. He he he… 3 guys tried to keep up and couldn’t. Good for my little motivation inside my head. There were two gals I could see now. Passed one before km13, I have little longer steps, so I could get to the U-turn and increasing a little the gap. Counted that she was on my tail, and the other gal was not far away. The one after that I met on my way back. Stopped thinking of them, focused on the chick ahead of me. Little but having a very good and steady step and pace. Too soon to make a move. I kept my eyes on the calve of a guy with white t-shirt in front of me. Same there. Too early for a move. Second gel, al of it.
Passed km15, got to km16 without really noticing it. The head was empty. Or maybe full. The darkness all around was nice and calm. My eyes were just looming at the lights far far away… the beach we were heading towards again… and back to the guys calve. 😛 More lights coming, a little slope killing me, but the gal behind me had caught up with me right before, and I really did not want to let her in front of me now. Took the left side of the slope, steeper, but shorter. Passed her, and after that there was no more attempt drin her. I could hear her breathing getting heavier. Caught up by a group of 5 guys discussing their weekend. Hang along for a little distance, and then hit back to the white tshirt guy and his calve. The distance with the gal before was getting smaller. And then.. from nowhere, a HILL!!!! Ok, probably too short for being called this, but ar this time, it felt like mountain climbing. Surprised myself at getting to the top without slowing down not stopping. Yohoooo! And had to slow down on the way down, for not failing, as it was a bit slippery on the paved streets. Straight ahead now. I knew the km17 was not far. I kept the gal 20m ahead of me. The white t-shirt guy was showing down a bit. Got a large smile from him and some cheering. Hang asking, passed km17. Counting down. Not much left. The end of the beach felt so far away though. Km18-sign… 3km to go. Passed the gal from the left. She could not hear me coming as having music in her ears. Turned very short to the left towards the final long stretch. Listened carefully. Could only hear my own breathing. Did not want to turn back and check where she was. Soon 2km to go. Almost missed the 19km-sign. The police had started to pack some of the bands along the road, but kept cheering when I passed. I got those final kilometers. I pressed a bit. The “tchong” of my fast shoes was still there. Felt like flying. Cannot remember breathing… Passed a guy, got him to start running again. Holà, chica, vamos, vamos… Could only hear the screams from the kind people asking the route. And the elite guys on their way home… stopping to cheer too. Wihoooo…. Felt like on a cloud. The strange circles lights off the pedestrians street just set the mood. Passing km20-sign. Quick pick on my watch, interesting that I had 200m diff with my GPS. Great. Not much. Pressed a bit more. Passed more guys. Reached the point of separation 10K/21K… and took left this time… 375m to go!!! Good to have seen this sign before the race. Run, run, run… A guy caught up with me with 250m to go. Passed me. Seeing the lights of the arrival. The 21km-sign on my left. The dreadful slope to finish this race, I press, I push, I smile, I even find an ounce of strength to get passed the guy and pushing the finish line before him… Yihoooo! I am done!!! Not tired. I want more. Looking at the watch does not surprise me. 1:37:00. All is there. Not much speed. Strength left. Ok…

Alone on the final kilometers…
Flying towards the finish line…

After passing the finish line:
Had to find my mouth-mask. Got my medal. A bit light headed. Spotted a bit. Got my goodie bag. Walk walk walk. Got a yogurt stuff. And that was it. Went to pickup my bag, and returned to the finish line. A few pics with my nice medals. Then I wondered when the podiums would be announced, pretty sure I made one. People continued to finish the race. The podiums started to be announced… The drawback with getting older? Your podium is announced later and later in this process… Eventually the results of the halfmarathon were put in the wall… Yooohooo! First place in my age category. Ok, I would miss my tram home, but better stay to have a nice trophy. After many podiums… it came to our turn. Got up to the highest place, large smile, and that was it.

Got my sweatpants on, warm fleece jacket, and headed to the tram station. Missed one by a few minutes, took the time to get changed a bit to dry clothes and other shoes. The team eventually got there, stopped at very much every single stop until finally reaching mine. Out there it had been raining in Alicante. Got a kebab menu, home, eat, hot shower, movie. Fell asleep and woke up around 1am by the heavy rain outside and the movie ending.

Good Saturday evening in little Manhattan in Spain…

Sevilla 2020 – M-day-1

Early up to get a final easy run. More like flushing the legs really. Got company from Shaun. A bit chilly when leaving the hotel at 7am. Heading to the start, turning back after 13 minutes. Losing a bit out easy back, but eventually got back. Light light stretch. That’s it. No more training now. Everything that could have been done is hopefully done.Got ready for the next adventure. Large breakfast (definitely not alike what I would have in regular day-1 breakfasts..). Meeting our little group and our guide for the morning, Samael. He talks funny, he gets intense on every topic he starts, he gave us anecdote on anecdote… and we are yet to arrive at the royal palace (Alcazar)…The time spent in the Alcazar disappears pretty fast with all those stories Sam tells us. So much history, so many beautiful sights. And the gardens… We eventually end the visit. I have already reached my daily steps volume… Feeling a bit worried for the marathon, I usually never ever walk this much the day before a race… but hey… the adventure continues with a bus tour. The red bus we have is only for us. Feeling really special 🙂 Almost royalties… Lots of photos and filming is done. We get a lovely sunshine and a bit of winds during the tour. Hoping it won’t be this strong tomorrow… It is time to get to the expo. Nice one. Decent size. Lots of people as we arrive around 1pm… Popular time… The pickup of the BIB and goodie bag goes quick. Free time in the expo. I take a nice photo indicating #FastestOnEarth with wings.. Might help tomorrow…We eventually meet important people for the race and the city of Sevilla. More pictures. City sightseeing provide t-shirts and for each one running on Sunday, they pledge 20€ to a charity association.Feels a bit tired now. Breakfast seems far away. And did not think of taking bananas with me. So I sip on my short drink until reaching finally the restaurant. Definitely later than my usual part-time, but once again, this is an adventure…Meeting the City Sightseeing family of runners. A large table await for us under even larger parasol. Because by now, the sun is pretty hot. Plates after plates arrive on the table. And those are appetizers. Feeling that I am eating easy too much, but the food is very good. I’ll probably feel sorry tomorrow, but hey… just enjoying the company too. Finishing the lunch with a plate of paella-like dish with pasta instead of rice. And time to get to the hotel.Antonio from City Sightseeing explains what will happen tomorrow and then we separate. My legs scream a bit. I close my eyes on the bed and wake up 1.5hr later. Better 🙂 Got my race kit ready and walk to the store to get banana and bread for my breakfast. I cannot wait for 6:30am at the hotel breakfast. So I stick to what I know. Meeting Nathan and Laura at the shop and then on the large square in front of the hotel. Starting the a short while, just chatting. 7pm and many people outside. Not that common view at home… Final goodnight and now my time to focus.Final race kit check. Nail painting. Prep for breakfast. Watching French tv to relax. Time to sleep.

No idea what to expect tomorrow. Preparations went well until December. Ok with the catch up getting mid-January, but honestly, the form is far from what I wanted and want it to be… Let’s take this as the adventure that it is. Let’s have this right foot tested and hopefully passing the test successfully. Let’s enjoy the sun and warmth of Spain. Let’s do this!

Sevilla 2020 – M day-2…

Nobody can ever convince me that having an alarm ringing at 3:20am means fun… and still it rang this early today. First night of the week which started before 11pm and did not mean visit to the ER (Tuesday) or the doc (Wednesday) or guys coming to check on the repair on the balcony…no, it meant going up to get ready for taking the cab to the airport…

Backing a bit into time here… After Ironman Hamburg, I wanted (and needed) to have a fast marathon in the legs. A proper one. With good preparations. Started with change of coach for triathlon focus (longing for having my running coach back but 2020 has 2 triathlons planned, hence more specific coach for this discipline). Agreed on one race in September and marathon focus towards Sevilla. Registered to the race before the end of August already.

Fast forward, new way of training, unsure of the quality of my results with this training but confident and truthful in my coach. December got this stupid stress-fracture-like in my right foot, messing up with the whole training. Converting running into indoor cycling in the living room. Back on track in January, but missing the longer runs really. Which in my mind are the key to get those good feelings in marathon.

Fast forward, receiving an email telling I won a contest which meant free entry to Sevilla marathon and the whole trip too… Could not really believe it. Exactly the week I started to look more actively to book my flights and accommodation for the race 🙂 No joke. City Sightseeing marathon challenge got me the best travel preparations as I have after that only focused on training (well… not just training, there is a life as well outside running…). Loooots of running indoors, more than I ever did before. Due to the real rubbish weather (to pick from: rain, cold, frozen asphalt, storm, wind…).

Fast forward, spent the last week trying to avoid people, which did not result work with one day at the office full of meetings, one day at the hospital for E and a few hours at the doc… yeah…life getting kind of in the way…

Too early to take the first tram and bus to the airport, hence the taxi @4:20am. Forgot my bagel at home. Good I took 2 single bags of sport drink and one bag of gummy bears with me… just in case. Meeting a colleague at the gate. We discovered each other a few weeks earlier through job meeting and leading to running talk 🙂 that we would go to the same race and with the same flights… Boarding and meeting the smile from Musse who also runs on Sunday. And Micke Ekvall is in the plane too… Wow! Talk about flying with the stars!

Slept all first flight. Dead tired indeed… Munich airport is joining Frankfurt on the list of the most boring airports in the universe… Toilet stop. Bagel purchase and time for second flight. Don’t dare to eat the stuff there. So preparing the second sport drink bottle and start digging in the gummy bears bag. More sleep soon…

Finally Sevilla, its sun, its nice people, its marathon… Got picked up by Rosanna from City Sightseeing and that’s when the real experience began 🙂 First a few pictures at the airport, then taxi to the hotel with a few detours to show me a bit the city. Free afternoon until the two other winners of the City Sightseeing marathon challenge arrive this evening. Dropped my stuff at the hotel, walked a little around. Quick visit to Decathlon to get some soft pants, then food hunting. About time… Too much to choose at tapas restaurants, so settling for Japanese. Sushi, bao and curry noodles, topped with some Aquarius drink. Maybe on the low side for total energy intake so far, but ok. Sunshine means staying out. A bit of research based in Rosanna’s suggestions and I started to walk towards Torre del Oro. Impossible to miss the green lines on the asphalt. The race vibes have started. Walking over a little tunnel and seeing the green lines are getting into it… Yeah… they said it was a flat route… and this happens around 2.5km after the start… and to be run TWICE as it will also be the for the second loop… Ok. Better knowing it now that discovering it on Sunday… Resting and sunbathing a while closer to Torre del Oro after having admired the building for bull fighting.

Time to get back home. A bit of shopping and then testing those legs. Faking asleep a while. The two British guys arrive with 30 minutes delayed flight. Real nice to meet them: Shaun won on his story and Nathan on his best tune (2:28!!!). Laura and Zoe are also with Nathan for this weekend adventure. Late dinner at a tapas restaurant with Antonio, Lauren and 2 former winners from last year edition.

Now it’s midnight. Really time to sleep!…

Race Report – Ironman Hamburg Marathon – 2019/07/28

Planned: Originally? Sub11. After the debacle from Prague? Sub12 (incl.mara in 3:30)
Actual: 11:23:57 – 9th age group,49th women, 702 (total 2,005 finishers). Weather FINALLY following my taste (ie over 20ºC and sunny…), swim faster than planned, bike definitely faster than expected (and despite the extra 5km on the too-long bike route) and finishing on a 3:30-marathon and not that tired, was the REAL cherry on the cake… Maybe I could have pushed a little more somewhere…like during the run… Maybe there will be more races…
Ironman – full-distance triathlon: swim 3800m, bike 180km, run 42,2km
(Hamburg had a longer bike route…185km…)
Race Results:
place (M/W) 49
place (age) 9
Total 702 (out of 2005 finisher)

Official splits:
Swim: 1:15:17 (1:59min(100m)
T1: 7:44
Bike: 6:20:43 (28.84km/h)
T2: 9:31
Run: 3:30:44
End time: 11:23:57

Point Time Avg pace Place AG Place Gender Place Overall
Swim 01:15:17 1:59min/100m 15 84 887
T1 00:07:44

Bike 06:20:43 28.84km/h 25 128 1500
T2 00:09:31

Run 03:30:44 5:00min/km 1 9 110
Total 11:23:57 9 (43) 49 (248) 702 (2,005)

IM Day-10
TAPERING start!!! FINALLY!!! Final big run done on July 14th, final big swim done on July 16th and final big bike done on July 18th. Body feeling fine. Vacation started on Jul 13th, so full focus on the race really. But this Tapering start with an accident on the bike was NOT in the plan. Pretty shaken to have a bus cutting my line and forcing me to fall in the ditch and close-by field. Good it ended with no problem body-wise, no apparent issue on the bike (extra service still done on July 22) but the head was not really happy about that happening… Coach was good to choose those 10days tapering. New race tyres on the bike. OMG… feeling so ready and still so many days left…

IM Day-8
Start of the day with a brick-workout in order to take it easy rest of the day and celebrate a bit E. Carbs on the menu and Coca cola for drink. I know…

IM Day-6&-5
Finally reaching week 0. Have had a post-it indicating the countdown since week 20… and this was already without counting all the weeks BEFORE… In a marathon week, I would have turn those days into carb-depletion, but unsure really here. Tried to increase intake of protein (no problem…), stable on the fat (ie no change really) and slightly less carbs (booooooring…). Took 2 days before I started to get annoyed with this and skipped it. Bought large bottles of fresh juices (orange, apple, pineapple) and had that during the days. No real happy kids as they saw me drinking this during the day and I kindly asked them NOT to drink of those bottles, just to be sure I was having my “dose” of carbs. (yeaaaah… sure… was the answer I constantly receive from them…). Checking the weather constantly. No… even more often than that. With the latest IM I checked and followed for the past 2 months, the weather had been so crazy! But I rather have the hothothot temperatures from IM Frankfurt or IM Nice rather than the heavy rains and cancelled swim from IM Cork in Ireland. Pleaaaaase! Give me some sun! Discussions on the race Facebook group is most solely around the algues status in the lake Alster. Last year’s swim was cancelled due to the too high level of algues… What algues? Those ones which are poisonous if in too high concentration… Starting to prepare for option like last year duathlon (Run 6km-Bike 178km-Run 42,2km), but with all the hours spent in the pool, I would very much like to have this swim happening…

IM Day -4
Time to pack everything. Good that E suggested to pack the bike yesterday evening as it took literally FOREVER for doing it. Or maybe it was because we started around 10:45pm… Or because we had no idea what to remove and how to place what. All-in-all, went to the pool for extra easy workout and jogged easy back home. Sun shining outside. 34ºC in Hamburg… Weather forecast indicates 28ºC on race day and possible thunderstorms in the afternoon. If someone could place them during the run (“MY” run), that would be good. Don’t want to ride under the rain… Direction the ferry with WAY too many bags and settling in our cabin. We eat our pasta salad, go around the boat and then I settle in the cabin and fall asleep. Good GET can occupy themselves…

IM Day-3
Waking up while arriving in Kiel, Germany. Breakfast on the roof deck (croissant and nutella and orange juice… Dream breakfast…). Finding the train station is a challenge in itself, carrying all the bags another one. G has to carry the transport bag I have borrowed, because it is not stable when rolling it (and probably E and I did not pack it optimally… as both wheels are out and we left the pedals…)… Reaching Hamburg after a quite calm trip, if it wasn’t for the guys who came into the bike wagon with their dogs and I felt crazily ready to leave for not being touched by those beasts… Bus. Hotel. Chat with Mum&Dad to indicate our arrival. Chasing restaurant, ending close to the IM registration area in a food court. Grilled chicken tandoori with lots of rice. THAT is called carbo-loading… Then pick-up of the BIB. Having GET with me is mostly fun for me (I think), but good they see what I usually go through before my races. A bit disappointed to have no number tatoo in my registration bag, but I receive an orange bracelet indicating “I will be become one”. This is showing I am part of Class 2019 and this is my first Ironman. A little time in the merchandise tent, out with 2 caps, fake tatoo and a magnet. And three tired fans… Back to the hotel. Build my bike. Took short time but unsure of some noise it makes and feels a bit unstable. Hoping I did not forgot/lost a little stuff for the steering bars (yeah…I still don’t know the name of ALL the parts of the bike… But I can show and point the finger to where I think something is not working properly…). G is wonderful and take time to re-do stuff I had not noticed. Not understanding really what he does, BUT the noise is gone and the steering is stable. Going for a quick ride to check the gears, the height of the saddle, the brakes… well… everything. Funny enough I reach a long stretch along a park and use it for back and forth riding, testing all the gears. Had chosen to go directly to test the bike, not changing to bike gear… And happy to see that I can ride the bike in regular close with no pain in the bum 🙂 But the sweat!!! As soon as I slow down or stop to check, the sweat is just running on the body. 36ºC out there… and this is end of afternoon and the sun is low… Quick stop at the IM village to see if the Service people can check my bike is built back properly, but they indicate that they close in 30minutes, have still 10 bikes to check and to come back the day after. Sure… when everyone will come… I decide to fully trust G’s adjustment. It is -after all- “only” 185km to ride tomorrow… GET have gone buying groceries during my ride and G prepares wonderful pasta in delicious tomato and meat sauce. They know me well 🙂

IM Day-2
OMG! It starts to feel real. If it had not before… On the bike right after going up, finding the first long stretch of Hamburg marathon and use it for riding back and forth. Nothing like a training session really. Confirming the confidence in the bike, which is always good to have. Back at the hotel. Change to running gears and headed to the start of the race. Nothing much really. Noted at the IM Village that there was already a queue of 5-6 bikes for the Service tent and it was not yet 9:45am… Back home. Breakfast. And then nothing else to do. But waiting. And double-checking AGAIN that I have all my stuff under control. Went to the Race briefing with E. Pretty cool ambiance. We were sitting right in the middle of the large group coming from Israel. Real fun. The briefing was mostly what was written in the Athlete’s guide (which I had read over and over a few times already…), but just for the ambiance it was worth it. And nice to share that with E 🙂 Evening dinner turned into going back to the food court with GET and Mum&Dad. Not changing a well-working food, I chose the grilled tandoori chicken with rice. Had drunk quite a lot of water and juice during the day. Dehydration shall NOT be on the program this weekend! Had in mind to go to the Pasta Party with T, but it was a little bit away and was not fully enthusiastic in eating stuff I was not cooking or fully sure about… Way better to be in good company and safe food 🙂 Showing to the fan-club where the Swim exit will be. It is so covered with rubbish already. Cannot get that we are allowed to swim in this water. Coach has told me “whatever you do, just DO NOT SWALLLOW this water…”. Ended the day with a hot shower…and hitting my fronthead on the towel-holder. Got a little cut, light-headed and definitely not happy. T cleaned the cut, put a little band aid on it and gave it a kiss to solve everything… Well-raised kid, this one 🙂

IM Day-1
Awaken as usual… Out for short&easy leg shaking. Really not necessary for the body, but the head needed it. Long shower after that. Front-head hurting still yesterday. Little scare, but hoping it won’t hurt with the helmet on. Breakfast. And then sent GET with their grand-parents for having time for myself. Being social is far from the top of the priorities during the few days before any race… Prepared my gears, double-checking over and over and even once more. All in the Blue Bike bag, the Red Run bag and what I needed for the Swim and after-race in the White Street bag. Stickers on the bags, helmets, bike. Can’t this day just finish?!?!? Ate on my own a wonderful plate of pasta with tomato sauce and minced meat. Far from as good as G’s but that would do. After that, just drinking sport-drinks, juice and water. And when tired of this, even took 2 gels… Around lunch-time, walking easy to the start in order to see how the test swim in the Alster is going. Forgot my cap and the sun is pretty strong… Reaching the lake and not finding anyone there. What? Is there another lake to swim in? They showed in on the Facebook page… And then after deciding to go back home and rest, I see a little group of swimmers on the extreme end of the lake, close to the little bridge. I need to check them… Some are swimming in wetsuits, other swimskin and pretty sure, some are in regular swimming suits. Yes, in this really disgusting water. But at least, I have seen people swimming in this. Cannot be THAT bad… maybe…
At the return of all the fan-club, time to head to the transition and check-in for bike and bags. E followed me as planned. Had been so much chats for the past days with my coach. Good support. At least for keeping my sanity of mind. Dropped my bike at its place. Wonderful one: right after the mount/dismount line, there are the pro-bikes and RIGHT after, starts the “common mortal” bikes spots… and here was mine!!! 3 spots from the end of the bike rack. Perfect! This meant having a long stretch to run (everyone run anyway the same distance…), BUT I would not need to run with the bike for so far! Met 3 other Swedes around me. Looking at their bike, I knew I would have to work a lot to keep up… at least I would have the run… No tension in the head really. But this feeling that whatever bubble I might have around me is going to explode was for sure VERY real! Noted as well where my red and blue bags are left. Once again, feeling that I got the jackpot for the place of my bags: right at the end of each rack. Meaning I just have 3 bags before mine. Not TOO difficult to remember or find. Going through the transition area one last time. Cannot understand all the fuzz about this, it looks pretty simple: off the swim, run to grab the blue bag, in the change tent, run to the bike, off the bike route, drop the bike, run back to get the red bag, in the change tent and let’s the magic begins… OK. Now if I check this once again, I will become crazy. Finally leaving the Transition area, with my wonderful IM-wrist chip with me. E found me back after spending all my “check-in the bike and checking the transition area” time in the super stores close-by… And yes…it tooks slightly longer than the 10minutes I told him… E puts the wristband on me and smile as it looks like I am a prisoner on probation with this ankle-stuff probably beeping if I go to far… At least I am not alone with this… 😛
Back home. And definitely not social for 2 pennies. Give to E the “plan” for tomorrow with expected time and where they are mostly welcome to be standing and cheering. The fan-club leaves me and get pizzas they eat in the breakfast area of the hotel. I continue to drink my sport drinks…and reading allover again the plan for tomorrow. After painting my nails to suit the rest of my gears, got a final chat with coach. I am ready. Cannot be more ready. Let’s get this done. In bed around 9:30pm… which is of course an illusion as there is no chance for sleeping at this time… At least I try…

Finally!!!! Like this day will never arrive!!!

Before the race
02:30am – Eventually falling asleep after turning in the bed for the 156th time. Have slept a bit (I think?), got awaken, check the clock, double-check the alarm (several times…on both phones…). Going up around 3:40am right before the alarm rings (I know Coach said to go up at 4am, but I need to be sure I am actually awaken…eventually). Directly heading to the fridge and taking half of the 1l M320 mix and a banana. Shower. Feel SO crazy ready….
4:20am – Ready (almost). Waking up E who is coming with me to the start. Racing gears are on (ORCA tri top, 2XU tri shorts, socks & shoes (the latter too will be in the white bag for after). Fixing the hair with two breaded stuff in the back, and anti-chaffing cream where it should not chaff… Can I be more ready? Nope. Not really.
4:35am – Five minutes earlier than the plan 🙂 Checking ONCE more that I have all my bottles for the bike, the tyre change kit (in what E calls “my little rubbish bin for the bike”), the little front bag with all the gels, extra cream…. I need to go. Will get crazy otherwise! Have drunk all my M320, another visit to the loo. Final kisses to sleepy G&T and hop. We leave…
4:45am – OK… I REALLY should know better by know. Leaving at this time of the day with only a tshirt and shorts is NOT the best approach. More laughing at it than focusing on it. Walking a bit and it gets (slightly) warmer. Light chat with E. Good. This takes my head off what is going to happen soon. E knows me well. Just charming and encouraging stuff comes out of his mouth. We are alone in the street until we get closer to the start… THERE are all the people crazy enough to do the same thing as me…. Still no light from the sun yet. Nice in the air. We get to the entrance of the bike, E follows me from the outside. Direction the bike first. Putting all my bottles on the bike, filling the front one. Attaching the little front bag and putting the little rubbish bin on. Get some help from a volunteer who kindly go and ask to some pro-men for borrowing their pump 🙂 What a service!!! Pumping according to Coach’s instructions. He knows best. Putting on the aero-bars my BIB and the belt, then my helmet upside down, then my sunglasses and then on the top, my Salomon 250 with the bike gels. Looking at everyone. No rush. No anxiety. Pretty calm. Is announced that this will be a wetsuit-allowed swim. Yeaaaah! At least I get to use it! But the pro have it without wetsuit. Not that it is a problem for me. 🙂 E is following me down the line of the Transition. Back to my red bag for the run, where I final-check the order of my stuff in it and add the 2 small Salomon 150 on the top. Hoping there will be no leakage… And then the blue bag, where I just double-check. Once again. (Note to myself: if it is not called OCD-like behaviour, I don’t know what it should be called. And it appears that all triathletes most likely are similar on this one. Checking, once more and again, just to be sure, and not forgetting something…). Final kiss given/received through the grind. E will head to the bridge to meet the rest of the fan-club. I am getting into the change tent eventually. Time has flown away really…
06:08am – Have got into my wetsuit. Covered my wrists, ankles, shoulders, neck and probably more with baby-oil, hoping (read: “praying”…) that it will make this wetsuit go away faster. Had tried once with the oil during training and it worked fine. But now it is for real… A kind triathlete helps me close the wetsuit (here go the 15 minutes extra-sweating that I usually have when trying to close the wetsuit on my own…). Heading to the start. Taking a GU-gel (triberry) and Beet-it after leaving the tent. Walking from there. Good to have G’s flip-flop on the feet. Not the only one doing it. LOTS of people on the dock. Cannot find the small trucks to leave my white bag. Starting to hyperventilate a little, then breathing slowly again when I meet a triathlete coming out of the water telling me to go back and throw the bag in the two small trucks I have passed. Heart beating a little faster when going through the crowd. Throwing my white bag. Point of no-return to be found now (aka “the start”). People are still in the water and asked to leave it.
06:25am – Finding my start…kind-of. It indicated “<1:05” and “1:15-1:05”, when it was supposed to be “<1:00” and “1:00-1:10”, “1:10-1:20”… Confused. Not the only one. Getting into the second one. My plan is to get it done under 1:20. And hopefully close to1:15. So should not be too wrong in this second group. Can get straight to the water front. Wow!!!!
06:29am – Announcing the start for the pro men. Have not seen them getting into the water. Was too focused on putting my double cap on the head. Problem is that I am pretty sure my goggles are going to get foggy if not wetting them before.
06:30am – BAM and the start of pro men is given. Magical. Magnificent. This is COMPLETELY different to see it in REAL, than for all the IM races I have followed on tv during the past months!!! And shortly after the pro women start too. I don’t know why I am here. Feeling like “out of the body experience” really. This flow of emotions just growing inside.
06:38am – All starting to do the Island volcano claping. This is huge. Nobody talks to me, but getting a few smiles. Noting now that the women have yellow caps and men blue caps. Good. Easier to keep up. And then there are the gold, silver and bronze caps… more difficult to catch in the water, but at least I see the difference with the regular caps.


06:40am – BAAAAM! The start is finally given to us, age-groupers! Nothing is really happening on my side of the fence…as there are a lot of people on the OTHER side which have to start swimming before they open to us. Quick check at the athletes on the other side of the fence and honestly, some (read: “many”) do NOT belong there. Not.a.chance! If I am a 1:15-20 swimmer, they probably are over 1:45. And should NOT be in this group. Other athletes in my corral notice this too and some (probably the faster ones) are not happy too. Start to argue a bit with the volunteers, but honestly I could not care less. At least I know how to seed myself for the next time… if there is a next time… It gives me time to look at this rolling start. The pros started in the water. We start with a quick-short run into the water, four by four. I can manage it. I think. I hope.
06:45am – OK… the wave of human going into the lake is still on the other side of the fence… and yes, I am checking my watch…again…
06:46am – All gets pretty fast. The fence is pulled to let us move to the start. I get to be in the first ones, but want to see HOW people are doing first… Take a place 2-3 after the one I should have had. And sorry if this created a little stop for the people behind.
06:47am- I am in the starting block. Cannot screw this one. My brain has stopped thinking. Improvise it tells to the body. Relax and …”GO” is the last thing I hear. I see myself running the few steps into the water. See myself dive into the water (!) . See myself starting to move my arms like a freaking wind-mill. And that was the start. Nothing like the start in the two small swim OW races I did last year, with one having start in the water (I incidentally registered as “fast swimmer”… not knowing I would be the slowest of the fast ones…) and the second one with a little start from the beach all at once, but with much less people… and freaking freezing water too. I just swim. I know I have to keep all the buoys on the right. I have to pass one in the “first lake” before reaching the bridge. Had removed the alerts-sound on the watch before the race and that was a mistake. The water is dark like the bottom of the ocean (and probably as dirty). I swim, swim, swim. Passing the first buoy, no idea of the time. This is irrelevant. I must reach the bridge for getting this first 500m. I cannot understand all the people NOT being close to me. Pretty sure I am swimming straight. Coach has told me to be careful NOT to follow people all the time, NOT to trust the buoys (which could be placed a little off), to follow people passing me and let them do the work for me for a while… All this I have listened too. The only catch is that…I have nobody around me. I happily lift the head when getting close to the bridge. Just in my mind I feel my fan-club is there watching. Under the bridge-swimming is an experience. All swimmers are compelled to get closer to each other. But still, no one around or near/close to me really. Warning from Coach was for breatstroker-when-looking-up-for-the-buoy. And indeed, a bit after the bridge, I met one of them. I saw that coming really. He just stopped crawling and BAM! I got his knee way-too-close to my rib cage. Swimming after the bridge was expected to be long-boring. One straight kilometer before the turning buoy. It is just that… I was still pretty alone. I had all the kayaks with the volunteers on my right, but could see lots of people FAR away from me on the left. Had found a good rhythm with breathing every second time. Because the right-side breathing made my eyes straight into the morning sun, and that was far from pleasant. Alternated with 3 and 4th- breathing. Counting the buoys, I started to question my choices and my sanity to be even here. I was pretty sure I had the correct number of buoys to be passed in my head, but when reaching the one I thought to be the turning one, my watch indicated 1200/1300m or kind-of. Not sure. It was NOT indicating the 1500m which were supposed to be the turning buoy… And then… I saw it!!! Could not miss it. The buoys so far were like yellow tubes (and on the way back I could see they would be red tubes). But this one I detected (far far far away…) was like a pyramid. Good, soon time to turn. Goodbye 1:20, but who cares, I’ll catch up on the run, I kept thinking. Got passed by a magnificent swimmer…who nicely kicked me in the face. Not happy really, but at least it stopped my thoughts from “where on earth is this stupid turning buoy” into “OMG! I hope that I will not be bleeding when taking off the goggles and that someone will see it and stop me from continuing the race”… Thoughts were filled with planning “how to hide the potential bleeding” when I eventually reached the pyramid buoy. And yes… this kick although caught me off-guard and I had to drink water against my will… Please please please… No crazy dirty rubbish bacteria now in my tummy… aaaaaaaan YEAAAAAH! One buoy done…. 2300m to go…and the bike…and the run… At least I had gone this far on my own. The straight line to the next turning buoy was with the sun in the face… meaning good for breathing on the side but real rubbish for checking how far was the buoy and whether I was still on the correct course. Once again (as so many time during the swim), I could not understand that I was so alone with what I saw being lots of swimmers quite far from me. Either they were way off-course (which I hoped secretly…), or I was pretty off and alone (which did not make sense as I always swam close to the kayaks…). And the turning buoy number 2 was reach. Quick check at the watch (I know…I know…) indicated it was about 1800/1900m or something. Just have to reach this little bridge back and after that it is “only” 800m-ish to the finish line for the swim. Reaching this bridge took f.o.r.e.v.e.r…. And being alone did not help. Under the bridge. Continued straight forward-like, not understanding (again…) why people where heading towards the side of the lake, when clearly I was in the right course towards the turning buoy. Started to feel a bit tired by then. Even considered a split-second to…breaststroke and check the route ahead of me… When those thoughts come to mind… better not listen to them. Counted down towards the final little bridge. 500m. Nothing. Occupied my head doing the calculation of “how many lengths of a 50m-pool is needed to reach 500m?”… and no… I did not get easily straight to the answer… By the time I reached the little bridge, I just heard the tips from Coach. Keep the legs fresh for the bike, and don’t tire them after that for the run to come. Swimming and breathing every 2. Started to see T on the side of the water. Which was pretty much impossible as they were to be on the bridge in the middle of the lake… meaning 800m-ish from there (and I am taking the short path through the water…they would need to go around the lake…). But yes, here she was. Even with my foggy goggles, I would recognize her in a million! Could hear her too (but this was probably not really true as I usually hear nothing with swimming cap on… Let my mind come up with stuff… that’s ok 🙂 ). And the red carpet to get out of the water. Too fast. Cannot understand I am already out there. Trying to climb the stairs AND finding the zip in my back at the same time. Not working. Stressing a bit. Pressing the watch to the next step…

T1 (Transition #1)
1:15-ish after Swim start – A quick check on the watch tells me…WHAAAT?!? 1:15 on the swim??? and I struggle to get out of this stupid wetsuit. Off with the watch and into the sports-bra. Pulling the right arm from the shoulder, but it just does not go off. Hearing cheering from me. But recognizable voices are here too…and they are not in my head! “You are on time, Kari. Right on schedule. Allez, Allez, Allez”…and here goes Dad on the right side. Wow, wonderful. Coach’s voice in my head telling me to calm down, taking it easy. By the time I reach my blue bag, at least I have succeeded in pulling down the wetsuit to my waist. This required to walk, but at least there was no cursing involved… Just a little disappointed. In the change tent, all goes so fast…and so slow at the same time. Off with the wetsuit. Emptying what I need on the bench. There are lots of place available in the tent. Good! Drying myself a little. Drying the feet. On with the socks. On with the bike tri-shoes. Throwing all my stuff in the bag. Throwing the bag in the fenced area. Starting to run with the bike shoes, focusing on 1)not falling and 2)putting on my bike gloves. The positive with having 500m-ish more to run to reach the bike, is that you are pretty ready when reaching it! Lots of bike still at the racks. Good. I am not the last one. Reaching my bike place. Hearing E cheering on one side. Methodically putting my Salomon 250 in my back pocket of the tri top. On with the sunglasses. On with the helmet. On with the belt with the BIB. Quick hello to Mum & G on the other side of the fence. Off with the bike. Easy run towards the mount/dismount line.
Good! One sport done. Two to go!

XX:XXam – A bit unsure when/where the bike starts really. Just don’t want to mount the bike before the authorized line. Had hoped it was clearly indicated, but honestly cannot remember seeing anything. Just following the flow. And not falling. Pressing anyway the watch to the next leg. Happy to climb on the bike. The head is filled with the noise from the cheering at the mounting area. And then shortly after into a tunnel. Quiet. Nice. Finding my place back and comfortable on the bike. First turning left. Do not fall. Find your legs. Coach’s voice in the head just saying so many things, that I cannot recall what to do really. Only that first 5-10km are to be cool spinning, finding myself on the bike, no pressure. Which is exactly what is happening. Very happy. Not many people. I constantly think about this drafting stuff. Checking that I am not too close to other bikes. But honestly, in some parts, it is just not possible. If I would not just stop and walk… This is what brings us to the first cobblestones area. “Only 100m”, they told us. “Beware of flying bottles and other stuff”, they told us. Indeed, at this first passage around km 3-4, I see the first 2 bottles flying ahead of me. I slow down and definitely do NOT enjoy cycling there. Was expecting cobblestones with stuff in-between, but those are with hole in-between. My concern turns into “please, do not make me have a flat tyre here on this part”. Ending this stupid (and totally unnecessary) part with loads of sport-drink on my lap and on my bike as the front-bottle was completely filled up and the little-tiny hole enabling to skip having bubbles (I think?) just let LOTS of the sport drink jump out. Sticky thighs from this moment onwards. Wonderful feeling…not! I just get into a good flow after that. Hearing the buzz from my watch every 15minutes to remind me to take a zip of water. The plan is to get a bottle (0,5l double-dosed) every hour, one gel coffein at the end of every hour and fruits mentos during the hours #3&4. Extra gels in the little front bag as well as 2 extra pulver bags for mixing an extra bottle which I planned to have during the last hour. Sounded like the best plan ever… if followed… We are riding in the middle of nowhere really. I am alone. Liking it. Seeing riders passing by and disappearing. Cheering for a few I met before. And then…I see it.. THE bridge. The reason I registered in November was the flat and fast run route and the crazy flat bike route…which for the latter was changed in January to include THE bridge. Had since thought this would be my loss on the bike… But once on it, what a bless. Wonderful view. Enjoying fully to see that my watch indicated… what?!?!? 30+km/h?!?!? Cannot be right. Best part of the ride was actually the bridge…which was not THAT high as it appears to be in the footage of the race… Worked a lot to keep the aeroposition. In the downhill from the bridge, it got a bit fast, so back to holding the steering bars instead. Loved it. Did not brake during the downhill (almost). And even enjoyed the speed… Got passed by buys sounding and looking like meteorites. What I learnt early on the course was to recognize the sound before being passed. I was so focused on doing right, riding according to the rules of non-drafting, looking before and after passing bikes… that when I got to hear this very specific noise, I thought a motorcycle was to pass me…but nope. That was the fast guys on fast bikes. Not many gals passing me, which was a good sign. Although you never know how fast you are in this triathlon race until the end, as we have rolling start for the swim…(ie different starting time). Anyway, was not expecting to have way-crazy faster chicks behind me. And if passed by one, then to try to keep here in my sight. That was the plan. Easy. But not to do. The route was quite confusing at parts and despite having studied it quite carefully, I pretty much felt loss after the bridge… Reaching the first 30km in one hour was the best mark ever received. This is NOT my speed. Of course, I can reach this, but for intervals…of 10-15minutes… Not steady for 1hour! Gave a boost to the confidence. First water-station and I grabbed a bottle of water on the fly (Soooooo proud of myself!), throwing water on my thighs and a bit on the bike. Throwing the bottles in the rubbish area and then cleaning my thighs again. Less sticky… All seem like a blur afterwards really. Just riding. Thoughts coming through the mind. Good and bad (or “less good”). Where was this stupid straight line along the water?!? The kilometers-signs felt quite aligned with what my watch indicated. Kind-of. Got to this expected straight-line… and felt the speed going down…the wind paying around… Kept the head cleared from negative thinking, focused on the work to be done…and counted down the kilometers to the turning point… Which in MY head should have arrived WAY sooner. Saw the signs on the side of the rode indicating 140km on my side and slightly after 170km (on the other side of the road when I turned my head back). Meaning I had 30km to cut into to. Meaning the turning point was at 15km from here. Meaning I would reach it at 55km.. right? Or was it 60km? Calculations in the head are NOT the best occupation at this point of the race (if there ever is a good point for doing calculations…). Then remembered…OK…was it 47km done when I reached this turning-right point? And from there it was how long to the 140km-mark? So it should be…47+whatwasit-5kmtothe140km-sign?+15 so I should arrive at the turning point around… wait…was it 5km or 7 to the 140km… and is 30 divided by 2 really equal to 15? and Woooow!… you guy, would be nice if you are just NOT cutting my path like that! Because if I am following those non-drafting rules, this is not the case of everyone. For sure some places are just impossible, but here… Give me a break! Even I can do it!!! You start passing, accelerating, of course when a guy see a chick passing by on the left-side, he tends to accelerate (when the rule is to actually slow down and let the other one pass… I think…), pass the other rider within 25seconds and then go back on the right-side. The passed rider should fall back to get those 12m again. It is never written to actually not cut the lane, but this is what I experience throughout this flat part. SO.ANNOYING!!! And I am a nice gal! So just STOP behaving this way!!! And look!!! The turning point!!! Yeaaaah!!! so nice to have checked a few times this video (stupidly only in German… Thanks for the international athletes coming to the race…) explaining the bike course and recognizing this turning point. Not falling. Focus on not falling. You-stupid-behind-me, don’t dare cutting my space when I aaaaaam tuuuuurning….and hop! The other direction. I have screwed up my drinking plan since a while. First hour did not see the front-bottle emptying itself (apart from the cobblestones part…). And I duly ignore the 15min buzz from my watch. How on earth can I feel in need to pee with so little drinking??!? Did I drink THAT much in the swim-part?!?! Had taken correctly my dose of caffeine gels on the hour. Keeping the aeroposition is killing me. Really. I refuse to pee on myself to win time. Will stop after the turning point. Must be a porta-potty at the water-station I saw on the other direction. Grabbing a bottle of water…on the fly… Yeaaah… I’m cool! Throwing it away after pouring water on my head. And pedaling away… Noticing the porta-potty only AFTER I passed them. Not a chance in a million that I am turning back. You, blaster of mine, will have to hold until… I don’t know… 30km to the next water-station? Be strong. The straight line which was what I thought would be where-to-get-up-in-speed-to-catch-up-what-was-lost-while-climbing-the-bridge, appears to be the total contrary. So much wind. Not CRAZY strong like I had had at home, but from the side and enough to slow me down. Mental deep now. I don’t want to continue. Well…yes I do. But not here. This is boring. Passed by a few people, but not crazy many. I think. The Swedish gal who passed me after the bridge has a long stretch ahead of me. Cannot see any chick on my side of the road. But many on the other directions. No idea how fast they are. But I know I’ll get them on the run. Reaching the cobblestones-*#”%!*** part again. SERIOUSLY?!?!? I feel like a sticky lollypop and probably look like it too 😦 Hoping I won’t have loads of small flies stuck on the body when I reach the run… And here it comes… the 90km-sign… Passing it…and still…not yet at the turning point… WHO ON EARTH DRAW THIS BIKE ROUTE?!?!? Definitely not someone who is ACTUALLY riding a bike!!! You don’t want to see the expected-turning-point distance and still have 2km to go!!!! Reaching the little tunnel, getting up in speed, starting to hear the buzz coming from the light at the end of the tunnel (no…not hallucinating…) and out! Screaming crowd. That’s crazy. Filled with all this I get to THE point of turning. Taking it veeeeeeery carefully on the outside… and then. I hear them. The best-fanclub-in-the-world!!! I even catch a glimpse of them and hear their scream! Smile. Hi with lifting the hand and back to the tunnel. No longer in need to pee. Got a major boost from the crowd and the loved ones. ONE lap done, ONE (#***”!?#*) to go 😛 This part along the water has made my average speed dropping. Booooring… I am still above 28.4km/h… So… calculations are starting again while the legs pedal a bit harder. If I get the same average speed as the first lap on this first 30-40km, I should get above 29km/h by then and close the gap to 30km/h. And all this… is killed by the passage on the cobblestones…AGAIN!!! (positive thought now…3 done, only one to go!). Have been very careful on all passages on the railways. Covered by thin stuff is better than nothing. But really? Could not they have a slightly thicker cover on the railways and a cover at all on the cobblestones?!?!?! Stick thighs and full calculations in the head when reaching the bridge. Second time. Feel even stronger than the first time… Until I hear this buzzzz sound… a bit stronger than for the bikes who had passed me…because this is motorcycle passing us. They stay close to me and the guy ahead of me for a little while. They get a smile from me. And I thought silently “seriously?!?! you stop and look at me and this guy?!? when there are hoards forming after the bridge AND along the straight-line close to the canal?!?! must be joking…”. Keeping quiet. They go away. Passing the guy before the crown of the bridge. Enjoying the downhill, taking it a little more careful this time. I check a little on the watch. Good, the average speed is climbing back. Slowly but surely. Straight, turn, more railways to pass. The scene of riders with crazy fast bikes stopped on the side of the road is no fun to see really. Feeling sad a bit. Reaching water-station. Grab a water bottle. Pour on the legs and head. Throw on the rubbish-fenced area…and screaming a “soooooory” when hearing the volunteer I hit on the head (?) with the bottle. Not my fault he was INSIDE the designated area for throwing the bottles 😦 OK. Re-focus. What was it I was supposed to do during the second lap? Cannot remember. Only the HR-range of first lap, the “do not muscle if getting headwind” and the “light on the gear towards the end”. Did he really say that? OK. Go on the feel. I feel good. All is good. And getting to this right turn on the straight-line… At least I know about it know. Pretty sure, I’m going to nail it. The wind is NOT scarying me. At all. I think. What is it doing? Sidewind?!?! AGAIN?!?!? into my face?!?!. Tired of it. I want sunshine, I want sunshine and more sunshine. NOOOOOOO wind! Is that understood?!?. Deeping again. I am stronger than that, but now loosing focus. Don’t want to be here. Who is actually signing up for those stupid stuffs? OK, I did, but no more. I want to ride long and fast, but Seeing the speedy riders on the other sides. I have done the full first lap without being passed by the pro-men and pro-women. A win in itself. For me. Why is it so windy?!? Standing up to get my bum muscles a little break. And actually riding a bit faster than while sitting. How are they all doing?!?! in aeroposition I am going to just fall with this wind. Let this end!!!! NOW!!! And then THE thought came into my mind “The race is not over until the French lady runs!” Here you are. I came here to run a marathon and not even this stupid wind will stop me from doing it. Repeating this mantra over and over again until the turning point. I will hammer the other direction. This is my new plan. I know it is probably not good for the legs especially for my running plans, but I cannot get this average pace getting lower. Have been passed over and over again (and passed back…) “Jon” from Great- Britain. By now, we almost laugh a bit when one is passing the other. Still under the rules. It just happens that we pass each other. Reaching km160-ish, I throw at him “We really have to stop meeting this way, Jon!” and get a “Right back at you” and a laugh 🙂 The couple (guy and gal) who apparently ride together (yes. They do. Even side by side some times… This.just.P***!) is in front of me. I’ll pass them one last time. I love this final 30km stretch… Because I pass LOTS of people. All those who passed me on the way to turning point, pressing against the wind. They are all just looking so tired… I love my speed. I enjoy. Even when passing the sheeps one last time (OMG…they stinked a lot the first time, but this second lap it smells even worse. I have received a boost somewhere. I remember now that I have not stopped at all for peeing. Should this be done before ending the bike? Deciding not too. Have not felt anything during the full second lap. I see the end is arriving. I know I should not press on the legs that much now. But I want to have a strong finish and no rubbish average pace. Already under 29km/h anyway. Just not letting it go down more. Seeing the signs indicating it is soon finished. All the smiles received during the two laps. The policeman dancing twice when seeing me after the bridge, the volunteers screaming and cheering. The passing-by athletes who sometimes cheered a bit. All that is now pressing on my pedals. I reached the little tunnel. Have been lighting up the pedaling since 5km to the end. That should do. Please legs, be nice with me. Under the bridge and into the tunnel. Cheering is at the end. And then it is light again. All goes SO crazy fast. Where should I go? Where is the dismount line? I complete my dismount as I rehearsed it in my head 100 times at least. Unclip left shoe. Leave right shoe on the bike. Off left shoe. Cross the dismount line. And run like crazy on socks to the bike rack. Next is T2 (Transition #2).

6:20-ish after Bike start – Cannot understand really how fast I got this ride to disappear. Passed halfway in 3hr15, so very much hoping I did at least as good in the second lap. Hanging my bike. This is the only thing I have to do. Noting that I have a full ,75l bottle remaining untouched on the bike. I have eaten all the fruit mentos during the last 3 hours, but the drinking has apparently been on the lower range. Hope it won’t be a problem on the run… Running to the portapootty. Finally!!!! Take a while with all the drinking… (and still one bottle short!). But eventually out and starts to run towards the red bags. The gal in front of me and I are stopped by 2 volunteers. The gal is running with both shoes in her hand and I have one. They oblige us to put on the shoes on the spot after stupidly arguing. (I should have continued and risk a penalty of 30sec instead… because running with bike shoes is nothing fun nor easy, but running with only one is not to be recommended…). Taking my red bag. No lady around my number has been there yet. Yes! To the change tent. Calming down. Off with the bike shoe (the only one I have). Off with the socks as I have felt something I fear to be a blister under a big toe during the second lap of the bike. Drying the feet and quick check indicate that nope. All good! Fresh socks anyway. Running shoes on. Tri top off. Too warm already. Sun cream on my shoulders, which I thought were starting to burn during the bike. Drying the tummy from the after-sweat. On with running glasses. In with the gels on side pocket of tri shorts. Put all the stuff in the bag. Keep my two Salomon 150 in my hands. Throw the red bag in the fenced area. And starts running….and running…where does the run start? Pressing my lap-button on the watch when reaching an arch which I hope (!) is the beginning of the marathon.
Two done. The best to go!

XX:XXam – OK…Slow down. They scream. You run. Get into the pace. Ease into it. Coach’s voice screaming kindly in my head. Not daring to check the pace on my watch. I know this. I know I am way faster than I should. And I promised to take it easy-crazy-easy at the start. Reaching the gravel and little bridge for km1 and the beep on the watch indicate that I am actually on quite good course for the km-signs. In the little tunnel. Daring a quick check on the watch and indeed… 4:45-pace by km2 is NOT the plan… Should be more 5:30. Slowing down crazily. My legs are flying. Why can’t they be just left alone.? Smiles all around. And here I see them E&G screaming on the side of the road. Exactly where I told them (km2-ish/km7-ish). LOOOOOOVING it. Pace going up accordingly. Surprised we are not running along the lake (ie closer to the lake), but it is actually better under the trees. Protecting quite well from the sun. Passing people. Enjoying the smile. I run good. I look good. I can go on forever at this pace! Hearing a bike passing us and asking to keep on the right. This must indicate a first pro is arriving. A scooter with a camera on the back is passing us. Quick smile to the guy filming and he starts filming me back with a smile 🙂 Then SHE arrives. The first pro female. I decide to just hang along. She probably has 3 laps in the legs already, but her pace is what I need. And I get free prime-tv-time at the same time. So crazy cool to just follow her. To here the comments of the crowd when we pass them. She is soaking wet. I am not. Yet. Passing km4 and soon the turning point. I let her a little ahead. She should be in the tv-coverage. I hang along. And then turning right again towards km5. New water-station which I choose to pass under showers. Niiiice! And new U-turn (lap #1! 3 to go!) and down again. 25Minutes-on the buzzing watch. Taking a first glups from the gels in my hand. I love this way of carrying them. The plan is simple: 1 gel every 25min. 1 caffeine gel at halfway and 1 at km36-ish. For sure it would be more handy to run empty handed, but I like my High5-gels and really hate the Enervit they are serving on the course… km7 is passed. More singing. Turning right and lovely G&E are here. G gets two wet sponges. Up to the next left turn. Passing km8 and people are passed. Some do not look good. I check the gals I pass and see how many bracelets they have. Apparently the green one is the first one to be received. Unsure where though. Back to the little tunnel and right after the stupid steep uphill onto the bridge. Right and straight line towards the turning point… where the best surprise is waiting for me. I hear Dad but cannot see him, see Mum and T right at the turning. I lift the arms to get fully the cheering from the crowd, smile, turn and see Dad filming and telling me I look good and I am a bit ahead of the time I said, but that is ok. Looooooving it! Straight under the Red-bull arch (which was a bit disappointing as they gave nothing during this first lap. No water, no red bull. And only little cheering). Straight, turn left. This part I know. Downhill towards the dock where the swim start was given and the marathon started. Abrupt turn right to get up a bit towards more showers, water, sponge, abrupt turn left, short stretch, abrupt turn left, a guy screaming that first lap gets a GREEN wristband. Running towards the volunteers holding them. YES! One lap done (almost). Right turn, straight, right turn in the expensive street with well-know-too-expensive brands stores, and the final left turn towards…the finish line… The catch? This is only lap#1… Hearing that the first pro woman has arrived under 9hours. I enjoyed fully. Turn left. Stupid cobblestones (will have 3 laps to think about “why on earth did they remove the covering on those cobblestones, when they were covered after the swim exit…”). Focusing on not falling at the final right turn, not hurting my ankles. I love this. Lap#1 completed. Not tired. Sunday run. 3 to go. Same procedure for this second lap. Have passed the first 10km @4:57-pace I think. So…the plan is to get faster on lap 2 and 3 and keep it up for the final lap. I know this. And this pace is nothing to kill those legs of mine. Confidence-boost. I.KNOW.THIS! Passing km1 a second time. The sign indicating km32 is receiving from me a “See you in 2 laps” (Yes… talking to signs… They usually don’t answer back…). Continue on those flying legs. Holding back a bit to keep slightly under 5min/km as average. There is a slight difference (200m) between the km-signs and my watch. So I have to recalculate a bit each time. New cheering boost from G&E. Straight under the trees. Series of high-five on the way. Guys accelerate a bit when I pass, but few can hang along. It feels like I am in a different race. People are walking. Stopping. I am here. Running. Smiling. Almost indecently happy. Turning towards the km4 again and back. Passing under the showers of the next water-station. I am soaking wet anyway… Energy intake continues as planned. A clock would have not done better! Sponges at the water station are a real blessing. I would have added a few more showers in-between… Dropping my first little Salomon to G at km7-ish turn. Don’t feel the light uphill, seeing the sign km38. Soon, I think, soon… Passing again more people, looking worse and worse. Reaching the little tunnel, the little steep up is taken with slightly less light legs, but still strong. I know I will get smiles after that. Reaching the turning point on the bridge, I do a looooong round the block high-five, starting with T and Mum… the rest of the people is just handing their hand too. And finally Dad. Yihooo! Red Bull arch. Turning right and down again. Shadow, increasing a bit the pace. Quick check at the watch. Wow…. 4:56-pace. Good, Woman! Go for it! Turning to the 10km-mark again. Complaining a bit to the gal close to the showers as they are shut down. Grabbing water cups and throwing them on me. No drinking. This has been this way since the start: quick under the showers, grabbing 2 water cups thrown on the body and head, sponge on the face and back and hop! Left turn and “Second lap gets the YELLOW wristband”… DONE! 2 laps completed (almost), halfway almost reached… Back to the expensive street. A gal is talking in French to he (boy)friend and I tell her I can take him with me and we will cheer for each other. They both seem happy to this thought. Passing the finish line on the right for the second time… Cobblestones again… and the arch. The French guy tells me I look too good to be starting the 3rd lap. He is in his 2nd. I smile, pass the water-station and just continue. Taking the caffeine gel lemon at halfway. Don’t know if it gives any boost really, but this is energy. I am steady. I look good. I have fun. Bring it on! The high-five of this 3rd lap to G is with the largest smile in the world. Getting to next km where I hear a guy screaming “This is so f*cking fast! You look so freaking good! Go go go!”. A bit of thought to Coach at this moment. I refuse to have my last lap hurting so f****g much as he told me it will. I.KNOW.THIS.STUFF! Nothing in comparison to standalone marathon. Indeed. I am not accelerating. I am in a freaking easy-peasy zone. High on a cloud with the cheering, the probably too much carbs in the bloood and the fan-club on site. Passing under the water-station at this third lap and km5-ish is not a good idea. Have to stop as there is a queue there… Pace dropping here. But Coach told me “you will walk at water-stations. Be prepared for that” (yeaaaah… sure… were my thought then. Because unless I don’t feel good, I don’t “walk” at water-stations). Good I heard it before… Down again. 2 wristbands on my arm. I want this to go faster now. But I said I will not go faster. I keep this pace. I take ice cubes. Drop them in G’s hand in this third lap. Back to the little tunnel under the bridge. This third passage up to the bridge is done walking. Thinking of Stockholm marathon and this little uphill to the main bridge. Which is done twice. Here we have a shorter part but just steep. And the more I pass it, the steeper it becomes. Yes, I am sure that the inclination is increasing after my passage….Just to screw up with my pace…). Looking forward to the smiles of my fan-club. I don’t care about the cheering from others any longer. I want to hear my name from voices I know. New passage under Red Bull arch. I start to hate this arch. It is in the shadow. People are cheering, but I cannot focus. I want this to end. Pace-wise I am good. So good. The legs are happy. Still happy. How come? Go away, thoughts which are not coming for cheering. Straight line along the lake, right turn to the 10K-mark. I really HATE this gal at the showers. She is just STANDING there. Smiling. I want to shower!!! Start them already! Water. Sponge. Left turn once and twice. “Third lap get a BLUE wristband!”. Yes… ooooor…. would they notice if I run around and get my red band right away? I really want this to end. I know it is going to be pain soon. Rich street, here I come. I pretty much hate you by now, you know that? Left-turn towards the finish-line. THIS lifts my spirit. I here the words “YOU.ARE.AN.IRONMAN” and then I get stupid cobblestones….AGAIN! Still I smile out and in as I am telling them silently that this is the LAST time EVER I see them. Duh!!! The arch. And then I flip out. I see the water-station. The shower. And. I.just.STOP.under the second shower. I just want to stay there. Feels so nice. Can’t we say I am done? WAKE UP! Final lap. You can do this. There is no pain in the body really. A bit less fresh legs, but hey! I am no wonderwoman. I am not even an Ironman… Less people on the stretch to km1… Hating people for a short while. Have to run up on pavement to pass slower people. I hate them too. Seeing the sign km32 under the bridge gives me smile and I curse after calculating how long it is still left to run. Less people on the side means less cheering. They have only ONE thing to do today and they cannot do it properly?!?!? Staying for hours and cheering… Cannot be THAT hard, right? And then comes the best cheering ever. High-fives from E&G, they runs little and telling me they won’t be there on my way back because they rush to the finish-line. OK. I know I told them to do that. But really?!?! This is the most difficult lap. I need their smiles! I would happily take their legs too, but I guess this is forbidden by the race rules… The mantra from the bike is coming back: “The race is not over until the French lady runs!” Gives a little boost. People has seen me passing 3 times already and apparently I still look good and still run freaking fast….. I smile… I want to tell them that I am not “still running freaking fast”, this is all people around who are now walking who make me looking fast. For the “looking good”, I take it without commenting. The turning point of km4 is a killer. I HATE the quote they have here. Have read it three times already and now I just HATE it. What does it mean anyway “Finish line is under construction”. Or whatever they had there. Get a PROPER quote-writer next time. No. Wait. I won’t be there next time. I just HATE this turn. And then down and right again towards km5. This water-station gets all my annoying comments too (in my head. I am too tired to say anything else than “thanks”). No shower. Throwing water on me. I think that by now I must have increased the weight of my clothing by 47kg, which is the reason why this stupid pace is now down to 5min/km. I hate those showers. I run downhill. I know I still smile. No pain. I am just bored. WHY DID I AGREE TO RUN THIS SLOW AT THE START?!?!? I would be finished by now. Seeing on my watch that the average pace has passed over 5min-tempo, I don’t like it. I think quick that I can increase right at the down and stretch towards the bridge and then after the Red-Bull arch, that should bring back to a sub5-pace. But on the other side, fearing a bit that this increase would make the body scream tomorrow. Would it be worth it? I am not winning anyway… Reaching km38. DONE! 4Km to go. Getting up this stupid bridge is a killer. I walk. I want someone to push me. Heeeeelp! Cheering squads here are brilliant. Really helpful and I take a calm breather and turn right. I know I will not get my dose of fan-club cheering now as they probably left for the finish-line. Like apparently everybody else!!! This turning point is empty and silent. Disappointed. Tired. Passing the Red Bull arch. I even take a red bull mug… to rinse the mouth. I know better. Less than 2km to go. Piece.of.cake! Increase the steps. Pass people. Smile. Abrupt turn to this stupid km10 mark. Don’t look at the gal close to the shower. Take a sponge. Turn left and once more. “Final lap is RED. Go go go”. Best cheering ever by the Red team (the other were probably as good, but at this particular moment, I need very little and specific cheering to get going…). Right turn. Straight. Expensive street which I hate by now and this final left turn. I can see the finish line. I hear the crowd. I cannot believe it. Is it really the finish-line? I get to the red carpet. I hear the speaker saying “KariNa. YOU.ARE.AN.IRONMAN”. I want to turn back and correct him! Please!!! CAN’T YOU LEARN HOW TO READ?!?!?! And then smoke in the face. Cannot see anything. Only this black arch… And the guy in front of me stopping straight under. Have to step aside for not hitting him. Done. Finish. Finito. Fini.

Official time received later: 11:23:57…
After the finish line
Not even looking at my watch. This is the same as when crossing the finish line of Hamburg marathon. Have stopped the watch. I walk. I cry. I get my medal. A guy comes to me and talk. He is kind but I really want to cry all the tears of my body right now. Why isn’t it hurting? I should have pain somewhere correct? Did I forget to take it somewhere? People are lying down on the carpet looking in very bad shape. I am just here with my face full of tears. Getting a bottle of water and a volunteer accompanies me to the store for engraving my medal. Seeing E&G on the side. They will take care of me. This is THEN I hear my time. And I start crying like crazy. G takes me in his arms. E is saying kind words. Just finished. Why isn’t it hurting more?. After short while, start to walk. Seeing Mum, Dad and T and start to cry again in T’s arms. OK, get a grip, Woman! We walk to the medal engraving with G&E. Short queue but ok. A few pics and then the fan-club go back to the hotel and G & I go to the Athletes’ village. He cannot enter, so I promise to be quick. Getting my white bag. Taking a final photo. Shower very appreciated (with only 3 noticeable chaffing spots). And then direction massage. No queue, so I wait and start to text Coach. When everything starts to turn all around me and I have to sit on the asphalt. The masseur closest to the door takes me into the tent and lay me down on a table. 4 salted stick later, it’s my turn for massage. Wonderful. But once again… shouldn’t it hurt somewhere? The shoulders are tired probably from the long ride, but don’t hurt. The Achille’s are all fine. The tummy is ok. Where should it feel exactly? Out of the tent. Grab some food. Ask G to come and help me. Eat a little. And then heading to the Transition area to pickup bike and bags. G is authorized to follow as I am unsure I can walk with all that and not faint… Long walk to the bike (250m…), then back to the bags red and blue. Final check-out that the number on my wristband is the same as the bike, and the two bags. Letting a volunteer taking off the ankle band with the chip. Dropping the chip. Off the Transition area.
Back to the hotel and direction restaurant. Longing for a large piece of meat with lots of french fries and a large Coke. When it arrives, I eat, but would probably have been sufficient with a GU gel too 😛 I am tired. I am happy. I have done it. I have the best fan-club in the Universe. I want to go home.
I am an Ironman.
Swim: 17.8°C, sunny, Feels like 17.8°C, 15kph NE wind, 88% humidity.
Bike: 21.1ºC, sunny, feels like 21.1ºC, 15kph ENE wind, 78% humidity
Run: 28.9ºC, sunny, feels like 28.9ºC, 19kph E wind, 43% humidity
The wind definitely was there all the time. During the swim, could feel it actually on the way back. Don’t know if it helped me that much, but better this direction! For the bike, the temps raised from 21 to 28ºC really. Sunny all the time, but the wind, I doubt it was that little on the course. This must be only around the start/arrival area for the bike. For the run, the first two laps were under 28ºC when I reach the “expensive street” area. The last two laps were with temperatures indicated around 29-30ºC.
> before: 2*M320 and one banana around 4:00am
> right after (Athletes village): Half-banana+pretzels+2 glass of Coke.
> few hours after: Entrecote, french fries, large Coke
> During:
– SWIM: (right before dropping the bag) 1 GU gel Tri berries + 1 Beet-it
– BIKE: 0,75l+2*0,5l High5 sport drink Red berried (double dose 4 scoops), 5 gels High5 w/coffein (4 lemon+1 orange) in Salomon 250 taken every hour on the hour, 1 GU gel Naturally Nude (15 min-ish before the transition), 2 lengths Mentos fruits (taken from hour2 to hour 5).
– RUN: 6 High5 aqua gels lemon (in 2 Salomon 150), 1 High5 aquagel caffeine 30 lemon @halfway, 1 High5 aquagel caffein 100 tropic @km36-ish. Water a bit.

(Swim) ORCA tri singlet, 2XU tri shorts, ORCA Alpha wetsuit, double cap, orange goggles
(Bike) ORCA tri singlet, 2XU tri shorts, SHIMANO bike tri shoes, blue gloves, E’s helmet, blue socks
(Run) CASALL sports-bra Glaring Metallic 2 (XS), 2XU tri shorts, looooooovely shoes, white socks
=> Perfect outfit? Yap! Could not have planned better. Exactly what suited the race and the weather. Happy to have trained a few times at home in those gears and this weather. Giving me a lovely sun-rays tan on the back 🙂
Would have been good to have an extra tshirt long sleeves to get to the start. Had a short sleeves, but felt a bit chilly. To be kept in mind for next time… Hold on. Next time???
=> Smart NOT to get the wetsuit at the hotel. Would have been WAY too warm and not practical to do every last-minute stuff with a wet suit on. Most athletes were waiting to last-minute to get into the wetsuit. To keep in mind that the decision for wetsuit allowed or not is given ONE hour before start. The water had been on the limit of non-wetsuit allowed for age-grouper, but it was at the end of the days preceeding the race. In the morning, it was warm enough for not allowing it for pros, but ok for us rest of the crowd…

13/ Wow… This is not easy to set an effort level for this race. DEFINITELY not as high as a standalone marathon. The swim was so low effort, it should be punished by the law… or that actually I press myself a bit more next time really… (hold on… next time?!?!?). For the bike, the effort level was steady ok. Not a chance I reached an average of 13 throughout the ride. IF I would have pressed to keep up the speed during the windy part, yes, the effort would have been higher. But by not doing it, it remained quite low. Sorry. Must be pressing more next time… (What do you mean by “next time”?!?!?). The run?!? well, I had set 3:30 and I did 3:30. The 3 first lap were definitely a good 10-11. Increase at the end on the final lap was not on the effort. Mentally tough, but physically there were no sign of pain really. So… yes… A good 13 for the run (with a little up and mostly under…). THERE… exactly THERE… there is potential for improvement for next time…. (Have to stop writing “next time”….really…)


SUMMARY: Oooook. The expectations on this one were not really easy to set. A nice friend told me a while ago that I had potential for sub12, so everything above was not in the plan. After checking the results of previous years on different races, the level on swim, bike, run at registration in November and a lot of thoughts, was set a challenging sub11 as THE plan. Knowing that Marrakech marathon in January and Prague marathon in May had to be turned into B-races. Prior to Prag, the objective was still sub11, but with the setback in Prag and weeks of rehab afterwards, it turned into sub12 would be good enough (not settling on the run however. 3:30, that’s it). New coach for triathlon focus since end of May changed a bit the perspective and way of organizing the training. Definitely improved the bike part and lifted up the “run off the bike” part. Stronger swimmer indeed, but still disappointed to be THAT slow on 3,8km as I am on 1K… I enjoyed the process itself of training, understanding better how the body works, how to recover, what doing what session… Enjoyed the race fully, even though talking to myself got a whole new dimensions when it is done during over 11hours 🙂 For sure, a bit “disappointed” not to have gotten a faster marathon, as there were definitely strengths enough for a few minutes faster. But being unsure of the potential cost after-race, I rather took the safer side.
Top 10 for a first Ironman with 3 months of proper and structured training. Not too bad after all. The weather was the best I have had in a race for the past…2 years??? So thanks for the sun and heat. Loving it!
There will be more races…

(Loads of thanks for the support and cheering during my preparations. Keeping this race “hidden” for some, in order to avoid any stupid pressure, having the secret open for others who know how to cheer me up…. Not easy to manage. Mental preparations have been tough with troubling new organization environment at work for past half-year, as well as starting something larger than what I knew so far in terms of racing. Getting all this done would have not been possible without the understanding of a lot of people close to me. Tapering was exactly what should have been done, final 3 months were still tough as starting with a low-functioning body after Prague. Strong motivation-to-myself, small words from others now and then…questioning why on earth I am doing this… you name it! The weather was exactly what I have been looking for in the past races (instead of the near-freezing temps in Toronto and close to cold in Marrakech and Prague…). Yes. Nothing given really for one attempting to become an Ironman, training accordingly and still having a full-tim work… Perfect timing with tapering during “vacations”.

Huge thanks for the athletes who passed me, cheered along the course, the crowd screaming, smiling, high-fiving (is that even a word?), handing water… This was a real crazy experience. Those finish-lines… Addiction to finish-lines? Check!

Having a coach is a personal choice. Finding one who understand me, by not letting my running on the side to spend all the training time on the bike and in the pool… that was not an easy task. For sure a bit of adaptations has been needed, but getting this support has been definitely one of the greatest parts of this adventure. Great thanks to S2 on this!

Not to forget THE fan-club. The French one covering all those kilometers, for seeing me passing-by only shortly but a few times during half a day… My Small Ones who constantly show in their own way support and love. Those High-fives and smiles are priceless… Understanding? A bit tougher to get (especially when training sessions mean going up and riding the bike in the living room for hours while they sleep or getting out there under the rain to toughen up or spending long time at the pool…), but it is there. Would be difficult to do all this without them in mind. Unconditional love… That’s what this is 🙂

And a very special thanks to this Ironman, who I learned to know during the episode of NY marathon 2012… where we met and were not allowed to run our race due to the storm on NY, when we talked very much about everything and more specifically about Ironman. Who very subtly put this little seed of idea in my mind to one day complete an Ironman. And who now and then since 2012 has been kindly pushing, reminding, suggesting about the long-distance triathlon… You know who you are, PE 🙂

A well-completed race in Hamburg…


A few “after-race thoughts”

NOTE: Body check? Same as after Hamburg marathon… Did I really run a marathon? After riding 185km? And swimming 3.8km? Not really. The body does have of course those tears and wears all over, but honestly, going to the Award banquet the day after felt like the race had not taken place yet. Except that I was very hungry… Definitely in need for good night’s sleep. Happy that the left quad did not complain nor created problem after the debacle of Prague. So happy body = Happy Kari 🙂

NOTE: Warmup? Coach said not to warmup. You have the whole swim to do that. Indeed, with the outside temperature and the water temperature on the race day, did not feel that I needed it, nor that I missed it. Felt (as I joked about a lot…) that I did a loooooong 7hours warmup before starting the marathon…
NOTE: The transitions? Let see… Impossible to get off a wetsuit, running with bike shoes, stopping at the loo for peeing like crazy, running with only one bike shoe… Definitely potential for improvement!!! Cannot understand the wetsuit does not go off faster. Have to train on this. The running with bike shoes is a plague really. Either have to get along with this OR train how to start riding the bike with the shoes attach on it. Pause at T2 was a better choice than stopping during the bike. But unsure how I could be that needy when I clearly drunk too little during the bike… And the running with one shoe… Next time, I’ll hide the unclip shoe on the bike and run with a bottle in my hand… They cannot force me to “wear” a bottle, right?…

NOTE: Energy/refueling during the race? Well-rehearsed during long rides until I found the proper way. Loving it. Just not understanding how come that I missed a full bottle of sport-drink. Because energy-wise, it felt all good. And hydration-wise, it was ok too (otherwise I would not have this marathon after the bike if dehydrated from start… THAT good I cannot be…). For the run, it works perfectly with the two small soft bottles. Way better than having so many gels stuck all over the gears. A bit annoying to have in the hands of course, but could hide one in the sports bra without chaffing (yeaaah!).
Tested several brands during training. Umara was the chosen one during the winter months and long rides. Loved to double the doses to get extra carbs without needing to drink double the liquid. Stomach worked fine too. The gels however were a bit sticky and I turned to High5, because price-wise it worked as well and I had tested it before too. Very handy with the aqua gel. Added to that the GU gels, taken without water. All worked well. Had too little M320 at home for a full race, so chose to use it only for last bottle on IM Day-1 and breakfast IM Day. Worked as a charm. But this stickiness when the sport-drink jumped out of the bottle on the bike…. 😦 Have found a good plan and if I cut the bike by an hour, there should not be any problem with “missing a bottle”… 😉
Had extra sport-drink powder in the little bag of the bike. Not used. Unnecessary I think. But it felt safe to have them as I did not want to use the Enervit on the course (problem during London marathon and never tested since… Taste beurk…).
Mentos during the bike will probably make nutrition experts scream, but it work perfectly. Once again, duly tested during training. Loving it. Probably take 3 bars next time…. (what next time?!??!)

NOTE: Beetroot loading? Took one small bottle/evening 2 days prior to the race. Then one before the swim and one during the bike (after second hour). Worked fine. No idea if this enhance something, but it did not kill my stomach.

NOTE: Ironman Hamburg is hereby including the hottest marathon I have ever run 😛 (as well as being the second slowest ever… since my first one in 2011… Potential is there…)

NOTE: setting the watch alarm to 1:00pm? NO IDEA WHY!!! When the watch rang, I had absolutely no idea what reference this gave me. I should have indeed counted forward from the start of the swim and understand I was on-track or not. But for next time, I’ll try to have a proper “reference time” which actually means something…

NOTE: Post-marathon recovery on-going and working well. Trip back home on Monday after the race. Heavy rains during the whole trip, 12hours sleep on the ferry and lots of laundry to do when reaching final destination. Trip by ferry was thought to be practical, but it was not fully really. Had to pack the bike in a transport bag, obliging to separate parts on the side and I really hate doing this as it may change how the bike is when you build it back. The train back from Hamburg had problem and we had to travel via Lübeck and extra time instead of direct to Kiel. Would have been cooler and easier with a car. Transport bag is a must-buy item if I ever travel again with the bike… A few more days vacations. And that was it. Ironman Hamburg adventures are officially completed…. Body feels fine one week later… Looking at bikes and new races…

Looking forward to new adventures… soon…

Bild uppladdad av Karibou

Ironman Hamburg: ‘nough said…

Grandiose! I am now an Ironman!!!!

11hours 23 minutes and 57 seconds.
After 3800m swim (1:15), 185km bike (6:20) and 42.2km run (3:30).
Temperatures: 18°C at the swim start, 21°C at the bike start and 29°C at the run start…

Happy to get faster than planned on the swim, fastest EVER on such long distance on the bike and definitely proud to get the best marathon time of my age group, 9th best time gender and 110th overall… (even though it was the second slowest marathon I’ve ever run…).

Need some sleep. Need to get back home. Need to write down all what happened today.


Registration: November 28, 2018.
Race: July 28, 2019.

Since December:
– Hours trained: soooo many…. have lost the count after reaching 300+…
– Liters of sport-drink drank: close to fill in a little pond (without the ducks)
– Liters of sweat out of the body: mostly during last months and now last days in Hamburg…
– Number of washing machines: wow…. pretty much every day???
– Number of doubts “whyonearthamIdoingthis”: not THAT many… but a few…
– Number of km in the pool: definitely more than even when I was competing in swimming…
– Number of km/hours on the bike: enough to allow me nowadays to even ride the bike without a bike or tri shirt and not having this butt pain typical from cycling 😀
– Number of km run: not enough for my taste, but hopefully enough for doing the job I want my legs to deliver.
– Number of bumps on the road (not counting the real ones of the actual real roads…): stepback from Prag, a few pains here and there and during final 1.5 week, accident with a bus and 2 days before the race, bump the front head into a towel-holder in the bathroom giving a nice little cut. Light sensitivity in left foot part few days before the race too.

Time to get this done…

(Can be followed live on IM Hamburg website or fb. #727…A favourite plane in the Boeing-family… Cannot go wrong really… 🙂 apart from… the swim in disgusting water, the T1 feared a bit, the bike and its cobblestones, its bridge, the wind…to be done twice (adding to 183km and not really the 180km I signed for…), the T2, the sun,… Let’s see how this goes… )

Bild uppladdad av Karibou

Race Report – Göteborg Marathon – 2017/10/14

VSM marathon 20171014

VSM Marathon 2017/10/14

Planned: training-race. Easy long run. Go for the medal and no bother on the time.

Actual: 3:14:22 – 4th women, 2nd age category in Swedish Championships Masters Marathon (silver medal), 1st or 2nd in District Championships (unsure – tbc). Quite ok for the place and nailing the podium. But time-wise… no comment…

Two-loops route, used usually for training. Windy, not very much but enough to be annoying throughout. Went for the place, definitely not for the time. OK ending 😛

Race Results:
place (M/W) 4
place (age) 2 (Silver medal 🙂 )

Total 49 all runners

Age/grade: 73.84% (2017 Hamburg 74.08 / Tokyo 78.07 / 2016 Amsterdam 79.9 / Ferrara 78.2 / Dubai 73.83 / 2015 NYC 75.93 / 2015 WMAC 74,99 / 2014 Chicago 75.97 / Stockholm 76.76 / Rotterdam 78.43 / Dubai 77.74 / 2013 Berlin 75.74/Stockholm:73.1/Boston:72.19/Dubai: 72.35/2012 Berlin:68.29/SF:65.66/London:66.47/Dubai:66.6)
time total (gun) 03:14:22

time total (brutto) 03:14:22

average pace: 4:36min/km… distance-pace…no comment!

Garmin non-official splits:

Split Time Time
Pace (min/km) km/h
5 km





10 km




Still ok

15 km





20 km





Half (21.1km)


25 km




What is happening?

30 km




Euuuuhhh…distance workout?

35 km




Morning run pace…

40 km











M Day-8-to-5

Trip to Bucharest. The marathon planned for October 8 was postponed one week later due to another event this same weekend. Could unfortunately not change travel plan for the race. Hence getting there, training 2 days under heavy rain, no visit, alone, bad sleep and then back home on the Monday. Finally marathon-week…

M Day -4

Last session. Rehearsal with race outfit for 5K at expected marathon-pace and 3*4min slightly faster. The marathon pace part went fine but heavy at the end. Did not really want to push much, trained on the race route to get even more miles there. The minutes-intervals went… ok. Too fast pace for the first one, but with a comfortable effort, MP for the second one (including a hill up), and slightly above MP-effort for the last one. Nothing boosting the confidence. But settling in the objective being “make it to the podium and don’t bother the time”. As Micke said “if the elites can jog during championships, why can’t we amateurs do the same?” 🙂 Rehearsal outfit definitely convinced me to skip the singlet and go for as little clothes as possible. The wind might be an issue, but once again, there had been enough training in windy conditions to feel enough-prepared. Run done in the evening after work… The choice was easy: waking up at 5-ish and seeing a “2ºC” on the weather-channel made me keep the head on the pillow and move the workout to the evening. Better weather conditions in the evening, but felt tired after workday… Cannot have it all! Massage in the evening after completing the workout. Evening with friend. Relaxed but feeling a bit sluggish with this no-carb day. What should one do really to get herself in the mood for running???…

M Day-3

Way-too-early up this day… Felt that I had barely slept (which I probably did). Drag myself out despite the drizzle and light cold, as this was the only chance I had during the day to get this workout done. Yeaaaahhh… I know… Marathon week… one workout less is always better than one too many…. But for sure this morning felt like a bad option. Have never had before the thought of “why on earth am I doing out there when I could still be in my bed”… Well, ok. Had probably this thought before, but not that hard feeling of “this is actually a bad choice to be out there”. Felt fine after a hot shower though. Long day at work. And tired in the evening…. Positive of the day? CARBOLOADING started!!! F.i.n.a.l.l.y!!!

M Day-2

Rest day… Nothing really fun, but after the too-early start the day before, a sleep-in until 6:30am, felt like luxury! Working as usual. Meetings back-to-back were probably not the smartest for race preparation, but once again, with the objective for this race that felt almost “ok” with lack of preparation. This is as well what happens when running on home routes. The excitement related to the race never reach the level of a race somewhere requiring travel… Ate a 2 portions-spaghetti bolognese at home, drank 2 bottles of sport-drink… Felt so high on sugar during all day that headaches came to visit about half way through the afternoon… Wonderful preparation… The heavy rains of the night and day as well as the storm-like winds of this day made me questioned (once…) why on earth I had signed up for this particular race… Nothing as stubborn as a long-distance runner…

M Day-1

Definitely feeling the need to run when waking up on this Friday. Too early still, windy only, jumped into shorts and tshirt and took an easy and short leg shaking. Felt good enough. Would have gladly run longer and faster, but that was not the day. Work all day and then the evening came. Carbo-loading working well (maybe still too high on sugar…). Prepared my bottles for the race, with flags and nice cheering words on them. Sport-drink chosen was the Maurten, which I have tested during summer. Felt fine and was thinking, why not? Had planned last food intake around 2-3pm, but finally took a bagel later in the evening. Felt far from “I am going to race tomorrow”, but would do the best of the situation…

M DAY!!!!

At last!!!! Race days have this little something special, which has to be experienced to understand…

Before the race

07:00am – Awaken since a while, but decided to remain in bed as long as possible. Up for breakfast (chia seeds, green mix, Gatorade (2dl) and Maurten sport drink, orange juice, a bagel with honey). And back to bed…

7:30am – Drinking every 30minutes as it should be. Heading to the shower for the longest and warmest shower ever taken before a marathon. Stop the drinking @8:30am. Testing this bladder again… Felt as ready as one can be. Body cream, fixing the hair, warming gel on the legs and anti-chaffing cream on the top (thighs, under HR band, lower back and armpit). Racing gear on (ADIDAS Shorts Response black, Casall sports bra MIK, ADIDAS MIK singlet (to be removed in case it would be too warm), black arm sleeves, Compressport calve sleeves and ADIDAS Adizero Adios Boost Purple (Swifty)). Sunglasses on the top of the head before leaving. The skies were looking grey-ish and not really fun, felt windy but at least it was not a combo of heavy rain-stormy wind-and-cold temperatures… Mp3 ready with Icarus song added the day before… Just in case… 2 gels in my back pocket just in case the bottles would not work.
Finished to fill-in my race bottles, throw a bit of everything in my sport bag, long easy pants and MIK jacket on before leaving. Now it was time. Felt more like a Sunday run out there…

Bottles VSM 20171014

8:48am – Cannot wait any longer. Closing the door and heading towards the tram. Still thinking that taking the tram is the laziest thing to do today, as getting to the start would probably take 15minutes with real easy jogging… Anyway…

9:15am – Getting to Friidrottens Hus to pickup my BIB. As this is the Swedish championships masters for marathon, the ones participating to it will also have an age-tag in the back. Smiling when the gal giving me my BIB is also taking a K35-tag 😛 Nope. Liiiittle older this time 🙂 Meeting with Stefan vdB, getting a pen to write my name on the BIB. Chat with Anette K who ran in Wroclaw (where I could not 😦 ) but today is not feeling on the top of her form. Dropping my bottles. Very professional arranged! A box for each water station. My bottles are nicely marked already and get a little place in each box. Heading to the locker rooms. Can borrow a lock and hop! I can leave my stuff inside instead of outside 🙂 Not fully feeling that a race is going to be started soon. But ok. Visit to the loo. Then more anti-chaffing cream. Anette sets my age-tag on the back of my sports bra. And I am ready. And there is still so much time to wait…

10:15am – Off with the easy pants and jacket. Keeping my MIK tshirt and out for an attempt to warmup. Meeting right away Mikael from Lerum and plan to just follow him and his expected MP 4:20/30. Then I see the best-and-only Robban. 🙂 Enough time for a hug and then getting my music in the ears and of course it starts… raining… Yeaaaah… Not much, light drizzle, but enough. 2Km jog on the race route and that’s enough. Back to the locker room. Getting to the loo one more time… trying to set my head into race-mode. Meeting Karin S, who plans to cruise to the finish line at 4:20-pace, which is as well suiting me well.

10:45am – Out again. Meeting MIK-Gunnar and taking off my MIK tshirt so he was kind enough to keep it during the race. Trying to find the other K40-gal who I need to keep an eye on. Nowhere to be found 😦

10:51am – In the corral… No gal in the front though… Only tall and fast guys. Fun to be there anyway 🙂 Meeting Staffan S, who looks good to go!

10:57am – Checking once again my shoe laces. Noticing a gal on my left and here she is 🙂

10:58am-ish – Ooooook! Now we should really start to run… Because I am soooo ready… Or not at all… a bit unsure actually… Hearing a final “good luck” from Staffan. Got a smile from Tricky on his way into the corral a little behind…. When are they going to drop this ribbon in front of us?!?!?…


First half

11:00am – BAAAAM! Cannot really get that this is a real start. Feeling my legs moving, my feet starting to get to a running rhythm, seeing the fastandcrazy guys moving forward. The start is in the stadium, and we have 300m-ish on the track before we leave the arena. The K40-gal is right behind me at the exit. Hearing a cheering on my name right after leaving. And the focus is just falling into the full body. The music set to “May-2012” should bring me to km28-29, before I need more music-kicks 🙂 Gravel, not liking it, then light up on the asphalt and then down. And we are already on the cycle path. Wet there. Light wind, but there are people around me, so it is ok. Passing the first km in 4:07. All fine. Does not feel fast, had drunk a couple of glups from my Gatorade red and dropped the bottle halfway. So it feels nice to run. Getting up the little slope and then it feels like a Sunday run. With way more people than usual. Had been passed by Karin S right after km1 and by Martina H (K40-gal). But does not matter. There are 42.2km on this race and now I know that everything can happened during this time on the road, especially during the second half and final 10km… Passed by Mikael T and it looks good, but a bit fast for me. So I keep my own pace. By mid-way to the first water-station, seeing the best smile in the world from Gabriel 🙂 Not really possible to talk at this moment, but we promise each other to meet at the end of the race for catching up 🙂 Cool! Best way to meet people I know is to get into a race!!! Have no clue about my pace, quick check when grabbing my first bottle @km4 indicate 4:13, which is what I wanted. Especially because soon after is coming the dreadful slope of Järnbrottsmotet (Yeas, I hate it during training and even more now I am running it during a race….). Taking it slower than I should on the way up, but once again, the objective of the day is not to let gals passing me and make it to the podium. Kept my bottle in the hand until I get to km5-ish. It felt that drinking at km4 would be too early in the race. This also meant I would run a km with a slope up, with my bottle in the hand. Concessions have to be made sometimes… Having had Johanna J from Solvikingarna right before me since the km2 stretch onwards, and I know she can beat me on the half marathon. Not much but enough. So I decided to keep close to her as much as I can and as long as I can. Getting the next km under the feet feels nothing like being in a race. Feeling focused, thanks to the gal ahead of me, but I know I could run faster, but I just don’t do it. Why?!?!? Passing my “8km-mark-from-home” which is “5.5ish km for the race”. I just know this road so well. And here I see coach Ulf F, smiling and cheering on the side 🙂 I am alone at this time, Johanna J has drifted a bit further, but I feel fine. Music in the ears, cheering from the volunteers on the side waving and telling me I am fourth women. Yiiiihoooo! And it just continue. Running this Sunday-long-run on a Saturday with hundreds of other crazy runners. The weather is nice, if it wasn’t for the wind. Passing Askimsbadet and getting to the km-stretch where the wind is always so vicious. Thinking of last week run, when I trained there and saw Sara H and Yannick T. Feeling fine. Reaching km8 and swearing a bit as my “km8-bottle” is laying down on the table. Tricky to pick it, throwing the flag and running along. More cheering and smiling at the water-station helpers. Getting to the annoying wind-sensitive-along-the-sear part. This one is short (400m?) but can be SOOOOO scary when the wind is over 30km/h from the sea… which is not the case today though. A car is passing by my side and its stupid driver is actually…accelerating! On this route where people are running obviously! A very nice guy cheering on the side gets very angry at him and shout to slow down. So he gets a smile from me and a big thanks! This drinking in little bottles is not working well. Not the sport-drink itself, but those small bottles have only a regular cork, which means that I cannot open, drink and leave it opened without getting sport-drink on my hands… Sticky hands since km5-ish and it just gets worse now. Run run run… feels like bla bla bla… Still seeing Johanna not too far… had had another gal in red-ish singlet close-by but after passing me she stopped to take off here extra long sleeves… What was it I say?…. So many found it strange (read “probably crazy”?) when I got to the starting line in sports bra and shorts, but at least I knew how it would be during the race. Around km9, got passed by a gal in blue singlet. No age-tag in the back. Meaning she is not in the Swedish championships. But this also means I am dropping from my 4th place 😦 And soon after, the red-ish singlet gal is passing me. Looking good, until I spot her “K40” on the back…. Noooooo! Not another one! Still on the way to the turning point, so the placing ain’t to be deemed to remain as it is… Seeing the first crazyfast marathoners coming from the other direction. Good. This means not too long before the turn. Meeting Henrik S-MIK from our club relay-team. I thought I would meet him later, which means I am a bit slower than I thought I would be. Still no idea of the pace. I am running comfortably and yes, probably too comfortably…. Seeing Marina H, cheering for her, seeing Karin S, getting a smile. And soon it is the turning point. Confirming that I am at the 6th place total and 3rd for my age category in the Championships. No gal close to me though after the turning. Good 😛 One stretch done, 3 to go! OMG, what I don’t like to run on this stretch. I would rather run a long 21km-stretch along the sea-side and then turn back. Like during training. I feel that I’m gonna die of boredom by running 4 times this same stretch… Running back “home” is just going fine. Slower, but ok. I am alone. No one really to hang with. Had quickly dropped my hands into a water puddle around km11-ish. Was so annoyed with my sticky hands… Meeting Tricky not far from me after the turning point. And then seeing Lars and Björn Suneson. Reaching my 13km-bottle and at the same time seeing the bike preceding the crazyfast half-marathon runners…. Well, the first one was just crazy fast. Stormy-Olle. Wow!… So my plan to ensure that I would reach halfway of my race before the fast halfmarathoners are reaching me felt a bit tougher than thought. For sure they started 30 minutes after us, but still… Seeing Sweco Loco runner and then Christopher-MIK. Searching for Patrik B, but not seeing him in the crazyfast batch and definitely not expecting him in the fast batch. Stopping to look after a while. Just smiling along. Giving a few cheers. Seeing the crazy fast Annelie J surrounded by guys. Not far behind Anna H-MIK… OK. Focus on your race now. More cheering from the volunteers. Drifting a bit and the pace I reached feels almost embarrassing for a race… Trying to get a bit up the speed on the way down. Had been drinking @km15, and indeed I confirm to myself that running with a bottle in the hand is NOT something I like and definitely NOT something I am good at. But I have fun in the running down after km15…. before reaching the little tunnel and the slope towards Järnbrottsmotet. I decided to actually take 5 walking steps and then run. This allows me to catch up with the runners who did run all the way up. From now on, the race-feeling is almost gone. Down the slope and getting my km18-bottle. A bit of a kick when drinking it. I really HATE this stretch of 3km forward: it goes slightly up and I never can get up to speed during training. Well… that is not fully true. I CAN get up to speed, but the feeling is almost always that I am slow like a snail….or an elephant with three legs…or a combo of both… And it does not miss this time neither. Remember last year race when I was there and just cheering. Thanking very much all the people who are on the side and cheering. Have now caught up with Johanna J and I am pretty determined to pass the half-way right before here. Question of (stupid) principle. She is running well, but can see that her steps are a bit slower. Still looking comfortable though. Passing her before km20 and the downhill. When I have the feeling that I am pressing a bit more. Probably I am not even accelerating, but at least the head is in a good place and the mood is fine. I can see the stadium. I just wish it would be for the last time today. Down the slope, up the little one. Meeting the fast marathoners has been for a short while already. Too warm with my arm sleeves, I have taken them off and on the way up the slope I see Stefan vdB and throw them to him. He will put them on the table he said. Martina H is met when my watch indicate 1:31:xx… and I am still outside the stadium…, Karin S, seeing a smiling Gabriel and that is all I needed. Accelerating on the gravel, passing the grinds, hearing the cheering Robban who receives a waving from me and final 100m stretch…. Yiiiihoooo! No idea what snail-pace I have but at least I am 5th on the half-way line! Two stretches done, two to go!

Second half

Grabbing my 21.1km-bottle, tearing off the gel from it and getting myself ready. Hearing Robban’s voice at the end of the stadium aaaaaand I’m on my own again. In with the gel…. Yummy! Water to top it. Throwing the bottle before heading down to the little slope. OMG this feels good! I am running like a lazy snail on a Sunday outing and still feeling fine! Wonderful smile and hands clapping on the way down and then the little up. Passing km22, and the slope up and I feel wonderful. 🙂 Seeing Gabriel coming from the other direction… The brain is so crazy slow to note this and thinks that I have reached the turning point… ALREADY?!?!? Lovely smile I receive and a “too much wind, I stop”-like. Try to get him to follow me, as at the pace I am having, it won’t hurt him a bit 😛 But he answers he will head back to the stadium…. Feeling a bit sad for not seeing him later on on the route, but there are more km to cover. Focus again. Wind is there. From km23 I just cheer on each and every runner who is coming from the other direction… Tell me about this focus again??? I take time to read (almost) all the names on the BIBs, if too tricky they get a “come on guys” or “Go girls”. And just for the smiles they gave back, I think it is worth ruining my pace and my final time for this race. As long as I don’t fall from the podium… Getting to km25 and my bottle. Taking it right away. I can feel that the gel has been giving some extra energy. Loooooooving it…. and here comes the slope of Järnbrottsmotet again… I take two walking steps. OMG I am SOOOOO LAZY! And alone… And down the slope and I continue my cheering. It might look like I am doing a separate race. Really. And towards the long stretch to km27-28-29… Why am I just running on my own?!?!? There I recognize the runner ahead. Mikael T. Looking like there is a bit of trouble in the running kingdom… Trying to have him to follow. Getting a smile back, but it looks very much in pain. But still fighting. So I continue on my own. Right after Askimsbadet and the “km14-mark-in-the-other-direction” here he comes!!! The fastest guy on the marathon race. Look actually crazy fast to me and he does not even looking like he is running a marathon, but a 5km tempo. REALLY cool! Almost as cool as meeting the winner @km30 of Rotterdam when he was passing his km40 🙂 Back to my race. Long stretch with the side wind from the sea. Had been cheering on IronMan-Mattias since km27.5. Being right before and hoping he will get before me for helping a bit at some points. Reaching the water-station km29…and MISSING MY BOTTLE!!!! So I actually stop and take a few steps back. Ironman-Mattias is passing me. OMG I am not happy with this. Throwing the little flag and waiting to have reached km30 before drinking. Gel and water. But the euphoria from passing the mid-point has passed now. I want it to stop. I want a gel. Another one. Something to sharpen my focus. Increase my motivation towards faster pace. I want to get a push from someone. I see a guy with a green singlet and I remember he was following pretty close the gal in blue singlet during the second stretch. OK. Let’s get close to him. Let’s pass him. And…. aaaaahhhh! I don’t like this… He is actually slightly accelerating after I passed him and putting himself so extremely close behind me, feels like I can hear his breathing despite my music in the ears. I tell him to pass me, but he says he is fine there. Yeaaaaah! For you! Not for me!!! So I try to run a bit in zigzag, trying to accelerate a little. I don’t want to slow down as I can feel that I must have reached a distance-pace already… Seeing the two first ladies in the other direction. Trying to calculate the number of minutes ahead they have, but my brain feels like mashed potatoes and calculation are NOT working in this head of mine. I push a little more. I see the turning point. Jon-MIK is here and has finished his stretch for the relay and cheers loudly 🙂 I want it to be finished there. WHY didn’t I register for the relay-team? For stretch 1, 2, 3 and 4? Only a long and stupid 10.6km left… Seeing Mikael T after the turning point. And he has been moving along. Yeaaaaah! Meeting Tricky who kindly throwing me a “looking still strong!”. And then Lars and Björn and plenty of other who have been cheered after I left the stadium. Just loving the gals showing “thumbs up” or “go girl, you rock”. Adoring the guys smiling larger than life and all this is just making me not running faster but making me happier. I am at the fourth place I think. I have seen the two first and then the blue singlet Therese. But could not see the red singlet K40-chick. Knowing I haven’t passed her, this means that either I missed her before the turning point or she has dropped off the race. FOOOOOOOOCUS! I want to stop. I am not tired, but soooooo bored to run here… Getting to km34 and almost last bottle. Cannot feel that I need MORE energy, but different energy. Gosh I haaaaaate this stretch. I hated it the first time and I hate it DOUBLE this second time… Even though it means I am closed to the end. Passing Askimsbadet and from there it takes a LOOOOOOT to get me keeping a tempo which is NOT a slow-comfortable-distance pace. Have stopped looking at my watch since a while. Have no reference for my possible finish time. Looking behind me: no chick. Looking before me: no chick. So that is pretty simple choice: just move this left foot in front of this right foot and get to the end. No chick will pass you during those last 5km. Reaching the stupid Järbrottsmotet slope, I decide I am in training and walk up a short bit. Then run up and then walk and run up. This allows me to actually pass a couple of guys. And then down and then to the final water-station. Km38 and my final bottle. Had taken out my liquid gel from my back pocket. There, it has been feeling a bit scratchy since a while and I really don’t want to think about the reason for this scratching feeling… Running with the gel in one hand. Water on the hair. Had listened to Icarus since right after the turning point… Cutting these final 10.6km into buckets of 8+minutes. It does not work well as I have no idea how fast/slow I run. But this gives a boost every time I start the music again. Taking the gel. Feeling a bit of a boost, but nothing compared to my red gel. Missing it today. There is not much left. Passing a guy from Lerum. Cheering. Another guy with a black singlet. Cheering. When there are 3km left or so, I am dead bored. This is not a race. I am actually alone here and I can see two guys a bit ahead and 2 a bit behind. WHERE ARE ALL THE OTHERS?!?!? So I walk. For 20m or so… and then press the pace for a while until almost the end of the km. And then walking again for 10m or so and then pressing again the pace… OMG… I feel like I am running a bad intervals-workout… And indeed a guys passing me, looking pretty tired asks what I am doing, that I cannot run intervals at the end of a marathon and looking still fit. Reaching the final 1.5km. I see the stadium. Seeing the first gal in the stadium. Getting some cheering from here 🙂 And I accelerate in the downhill. And then this stupid little up… AGAIN… Walking a few steps… Cheering from the volunteer in the corner. Passing the guy in blue singlet, headwind there and yes I still hate it. But now it is the end. Down and gravel and in the stadium. Finally. Less than 100m. Indecently accelerating. Hearing my name. Seeing the poor time I will record on this finish line. Doesn’t matter. Time was not the point today. But it is still always is a little, right?. Finish line. And that’s it. Finished.

Official time received later: 3:14.22…


After the finish line

Walking a bit. Receiving my medal. Seeing Staffan S and getting a sweaty hug. Walking a bit around. Disappointed for the time, even though it was not the aim for today. This could have been run outside a race on a Sunday morning. Drinking some sport-drink (beurk!) and coke (yummy). Not able to eat on the food proposed unfortunately (butter, cinnamon… nothing for me). And that’s it. Walking a bit around. Getting my stuff in the locker-room, and outside again. Congratulating Tricky and then Mikael T. Should I even wait for the podium? After this rubbish run/time? Meeting with the MIK-relay guys, who won their category without too many effort. While waiting, getting off my race outfit and seeing a very bad burn mark on the left hip, from the chaffing of the gels I had in the back pocket… Wonderful… I definitely won’t take a shower here at the stadium and will wait for home. Getting into dry clothes and other shoes. After a while it is time for podium. Getting a nice 2nd place and silver. Waiting more to see the podium with the guys relay. And then time to get back home.

Rubbish race-time. Just have to get over with it. At least the body is aching like after a long run. And hopefully it will be well tomorrow… Walking the 3km back home. Cleaning carefully the burn marks on the hip, the lower back and due to the HR band and then rest with legs up for a while. Walk in the afternoon and “celebrating” with a burger and fries. Looking at my medal back at home… OK, I’m happy 🙂 Good to have done this race before the undetermined rest starting on Monday. No more race planned for 2017… but a good 2018-race plan under discussion 😛


Weather: 12.2°C, cloudy, Feels like 12.2°C, 21 kph W wind, 100% humidity. Probably good temperature for running, but this wind… this wind…

> before: chia porridge with green mix and gatorade, orange juice , bagel with honey, Maurten sportdrink (5dl?) (7:am) Little bottle of red juice 2 hours before

> right after: 2 glass of sportdrink + 2 glasses of coke.

> 3.5 hours after: burger, French fries, Coke.

> During: gatorade red right after start, Maurten sport drink 160 @km5-15-25, 320 @km10-35, Aptonia gel (salted butter/caramel) @km29. Powergel apple @km21.1. Coffeine Powergel at km39. Sportenine @start & hour 1 & 2.

Gear: ADIDAS Shorts Response black, Casall sports bra MIK, ADIDAS MIK singlet (to be removed in case it would be too warm), black arm sleeves, Compressport calve sleeves and ADIDAS Adizero Adios Boost Purple (Swifty). Sunglasses. Shoes very good for the job.
> extra clothes dropped before start: MIK tshirt

=> Perfect outfit? Absolutely! Had decided that only snow or real cold temperatures would make me run in singlet. The wind was not cold to make the stomach hurt, which was good. The shorts were working fine, but…OMG! Why on Earth is that inside pocket not working for having a gel and not creating chaffing?!?! This is not the first time I have those shorts and not the first time I have gels there. And this HR-band… what is WRONG with it?!?! Probably to skip the HR-band for the next race or have another one. For the gels… still searching…

15/ A pity I did not press a little more. Was in better shape than before Hamburg (I think), but this wind… Had a similar boring-slow pace as in Hamburg, but during the last 10K this just went from bad to worse… Not because it was painful or I was tired, but pure boredom and impossible to re-focus into a “race mode”. But that’s ok. I was expecting this would happen on this particular race and route…


SUMMARY: Once again, the results got well-aligned with the expectations. Nothing more really. Just getting out there and running. Weather was as expected as well (windy) and the route… well… the same as during training… So the conclusions are very simple: Yes it is possible to run a Sunday long run on a Saturday and as long as a marathon, and still feeling fine the day after. Yes it was quite disappointing to get this rubbish time even though it was in the plan. Yes I am not fully happy. Yes it should have been on the highest place of the podium with not much more effort. Let’s close this 2017-season with still a nice ranking on the Swedish level and age category. Forced rest for a while to solve some physical issues and then get ready for the next season. Worse case scenario…there will still be some running possible 🙂

There is alway more races… Italy and France should be kind to me next year, right? 🙂

LOTS of thanks for the support and cheering during the preparation. Especially as the running had been non-existent during summer months due to knee problem and therefore had to cancel the participation to two main races I had in plan after summer. If the wind would have been a bit more clement today, that would have helped… or not.

Huge thanks for all the runners who cheered along the course or smiled or just clapped their hands. This is SO giving extra strengths and happiness. Cannot be explained. Have to be experienced 🙂

Lots of loving thanks to my little ones, not so little, who still considered that being on the second place of the podium after a “Sunday run-paced race” was not too bad. Being silver medalist in the Swedish Championships masters was a great achievement in their eyes (and mine 🙂 ).


A few “after-race thoughts”

NOTE: Body check? A bit stiff at the end and while waiting for the medal. But I would count this as normal: had to wait, did not get back home before way later than planned and seriously… I should have eaten a banana or two after the race probably… The body felt well throughout the run, which made me happy. The stupid problem with the left knee in July was totally nonexistent. The gigantic blisters which came with the new insoles were no longer in the way a week or two before the race, which was good. Hips felt ok. Knees felt ok. Apart from the chaffing burns, all good!

NOTE: Warmup? As usual… nothing to be done really before such a race. It was nice to be able to run a 2km right before, but unsure whether it made a difference or not. Should have done some strides a bit after. But once again… warmup before a marathon?… There are about 21km at the beginning of the race to get warmed up enough… lol

NOTE: Energy/refueling during the race? As usual, it was very nice to have one’s own bottles along the route. Chose to try Maurten and I guess it can be a good option… if it wasn’t for the small bottles used today which were handy during training but not at all during the race. Sticky hands were annoying. Throughout. Gels taken were all fine and work well. The small messages on each bottle did the tricky, also it worked a bit better in Hamburg where I read all of them. This time, I read only half and did not really bother the others… A bit tricky though to have the water-stations placed every 4km-ish and not every 5km…

NOTE: Beetroot loading? Not done this time. No need for a training-race really.

NOTE: then…gels in the back pocket of the shorts? Had 2 there and seriously, I was a bit concerned before starting, but had tested it during training and never had a problem. Major burn after the race. Hence, will not have gels there next time!

NOTE: …and no gel in sport bra in the front/back? Yihoooo! Skipping the chaffing issue this time! At this place at least…

NOTE: Gothenburg marathon is hereby the most boring route marathon I have ever run 😛 VERY well-arranged event. It is just the route that I really don’t like.

NOTE: Post-marathon recovery on-going and working well. Sunday off with a long walk. Monday travel for surgery. Full easy-recovery planned for the rest of the week at least. With no training at all. Will see how this works…

Looking forward to new adventures …soon…


Race Report – Alingsåsloppet 2017/06/11


Top3 – Happy and not tired 🙂

Planned: a bit unsure actually, mostly because of the heavy rain indicated in the weather forecast as well as the rolling hills of the second half…

Actual: 42:51 – 2nd place (women). Place from start to end 🙂


Good night’s sleep. Alarm ringing around 8:30am, which I totally ignored. Took all the time needed to wake up, prepare a bit my gear and bag for the race and change for leg shaking. All fine. Ready around 10:30am. Easy choice: whit MIK singlet (in case it would be cold…), SOC sport bra MIK and SOC shorts thunder. Boston boost on the feet. Better grip than the Adios I feel. Then a bit of steadying at home.

11:30am – headed to the train station and got off at Alingsås. Colleague Lotta was very kind and picked me up under drizzling skies 1h15 later and drove me to the tent distributing the BIB.

1:00pm – Had found the locker rooms, got to the loo, and lay down on a bench for approximately 40minutes. Not too good choice as my back was hurting very much after that. Took probably 5-6 minutes before it got kind-of better.

2:05pm – Warm-up time. Looked at the arrival of the kids’ 2km race and dropped my bag in the information tent. Kept my rain jacket and pants for running the final 5km of the race. Quite ok…for 500m! Thereafter it was running in the forest, rolling hills, wet, then wind, and more forest… OMG! That was worse than expected… and the expectations were not very high… Anyway. Had taken a gel during the last km of the warmup. Felt ok. Met with David G-MIK when dropping my rain outfit. He is heading for the 5K. Unfortunately for me as it would have been nice to follow a bit… if only I could at his pace!

2:50pm – Final stop at the loo and easy run to the start. Placed myself right in the front. Only two gals around as I could see. My prognosis was that the one in black/red would win and the other one would get second. So I just (!) had to hand along for the third place.

1 minute to start… Felt like forever. Saw the largest smile from Lotta and her girls on the side. Always good with this silent cheering before a race. Prepared my music. All ready.

10 seconds to start… Left my sunglasses to the guy holding the start gun. It had started to rain a little…


3:00pm – BAM! Start was on! No “release the beasts”-feeling. Despite of the little narrow few meters for the start, it went smoothly. Light drizzle still. After 100m or so, the larger road allowed to have us spreading around. Got passed by the black/red singlet lady. Just have to hang along I thought. Passing the first km in 3:56. That was ok. Did have that in mind and then the nice feeling was gone. The gal had gone ahead with a group of guys and this pace I was not ready to follow. The problem was that no one was having the pace I had… Running under the trees on gravel and then continuing on wet cobblestones…not my favorites… but I knew that was arriving. So that was ok. Had a “deja-vu” feeling from Kungsbackamilen, where 4 years ago the race was as well in the middle of a city, wet with the rain, cobblestones and little me without anyone holding the same pace (is there a problem with me or with all the other runners??!? I wonder…). A bit of turning right, right, left right? Or something like that. Passing km2 and that was not looking good. Could not see the first gal. Had an average pace above 4 and honestly was counting down the km without much happiness (Strange, because I love counting down in a marathon from 42, 41, 40…to go…). Go passed by a couple of guys during those 3 first km, but after that it was quite stable. Had set my mp3 from the start but missed the button and the first song started a bit after 500m or so… Lost my spots which were “finish the first km before the end of the first song, get to km5 at the end of song number 3…” Tried to set the music better from km4, but it felt a bit odd. Anyway. Just too slow was the thought running along. Did not really feel like pressing more. Seeing ahead of me runners…running…on.a.bridge?!?!? Ayyyyy! I missed this one. Dropped a bit the snail-pace I had while climbing the bridge, but got a nice flow on the downhill…especially as I notice it was where the road was joining the second loop and meaning I had 700m to km5…Yooohooo! OK, did not feel THAT “Yooohooo”, but felt nice. Not much of an acceleration getting and passing km5. Beeping from the watch indicated 20:55. 1 minute slower than I had planned. Meaning I was definitely not making this up during the second half. Nice smiles from Lotta and the girls and cheering from people around. Did something I really do NOT do in race… I looked behind me to see whether some gals was close-by. Noted one a bit behind, 100m? 60? no idea… because I heard the voice of Johan P saying “ a runner who turns back and check is a scared runner”… Sharpening was needed!!! Passing the firefighters again but this time we turned left along the forest towards the km6. OMG, it felt like crazy climbing. Had they increased the inclination since I ran this part earlier?!?! Reaching a little bridge-like part… I WALKED!!! Counted 10 seconds, turned once more. No gal. WHY ON EARTH was I walking?!? Tried to get back to the back of the guy with the orange tshirt. Passing km6 and did not want to know the pace I got for this one. Running in the forest was wet, clumpsy and definitely far from a race-pace. Turning right with the cheering of people on the side and finally back on the asphalt. Yeaaaaahhhhaaaa! Reaching the second water station (had totally ignored the first one at km2.5 or alike). Got two small water paper cup. One went on the head and the second one I tried to drink from, without much success. Could not care less. Counted down that 3km to go @5km/min meant 15 more minutes of rubbish running. OMG! What I really not like this wind. And that I am totally alone running. Passed two guys. And then tried to hang along a white tshirt guy. Passing km8 little above 34 minutes. Tried to press a bit the white tshirt guy. Cheered a bit saying it was looking good. Got a “same to you” a bit tired. Passed him in the downhill under the little bridge and then he passed me in the stretch towards km9. Wind. Again. Of course. Tried to set myself right behind him, but honestly it did not help an inch. Apart from me feeling I was running slower. So the final 200m before km9 we were running side by side again. Final right turn into the woods. 1Km to go. Piece of whatever cake it maybe. Downhill. Feeling like running in the mud. Slippery. Seeing the mark on the right which I calculated during warmup that it was 800m to go. Told that to the guy but he drifted a bit behind me. Seeing the asphalt again. The 5K-runners coming from the right and joining the 10K (ie “us”) coming from the left. What a feeling to get shy cheering from the kids running. ALL the way to the end. Cheered on the left, cheered on the right. Accelerated all I could. The white tshirt guy came back to my side, passing the previous “5km”-sign. But that was not it. More strengths in those stupid legs of mine. Acceleration and final left turn. On the wet grass. Run like h*ll. Just don’t fall. Hearing the speaker telling the second lady was coming. And my name. Yoooohooooo! Largest smile ever. Passing the finish line. I am done!

=> official time: 42:51 – place 2.


Weather: 16.1ºC, cloudy, feels like 16.1ºC, 23kph S wind, 88% humidity. Drizzle at start and in the middle. Rubbish-annoying wind almost throughout

Food: Aptonia Salted butter caramel during final km of the warmup. 1banan, 1little juice straberry/passion fruits and 1 glass water right after arrival
> during (!): 1 little jellysquare around km5 and 1 dextrosol around km8.

Gear: SOC shorts thunder, SOC sports bra MIK. Shoes all good for the job. Very good grip.

Shoes: ADIDAS Adizero Boston Boost 5 TSF- Pink/Black (Snappy)

16/ A bit concerned about whether this level means anything. Unsure the breathing was correct. I know it may sound heavy, but that I can continue for a while despite the sound 😛 Did not press much and I know it. What it is that can make me push more and cross a bloody 10K-finish line on the knees crawling??? (and if possible in a fast fast time too…)


Changing hipster, shorts and sports bra to dry ones…in the information tent. Got a nice pic taken by a kind lady there. A bit of chat with Lotta and her girls. And then happily hearing my name once again to get on the podium. Second place. 3 minutes behind the first one. More pics and got driven to the train station again. A bit of food and watching rubbish on tv after a well-deserved hot shower at home. Not tired. Went out for a recovery run of 13km to get the 30km of the day… Body still not feeling tired.

NOTE: nice race. Weather was not really a problem (apart from the wind…as usual). But the rolling hills of the second half were not fun to have. Couldn’t they make us run AROUND the little hill instead on on it?!?!

NOTE: My GPS recorded 9.98km… Once again. A bit surprised to have shorter than 10K. By 20m this time.

NOTE: What to think about this second 10K of the week? Not much. A good tempo-run. Definitely getting in the legs the hilly race 5 days ago and the fast interval workout on treadmill 3 days ago. Should probably have skipped at least the intervals. Top 3 still is making one happy. A nice present card to Mio for buy stuff. Had no chance to get under 40 on this route, but 1 minute too slow in the first half, a km with walking during the second half… Definitely some time to gain on this route. Will see if easier training helps before next 10K…

Race Report – Fiskebäcksloppet 2017/06/06


Happy and not tired…

Planned: 42min or less…but at least faster than last year

Actual: 43:44 – 9th (women) Amazing enough this is the place I have had from start to end via all check-points.


Awaken by the light despite the “light-won’t-go-through” curtain. But at least it was not around 4ish am… Took an easy leg shaking to wake up body and mind. Spent morning steadying at home, cleaning, fixing and packing my race bag. And fix my legs. Cannot really go to a race without having them aerodynamically fixed… In race gear around 9:40am… Just had to kill time before getting the bus to the start. Chose to take my MIK outfit and run in my Boston. They are fast during training, so they would do for a training race…

1:20pm – Met Helen-MIK and chatted a bit. Got my BIB. Met Jenny-MIK and Anna-MIK.. Cool to see them…and here went 2 places… Nothing to do but chat.

2:15pm – Time to warm-up. Dropped my bag at Måns-MIK and went for a run to get the body and mind ready. Unfortunately it made me only MORE aware about the wind that would bother me during the race… Ran the first 3km of the race and then turned back seeing it was getting short on time. Headed towards the woods and could not find my way back 😦 Eventually found an exit. Got my bag back, dropped it at the baggage drop and that was it. Took a powergel apple as it felt that breakfast was a while ago…

2:56pm – Got to the sub40 corral. It was empty almost. A few gal came in and then guys joined. None of them getting to the front line. Why would they use gals as wind-shield?!?!? Anyway, sun was finally shining and the wind was on. Countdown had started…

15 seconds to start… Final check to my laces. Thought I should have taken my mp3 with me…


3:00pm – START was given! Saw the fast gals leaving the area ilke crazy, followed by fastest guys. Nothing for me. Had decided to go easy during the first 2km to have strengths to accelerate after that… Sure! 5 gals ahead of me, one passing me on the side… felt like déjà-vu from last year (apart from the fast that I was 3rd last year…). The evil first hill got taken heavily, but not being the only one suffering. Some guys were already heavily breathing… Quick check at my watch to ensure it had started… 3:56-tempo?!?!? at the top of the hill… The only thought that came to mind apart from smiling was that I would pay for this later… Slowed down a bit in the downhill, turn right, nice side wind and right again towards the second slope of the race. Passed the first km in 4:07…4seconds slower than last year…. Matters not. There were 9km to catch those seconds up. Downhill and annoying blaster telling me to stop for a short while. Nope. I don’t think so. Had been doing toilets-stops all morning due to drinking properly before the race and then 2 extra stops close to the start. Not a chance the blaster was full of anything! Running back to Sjöbacka and on gravel…. Yeaaaahhh…NOT! Side wind and then tailwind. First cheering from Magnus and Berndt and Måns from MIK. Highly appreciated. Was running alone. All before me were too far away already and I had no plan to check behind me. Got passed by a couple of guys and tried to hang along. Km2 was passed. No idea of the pace as I decided NOT to check. Full headwind during this part. And of course, no wind-shield… Just once more on this part and this will be the final stretch. Less than 8km to go… Turning left and more gravel… Longing for the asphalt!!! Got passed by a couple of guys again, but their breathing indicated they were already close to their max. My breathing? Unsure, but I was not close to my max. Passing km3 at the roundabout and the first change… turning right and a crazy headwind welcomed us. Not happy. Still no clue about the pace. No check on the clock and could barely feel the buzz from it at each km-mark. Focus on the running. Crossing the road and feeling they left cars passing after me. Good! That meant that not many runners were close to me at this part. Passing Fiskebäcks Church and the cheering on both side was well appreciated! Third uphill of the race and second worse. Took it nicely. Three guys had slowed down and stopped ahead of me. And they did not feel that it was bothering to have them walking in the middle of the little gravel path in the forest… Was ready to yell “hold your right!” when 2 aligned behind each other on the left and the 3rd one ran a bit ahead and stopped on the side. Thanks guys! Passing a couple of guys there. Feeling strong. OK, not THAT strong. But OK-strong. Until getting to the left turn which made me run so slowly it felt that I was walking. Not a chance! Not now. The asphalt was so close! And turn right and steep downhill. Yoooohoooo! Taking the cheering that the guy with a white Volvo-tshirt is receiving for me too. The world is better when sharing (and cheering), right? 🙂 And at the end of the downhill, abrupt left turn. Taking a little jelly square. Not necessary not required, but it keeps me awaken and focus. Tricky with the guys ahead of me as they are three running all over the place. Trying to get a little passage but tricky. Passing one finally when running under the bridge and over to the bike path. OK, it was probably not very nice to cut the path, but he could have kept his right, right? And first water-station. The guy before me is just stopping (!) while grabbing his water paper-cup. I ran along and get two water cup. One for the head and one thrown on my legs. SOOOOO Nice! Takes probably 3minutes before the legs are dried again and the hair left free and now wet and helping very much to keep my neck refreshed. Another uphill after the school turn. Nothing steep, but looooong. The Volvo guy is receiving still cheering. And people are out for supporting. Really nice and helpful! Some have their water-hose on and watering us. Yelling (kindly) to do it lower as I do not want my sunglasses wet. This message goes in for two of them. But the third one understand the contrary and I get a full shower instead of only the legs… At least I still smile! And this is when I first hear the cheering for “Melker”…. Seeing a little (not THAT little) boy passing me. Strong and smiling. I tell him “Good work” and he is kindly half-turning and answering “Same to you”. Trying to keep up with him is not even in my plans. I just want to get some of hi cheerings. His friends are running on the side for having some high-fives, and then on the left side as well. Very polite friends cheering for me when I pass… Feeling like a heavy wet elephant on the way up the Mount Everest that would have been under 25ºC sunshine and wind… And finally getting to the top. One more hill vanquished… 2 to go! The downhill and I feel strong. Passing the Volvo-guy and keeping the blue-tshirt guy right before me. Little up and then right turn. I pass the blue guy in the forest and then it is asphalt again. Yiiiihooo! Downhill… Where was this 5km-mark? And is the 6km-mark coming soon??? Turning left along the little harbour… expecting the wind, but nothing ahead. Yiiiiihooo again? Unsure about my place. Except that I could not see any gal ahead of me any longer and was not going to check behind me. 7Km-water station was there. Getting two water paper cup. One for the hair which had had the time to dry out since km4 (!) and one for the leg. Too late I realized that I should have drank a little of the water… And right after the water station… the wind arrived. Aaaaaaah! Not a chance I can accelerate to catch up with the guys ahead of me. 5 of them and they all set themselves behind each other like a line. But even then, they are too far ahead with this wind. Getting to the gravel/small-stones-which-make-it-impossible-to-run part and the dreadful stairs are arriving. WOW! Logs of steel. I had prepared myself so well for NOT walking up. I kind-of run the first two steps and that was it. I walk miserably the rest, holding the ramp (!) and not even start running when reaching the asphalt… I am done! Lightning McQueen? Yeaaaah…sure! In slow motion and backwards probably! I turn and see only guys behind me. Which at least make me happy. And then I feel a kind hand on my back and gentle push. SOOOOOO NICE! The guy in blue tshirt is helping me up the hill! OMG! So kind. Like starting the engine again and I was on. Km8 was within short distance. The gentle push from the guy had given me enough strength for at least NOT stopping in this last uphill in the forest. Passed one guy there. My legs felt tired, my thighs were starting to burn. Did not want anything else/more but getting a cold shower on the burning muscles that were my body at this moment. And the steep downhill arrived. Took it carefully. Thanks for the cheering of the boy at the end of the slope, I got a bit more strength. Change of the course this year with running around the parking lot. Which felt a little better…until we had to “climb” the little baby-slope towards the bus-stop. Felt like heavy. And the wind was not helping. One of the guys before me listened to music and breathed heavily and had no clue he was running a bit all-over as well 😦 OK, I’ll get him at the turn… Right turn and he cut me badly…Headwind and left turn and I pass him 😛 And along Fiskebäcks harbour. Nice with many people out today. And then up again, tried to place myself behind a tall guy, but it did nothing to stop the wind. So I stop hiding. Passing km9-mark. Yiiiiihooo! Only one more km of misery! And then this little running down a 1.5m (?) steep stuff…Beware of not falling. And the final stretch. Headwind (what else?!?!) but this was less than a km to the end. Encouraging the guys by my side. I just want to have this done. Final right turn on the gravel. One of the guys is cheering and passing me. Final left turn. Did I say I hate gravel?!?! Headwind. Did I say what I feel about headwind? Thanks for the cheering of MIKs on the side, I try to keep myself straight and focused. But not a chance I am running fast. I hope I am still running though… So fearing that a gal will pass me right there. But whoever is behind me is ALSO having this headwind. Cannot be THAT easy to run… (or maybe I am the only one feeling this wind….) Got passed by a tall guy 100m from the end. And then we run on the right on the grass… Did I say I hate running on grass??? And then passing the Finish-line. H.A.P.P.Y!

=> official time: 43:44 – place 9.

Weather: 21.1° Mostly Clear, Feels like 21.1°, 21 kph SE wind, 46% humidity – of course the sun got out right before our warm-up and race. Otherwise it was nicely hiding behind the clouds… But this wind… Keep it locked at home next year!

Food: Powergel apple right before start of the race. 2 kex-chocolate + 2 glass water right after arrival
> during (!): 1 little jellysquare around km5 and 2 dextrosol around km7.

Gear: SOC shorts small trapezes, Casall Iconic sports bra black MIK. Shoes all good for the job 🙂
> warmup done with GV-black wind jacket. Took it off after 3km. Too hot!

> perfect outfit to have skipped the singlet!

Shoes: ADIDAS Adizero Boston Boost 5TSF – Pink/Black (Snappy)

15/ Not sure for setting the effort, honestly. Far from max and as usual with headwind, it feels like you are pressing, running like in porridge and still having a decent pace. OK…skip the “decent pace”-part for this year’s race 🙂 But seeing how it felt after the race, I cannot have pressed much the body today. But the wind does make one tired.


Changing hipster and shorts to dry ones…behind a car. Taking a nice pic with other gals from the club. Taking an easy km or so with one of them as cooldown and then easy jogging to the bus-stop. Would have gladly run back home and add some volume for today, but there are other plans for the week. Cannot really make the body tired today.

NOTE: still liking this little race. Lots of fast chicks this year. Cannot understand HOW they ran with this wind…making me think that I could be extra sensitive to the wind or lazy for not pushing the body more when the wind is out and play. Have to work on this.

NOTE: My GPS recorded 9.88km… Not often it registers shorter on race… Have I really cut the race course by 120m???

NOTE: Not disappointed really. Of course, sub42 was the plan, and without the wind, I still do think that it was feasible without aiming for the stars. Good top10 place. If there had been less wind, the other gals would have probably run slightly faster and my placing would have probably been the same anyway 🙂 At least I was the coolest mum on the race according to GET. And they weren’t even there…

Race Report – Hamburg Marathon – 2017/04/23

Hamburg 2017

Smiling until the end!

Planned: 3hr or less… Health ok, training ok, head a bit off, but it felt achievable

Actual: 3:12:21 – 87th women, 2nd Swedish female, 16th age category & 1,127 (total 15,000 runners). Weather not being clement this day, ruining my plans already from start, saw the sub3 disappearing already then. Took decision to change the plan after 17km run and continue as an easy long run. Surely disappointed, but not fully. There will be more races…

Race Results:
place (M/W) 86
place (age) 16

Total 1119 (out of 15.000)

Age/grade: 74.08% (2017 Tokyo 78.07 / 2016 Amsterdam 79.9 / Ferrara 78.2 / Dubai 73.83 / 2015 NYC 75.93 / 2015 WMAC 74,99 / 2014 Chicago 75.97 / Stockholm 76.76 / Rotterdam 78.43 / Dubai 77.74 / 2013 Berlin 75.74/Stockholm:73.1/Boston:72.19/Dubai: 72.35/2012 Berlin:68.29/SF:65.66/London:66.47/Dubai:66.6)
time total (gun) 03:12:21

time total (brutto) 03:12:28

average pace: 4:33min/km… almost distance-pace…no comment!

Official splits:

Split Time Time
Pace (min/km) km/h
5 km





10 km





15 km





20 km





Half (21.1km)





25 km





30 km





35 km





40 km











M Day-6&-5

Started carb depletion slightly earlier and a bit differently. The weather being extremely windy, it did not allow for terrific workouts, the moral was pretty down and honestly, there was time to really questioned what I was doing at all.

M Day -4

Final session. 5K at expected marathon pace. Piece of cake, right? Well, scheduling this session became a bit tricky. Early morning (read: “about 5am”…) was out of question. The weather forecast the evening before showed -3/4°C and for any other session or even a similar workout but NOT in the final week, I would have gone for it. But as said earlier, the moral was not to the top. The lunch weather forecast was however promising warm 9°C, no wind and sunshine. The deal was done! Meeting all morning and then went to change. Well outside the building, only grey, light wind and poor 5°C were welcoming me. Brilliant choice of clothes with singlets, shorts, arm sleeves and calve sleeves. And sun glasses… It worked but with 3 stops during the fast part. Slightly faster than expected, feeling all fine if it wasn’t for the wind out there. Back to the office, work all afternoon. And that was it. Final session. Not really seeing the training done for the past month in that session. But ok. The positive with this day? Start with carboloading. One day earlier. And having received product from Isostar I decided to test them as well the day after. Massage in the evening. Really painful pressure point on the right hip. Yap. Not really the way you want it to be 4 days before a race…

M Day-3

Working from home this day as happened to develop an allergy after being back at the office for two days (they were renovating there…). Better be safe than sorry. At least the allergy reaction decreased and the scratching almost disappeared. Change of plans regarding the preps, turning the 8-10km easy into a real slow 5K to shake the legs more than run with them… Slightly sensitive in the foot, wearing an ankle support seemed the good approach. (Probably the “better” approach would have been to skip the run and rest…). Started Carbo-loading with the Isostar Malto-Carbo-loading I won. Lots of drinking. All fine. Did not feel the “rush of happiness” that generally comes with carbo-loading, but ok. At least the body tolerated the Isostar.

M Day-2

Travel day…Not much sleep, missed the tram, started to stress a bit, got into the bus to the airport and felt better. Check-in completed. On my way. Met lots of runners in the queue to the control and remember that London was also run this same day as Hamburg. Fell asleep before take off. Listened to music all the way. Gloomy welcoming from Hamburg with fog and 7ºC. Easy travel with train and metro and walk to the room I rented. Dropped my stuff and walked to the Expo to get my BIB. Very surprised that the Expo was only 1km from home. Got my BIB, a few pics, bought some sport drinks High5 to try it during next 2 days and headed to Decathlon. And then back home. Had eaten half-baguette with ham for breakfast and one with honey on the way to the expo. Rested 1hour. Needed more food. Found a pasta restaurant not far from home. The Penne al Forno was a HUGE portion and after eating half of it, I got the rest in a little box to get home. Short walk to Lidl for buying bread, banana, snickers, orange juice and home again. Met my host’s boyfriend and we had lots of talking about running. They are nice hosts 🙂 Then time for more work. Fixed a bit and then bed time. A bit late, but I had rested in the afternoon.
Drank second day of the Isostar Malto-Carbo-loading. As well as a couple of bottles of the High5-lemon. Feeling a bit heavy. Mostly because of the pasta though.

M Day-1

Wanted to run now. For real! Awaken early with the lights through the curtains. Change gears and took an easy 7.6km run. First to the little lake when km39 was indicated. Headwind during the 39 to 41. The little slope/incline of the km41 could be felt already today. Will be interesting to see how it would feel the day after with 41km in the legs… Could not run to the start as there was the kids’ race. Waited a bit and ran to km1 and then back to the start. And then back home. Spent the rest of the day resting, preparing my gear, drinking High 5 sport drink and preparing my bottles which I dropped at the Expo in mid-afternoon. After that, I felt ready. Quite light. Decided to have final food intake around 1-2pm and then only drink loads of sport-drink. High5 felt quite ok and the body did not reacted. Fair enough.

Bed time around 9:30pm. Could hear the neighbours partying. My hosts came back not too late but close to midnight did go to the neighbours and telling them kindly to lower voice and music as they had a marathoner trying to sleep before her race (NOTE: I got this info the day after from my hosts 🙂 Cool people!)

NOTE: counted 37 showers during the day… with sunshine in-between…and of course wind… Promising weather for the race…

M DAY!!!!

Finally!!!! All Race day start with this word!

Before the race

05:00am – Waking up early as usual. Ate breakfast of champions (chia seeds, green mix, 1 banana and High5 sport drink, orange juice, a little piece of baguette with honey). And back to bed…

5:30am – The usual happening now. Drinking High5 on regular basis every 30min or so.. To avoid the problem from Amsterdam and Tokyo with too full blaster, I stop the drinking 30min earlier than usually do.

6:30am – Time to get ready! Shower, cream, fixing the hair, warming gel on the legs and anti-chaffing cream on the top. Racing gear on (SWE hotpants and singlet, arm sleeves pink and wind gloves, a neckwarmer, my Compressport calve sleeves (a first for a marathon!) and ADIDAS Adizero Adios Boost Purple (Quicky). Got my sunglasses on the top of the head. The weather was planned to be nice but windy. So they would help for skipping “crying eyes” throughout the race… Set my mp3

Got on the top of my racing gear the 2XXL easy pants I bought at Decathlon. WAY too big, but ok. Extra jacket as well which would get thrown before the start. And that was it. One caffeine gel in the back of the bra and one gel in the back pocket with the Dextrosol. Take my little red-disgusting-juice and time to go!

7:10am – Tried to jog to the start. But having the bag in the back and those too-large pants which I feared to get chaffing problems, it did not turn as a warmup really. Stopped the watch after reaching the start area. But it took a while to get all around the Hall building to drop my stuff. Left my bag, kept on the warm pants, extra tshirt and wind-jacket. First stop at the loo. No queue. Perfect. Did not feel that the start was quite close actually. People were all around and in no hurry to neither warm up nor get to the start corrals…

8:10am – New attempt to warmup after checking where was the start…and it started raining… Yeaaaah… Got to the loo one more time… and then another time, more like a “stress-stop” than a “need-to-go-stop”. At least this blaster would NOT annoy me during the race… I thought.

8:30am – In the corral…which was pretty empty… I felt that no urgency was raised and went out for a FINAL stop at the loo closed to our corral opening. Back to the start after that.

8:45am – Hummm… The wheelchair athletes started to line-up and in my B-corral, there were still lots of place between runners. Start was given to the wheelchair, the A-corral started to fill in and the invited athletes got to their start…

8:55am – Off with the too-large pant and the extra tshirt and the wind jacket. Body warmth all-around was sufficient 🙂

8:57am-ish – Eeeeeeeeh…sorry? But what it the blue rope still doing in front of us. We want to get closer to the start. But the volunteers are not letting us move. We have to wait for the gun shot they said…. H*ll no! Several are passing under the blue rope and I am one of them. Enough stress in the body and mind for not having this rope in front of me/us!


First half

09:10am – BAAAAM! Yes! All starts seem to sound this way. The runners are unleashed and I am happily one of them. I am happy. My legs are running. Finally. Pressing start on my watch, although I am a bit unsure whether I did not wait too long for starting it. And with the bad surprise from Amsterdam with the watch choosing to pause itself after the start, I do check quickly after 300m whether it is still on. Yap! Race on! Trying NOT to get too excited. Got passed before km1 by one of the Swedish gals I knew would be in the lead. Nothing to do about this actually. 1Km done. 4:09 according to my watch. Fine. This stretch is nice… until the drizzle starts to join us… well…actually it feels like light rain…or more heavy rain… Before turning right after the first km mark, we are already getting cheering from the skies in shape of small or medium hailstones falling. THAT’S A FIRST! Never got a race with this! Hoped/counted that it would stop fast… But nope. Passed km2 a bit too fast in 4:04 but with the hails falling on us, accumulating on the asphalt and making it slippery… It feels out of this world! Is this really happening? Can’t we rewind a bit here? Change the weather-channel, maybe? Groars are coming out from the running crowd. And laughs. And “you must be kidding?!?!”. Yap! Not only me having this “I-want-to-get-back-to-start-and-have-a-decent-weather-I try to keep focused. Skip looking at the watch. Carefully looking -maybe too close – on the asphalt ahead of me. It is covered by a little white stuff which looks like snow. Main objective has shifted: Time does no longer matter. Just do NOT fall on this rubbish-slippery-little-white-cover. Passing km3 and still hailstones falling. I don’t want to stop. I want IT to stop! And this part until km6-ish is slightly up. Which I am well aware about. My plan is disappearing piece by piece. My wristbands do not longer mean anything. I am expecting the 3:00-guys to pass me in a minute or two. Passing km5 in 21:25. Sub3-plan kiss goodbye! Taking my first bottle. More as a moral support than because I need it. A few glups of sport-drink and hop! Cannot feel that I am tired, but this 2km-long hailstones rain has frozen my body. My muscles which I was very careful NOT to have chilled out before start (for ONCE I was well-prepared with all the extra clothing before start) are not responding as they should. My brain is not functioning positively. I want to see this stupid turn after km6 and have a downhill. The left turn arrives and then straight ahead…no downhill?!?!? Nope. Well, yes. A little one at a moment but it comes more abruptly than the progressive down slope I was expecting. I am not happy. But I run. I am far off my schedule. Lots of thoughts in the head. I don’t want to see the 3:00-guys. Not now. Not that early in the race. And suddenly they come… One carries a white balloon with 3:00 on it. And we are barely at km10. What is wrong in the picture? Haven’t they got the hailstones too? Or was it only raining on me? Yeaaaah…must be that. Getting my second bottle at the water-station. I am not thirsty. I want to go back to the start and do it all-over again. Sun is shining now. Wind on the side as expected. Wet on the asphalt. And snail-pace me is actually running. And THEN I am passed AGAIN by another 3:00-guy who actually has his white balloon in the air. He is more likely to be on-time with the expectations of the group. We are passing km13-ish. And I get a renew energy. I am keeping up with their pace for a couple of km. Passing km15 and my third bottle. They are getting a bit ahead of me. But that’s ok. Nothing is hurting in me. The body is responding properly. But my watch is indicating a way-too-slow pace. Seeing the distance with the 3:00-group increasing and my blaster ringing a bell, I have a couple of choices: continuing to purse this group and hope the blaster holds at least until the half-marathon distance or taking a stop at the first blue box I see and get along with whatever strength I found after that. The distance keep increasing and a blue box is in sight. Exactly at the right corner. Quick decision to get into it. And then time seems to stop. I count the seconds. The blaster is not the main issue. That ain’t ok. I am now over 1 minute in my count. I don’t want to get out of the blue box. It feels safe inside. And maybe nothing is happening outside. Or time has stopped there. Or… or… or… Knock knock on the door gets me out of lethargy. I have to leave. Opening the door feels like one of the biggest efforts so far today. Welcomed out by a brilliant sunshine, a wave of wind and too many runners who make me realized that time has not stopped. My watch indicate 4:26min/km as average pace after this stop. Not many choice now. Setting my mp3 plugs in the ears. Setting the proper DJ Eclipse long run music and that’s on. No more race for me today. This stop at km17 has completed the killing of both the pace and the will/determination to get under 3 hours or even close. The mind is now focusing on getting this done. Just running. A Swedish gal and a Swedish man are passing me. Linné-singlet is easy to recognize. But the gal I was expecting her to be a bit further behind me…not passing me now…even before halfway. At least they both cheer for me and I can keep my smile on my face… Passing km20 in too long time for being a race. The competitive spirit is no longer there. Has stopped functioning for a while apparently. Reaching halfway in 1:35-ish. This is a good training pace basically… Nothing more but nothing less. Realizing that I have never run that slow a first half since…. Dubai 2013…Rubbish first half…

Second half

Starting the second half is full with hope. Having had headwind or sidewind all the way now, I am looking forward to get to the 35km point and down to the end for having this refreshing helpful tailwind. Have been passed by two Swedes (well, probably more, but those two guys from IS Göta-Helsingborg looked way more fit than me. And they cheered. That was nice). My bottle of km20 had a gel on it and it helps a bit. Nothing strong all good. Counting that I have 3 bottles left to take. That’s a good and positive thoughts. Trying to catch up with a guy on a bike with a little car behind him. Seeing the red heart-shaped balloons he has, I read “30”… OMG! The 3:30-guys are ahead of me?!?!? When did THAT happened. Slow is ok, but not THAT slow! Taking a little while before I realized that it is “30” as in “don’t drive faster than 30km/h”-sign he has. Ha ha ha! Funny…NOT! (well, ok, this is funny, but my brain at this particular moment does not really register the joke). And then I have a new plan: I could ask the guy on the bike if I can sit in his little car behind and that he could bring me to the next 15km or so… yes… That sounds like a plan… until I am reaching slowly but surely the bike and passing it… Hummm… OK. Better/Faster on foot than on bike. Boost given for the next 3km 🙂 Running in this part of the city is nice. Reminds me of Rotterdam. Green trees. People outside cheering. All is working as it should. Except for my legs which are only on “distance-pace mode”. But that’s ok. Km25 and my new bottle with more cheering on it. I remove the Swedish flag and give it to a little girl on the side. Got a smile for it. So worth it! When reaching km30, new gel with yummy salted butter/caramel taste and new calculations. The small jelly squares taken every km or so between km22 and 32 do help. I think… The hailstones have fallen once or twice more, if it was not rain as well. The wind was definitely there. Don’t ask me how. It can NOT be headwind all the time on a one loop course…except here…in Hamburg! My brain gives me still a finish time of 3:15. Not bad. But honestly, not good. So a little thing in me is waking up and I feel my legs lighter and moving faster. Meeting a guy on a regular basis here. And for a stretch I get his company and that feels…Hmmm… ok. Not THE pace I want which is way faster, but the pace I changed and want for the end. Feeling even that we accelerate slightly. A bit of smiling to each other. That is nice. Steady-slow @4:36-tempo… Yap. Distance-pace. But today it is a bit (…) longer than my morning run 🙂 And we turn left at km31. Headwind bothering all of us, but I KNOW that it will be kind for us after this turn….and….and….nope! nothing. Headwind again! Or side/headwind…. WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE EXACTLY?!?! The long stretch down the lake is nice…if it was not for the wind. I can see the IF Linnea chick and the Swedish guy a bit ahead of her. I want to pass her. Slight acceleration. Nothing really. But my running-buddy cannot follow. He stops suddenly on the side of the road. Still 20m behind the gal. Nooooo! I wanted him to help me passing her. And to help me passing the Swedish guy after that. And would probably have found others to pass after that 😦 A bit sad, but not stopping. And keeping my pace. Reaching the Swedish gal and cheering a bit. And hope. She looks a bit tired. I feel on the contrary better and way better than during the first half of the race. Is that so that I now need 21km warmup before feeling fine for a marathon?!?! Km35 and my last bottle. Message on it this time: ”LAST ONE”. A bit tricky to take the gel off the bottle. And when I eventually succeed in opening it and getting gel in my mouth, the taste of cherry is…disgusting like crazy!!! Why on earth haven’t I tried this taste before during training? Thought that with a different taste it would be waking me up. And indeed it does. I have swallowed a little of the gel. Drank a bit of water. And press all the leftover of the gel in the mouth. Take water and mix the whole thing in the mouth. OMG! This is disgusting! Taste really ugly! Decided that the “placebo” effect would have to do. I spit all on the asphalt. Must look like I am spitting dark blood. Continuing my run. Have never given so many high-fives in a race. Not even in Berlin 2014… And THAT was a lot! The 12km countdown is the best ever. There is another countdown starting at “1km done, 41 to go…”, but this one is niiiice! Counting kilometers left multiplied by 5min-tempo… I know I am faster than that, but have no idea how my brain will do the calculation if asking to multiply by 4:36-tempo. Less than an hour. 10km left. Less than 50minutes. I want to get to km39. To feel that I am finally close. I am passing people now. This beautiful and windy path, with those high trees on both sides. I like it. I know km39 is soon there. I am not following the blue line any longer. I am ON it. Not a chance I will run longer than I should 😛 Seeing the lake on the left side. It feels like spring. Short hailstones rain again. Does not matter any longer. I would not care less. Km39 is there. I have 15 minutes to finish. IF I was at 5min.tempo. But I won’t allow this to happen. Passing guys and turning right. Headwind. Don’t care. Turning left. Km40 is there!!! Euuuhhh nope. Not yet. Down the street. I take out my final liquid gel. Cola-taste. I know it taste bad, but it has so much caffeine in it, that I SHOULD be able to press a bit more. Recognizing the final stretch from yesterday. Seeing km41. People are slowing down. I don’t. I push even more. No at all full power, but definitely faster. And it goes slightly up. But I know it. And it feels. But I know it. Passing one IF GÖTA guy. Feeling that I am unstoppable. THAT is the feeling I should have had from start! And a faster pace too! Getting passed by a guy with Swedish colours. Cheering from him give me an extra bright smile. I just want to pass people. Pass gals mostly to have a slightly better Turning right. Over the little bridge. Windy. Seeing the final final street. Cannot estimate the distance to the red carpet. But I know it is mine. OK…not completely JUST for me, but my brain doesn’t know that at this particular moment. Passing a Danish gal. Yeaaaah! And seeing two other gals ahead of me. Those ones won’t be there. I feel like a rocket, but really run like a fast snail in reality. OK…like an average snail, not even a fast one. But this red carpet! OMG! Feels so good! Smiling right and left. Have no music in the ear since I passed km41. Just feeling the cheering all around and that is why the finish lines are so addictive! Done!

Official time received later: 3:12:21…


After the finish line

Not even looking at my watch. I am under 3:15 and that is enough to be an ok-long run. Feeling a bit off in the groin right side. But others are in way worse conditions. Getting a smile from two swedes, a thanks for several guys. And that’s it. Walking to the Hall, taking a bit of sport drink, chocolate bar and a paper cup filled with small pretzels. I am done. Stomach aches keeping me away for a short while. Walking to pick up my bag. Getting a well-deserved massage. Walking home. Shower, warm clothes and feet up against the whole for 45 minutes. The rain is falling again. And stops. As so many times yesterday and today. Feeling tired, surely not happy of the time, surely not satisfied because I feel the body is not completely emptied of strength. I am fine. Rubbish race-time, but decent long-run time. That would do for today…

My very kind hosts let me stay longer than planned. So I get a good nap. Wake up at the smell of freshly done waffles. Got offered one by my host and we start chatting. They are very kind and cool to talk to. Would have gladly stayed longer. Especially as I am to be traveling back to Hamburg on Tuesday morning… But the original plan has not changed. Thanking my hosts, getting to the train and then the airport. Lots of wait and then through the control… longing for a large piece of meat with French fries…to see that only coffee shops are available after the airport controls… Settling for 2 hot chicken wraps and a half-liter Coke. I am tired. I am on my way home. I have for the first time run a marathon as training… I am happy 🙂


Weather: 5°C, cloudy, Feels like 1.7°C, 16kph W wind, 81% humidity. Did not feel THAT cold at start. But surely freezing during the hailstones rain from km1 to 3 and then better under the sun and then more rain and hailstones and sun and wind all the time… Estimated average temperature would be 5-7ºC probably. My estimations anyway.

> before: chia porridge with green mix and orange juice, 1 banana, 1 piece of bread with honey, High5 sportdrink (5dl?) (5:am) Little bottle of red juice 2 hours before

> right after: banana+pretzels+2 glass of sportdrink

> 3.5 hours after: 2 waffles without eggs with sugar on. Orange juice

> During: 1 strawberry jelly right before start, High5 Lemon sport drink @km5-10-15-25, Aptonia gel (salted butter/caramel*2 and cherry-disgusting) @km20-30-35. Coffeine Powergel at km40. Strawberry jellies: 1 at km22 and 1 every km or so at km23-24-26.

Gear: ADIDAS SWE outfit (hotpants & sports bra), Casal Iconic black Sports bra MIK, arm sleeves pink, Compressport calve sleeves, neckwarmer, sunglasses, shoes all good for the job.
> extra clothes dropped before start: 2XXL Decath easy pants, old Djaz tshirt and wind-jacket.

=> Perfect outfit? Definitely! Had hesitated pretty much all the days before leaving home about what to wear. But hotpants was definitely on. For the top it was a bit tricky through. But on the race day, that was it. Perfect outfit. My alternative outfit was similar (singlet and hotpants) but black… Tricky to run with the arm sleeves but very handy to get on and off depending on the weather. Having the calve sleeves during a marathon was a first. Worked fine…although it was far from marathon-pace. Will probably skip them next time. VERY GOOD to have the extra clothes before the race, especially for the legs, and avoiding the frozen legs from Tokyo…

14/ Unfortunately, nothing high on the effort level. Not even during the “faster” parts of first km. The change of plan to get this race as training long run made the effort level close to decent long run. Would have gladly had higher effort and faster pace…


SUMMARY: The expectations set were aligned with the training that had been done. Had hesitated between Prag (fully booked), Düsseldorf (not too fast route) and Hamburg (a bit close to Tokyo but fast route). Hamburg was the easy/only choice. Ready to get fast. But the weather the week prior to the race was very changing and honestly on the race day, this was not the weather I can perform in. Running can be done in any weather (…ok…heavy snow and minus 15ºC or more are stopping me from running outdoors…) but for racing, that’s different. For sure others are less sensitive (like our fast Swede D.Nilsson getting to the finish line in 2:15 and qualifying for World Championships this way…. but this also means he did not have the second and third hailstones rains we – slower runners- got around 2hr 30 and later…). Yes it is disappointing. Yes I am not happy. Yes I know better than stopping at the loo. Yes yes yes… But marathon is a brutal story. To get it right, everything has to be falling into piece at the same time. A puzzle ain’t complete if one part is lost… Anyway, the wind was not on my side, the rain was not a problem but the hailstones were, the stop at the loo was necessary… Easy said: that was not THE day. But once again, happy to have completed the run in decent time for a low effort. 10 minutes slower than Tokyo… But feeling way better the days after 🙂

There will be more races…

(Buckets of thanks for the support and cheering during my preparation. A bit tricky with the tapering weeks and lots at work, but that’s the price to pay for being running athlete with a full-time job 🙂 Preparation worked as planned even though the motivation itself went up and down. The weather was not my friend this day. And I cannot help or control on this. New adventures on the way… with short and medium races in-between 🙂

Of course a huge thanks to my fellow runners Swedes and not Swedes who passed me or got passed by me, who smiled and cheered, who huged after the finish line, who heard from them after the race…. Yes, running a marathon is cool. Passing the finish lines is addictive. The way to achieve all this is a mean to this end. Whatever the “end” might look like. No training goes to waste. Special thanks to my little people at home, cheering any time, laughing sometimes at the look I have when getting back from training but always so present. You might not understand this right now, but this will come one day and you will 🙂 Loving you unconditionally!

And thanks to my German hosts for making my stay perfect in Hamburg!


A few “after-race thoughts”

NOTE: Body check? Did I really run a marathon? Surely it felt right after the race. Must have been walking a bit funky/funny back home. Slight pain on right hip/groin side, but all fine while walking. Tired a lot after getting back home and showered. Good with some sleep. No hip pain during the race, but on the other side I ran this one slow. During the hailstones of the start, I could feel something coming in the legs and deliberately slowed a bit for 1) not falling and 2) not increasing this “whatever-pain-it-is”. Worked fine. Same as after Tokyo, Achille’s heels did not scream at all. All quiet…

NOTE: Warmup? Impossible to count the jogging to the start as a warmup, nor the back & forth acceleration between the loos before start. Simply said: no warmup for this race. On the other side, have learned my lesson and the extra clothes (including the extra large pants) were the best I could do to keep myself warm before the race. Maybe this helped to start the way it did… Unfortunate that the 3-4km at the start were under hailstones and getting me so cold. Those km are generally used to warmup the body…

NOTE:…and then the “loo incident”. OK, this was not an incident. It was well-needed. Unsure whether it was the High5 sport drink not liked by my stomach (although I had drunk this during 2 days without problem) or the cold from the start making my stomach unhappy. Anyway, something was seriously wrong. And this stop was needed. Could not have done differently. Maybe slightly faster…but even unsure for this.

NOTE: Energy/refueling during the race? Very handy to be able to leave personal refreshment in advance. I chose to use High5 sport drink lemon even though had never used it before the 2 days before the race. Could not find Isostar and wanted to be sure to be able to rely on the sport drink served on the route (High5 lemon) in case my bottles would get missing. No problem to find the bottles which were perfectly pimped. The small motivational message were doing a great job. A problem with the last gel with cherry taste which was extremely disgusting. Should have known better than testing during the race…

NOTE: Beetroot loading? Took two small bottles days prior to the race, could be the thing that troubled my stomach? Although this was no new thing to me.

NOTE: then…gels in the sport-bra, on the back? Had 2 in the back, just in case mine would ot be available on the bottles. Worked perfectly. Slight chaffing pain after the race, but unsure how this came.

NOTE: …and no gel/dextrosol in sport bra in the front? Yihoooo! Skipping the chaffing issue this time!

NOTE: then…small jellies in the back pocket of the hotpants? Worked fine. Although it feels a bit heavy at start.

NOTE: Hamburg marathon is hereby the coldest and windiest marathon I have ever run 😛

NOTE: Post-marathon recovery on-going and working well. Trip back home on Sunday evening, 3 hours sleep before getting ready for work, flying back to Hamburg for conference on the Tuesday and then back home late on Thursday evening… Good that there was no jet-lag involved in these trips!!! Recovery of several days before a first test run 5 days after the race. No problem. Can really feel that the pace used was NOT the one that makes the body tired…

Looking forward to new adventures …soon…

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