Running longer and faster… a few thoughts…

Archive for March, 2013

Outing and caught foot…

Easy Easter Sunday, up later than usual (thanks to the time change 🙂 ), breakfast of waffles turned into pancakes with blueberries and banana and by the time the breakfast table was cleaned it was already time for leaving to the planned outing to an island. Nice sun shine, a bit windy but lunch on the top of the island was really appreciated.

What was not was when my left foot was caught between two stones while we were walking/climbing around 😦 I just felt my foot behind stuck and fell backwards on large bushes. Impossible to raise by myself, my foot (not the ankle fortunately) being twisted a strange way. Got hopefully help to raise again but felt the foot (once again, not the ankle) was not too good. Fell twice after that and the left knee showed clearly it was time to stop all this climbing. Rested a bit with an afternoon tea and then it was time to aim back home. Well back home, hot shower was a necessity to unfreeze the whole body (I said it was “sunny”, not “warm”!) and noticed my left foot was a little swollen. So definitely no running outing this evening. Full rest for the evening and hopefully will be better tomorrow.

No more for today…

Sun shine on the sea

Sun shine on the sea

Straight to the top of the island

Straight to the top of the island

From the top

From the top


New babies on the run (the sequel)

So it was time for a new outing. Chill out Saturday, including easy walk for food shopping, hot bath for relaxing tired legs and afternoon among friends. Unfortunately the blueberry pie of this afternoon tea did not really please my stomach which was cramping afterwards (or was it the vanilla sauce maybe?)

Time for outing of my new babies (the other ones!). Brooks Green Silence, so praised on the forum I log my training, as well as highly recommended by S, HR and more… so had to try them! Ordered a pair and got them 2 weeks later. Really cool colour and perfect fitting (for now!).

Interesting quote inside the shoe

Interesting quote inside the shoe

Nice babies, right?

Nice babies, right?

Babies modelling thanks to E :)

Babies modelling thanks to E 🙂

So jumped into my gear and GET on bike we aimed for an easy run. No pressure of any kind, just testing the shoes and running. Had to ask GET to slow down as I was feeling running to fast from the start – not feeling that I had shoe at all on my feet. Really comfortable, I had thin socks in and it worked perfectly. Did not push as it was a recovery run but tried to do some strides and last km with acceleration. Good choice (so far!). Will try them next week as well and if they feel great I’ll order another pair (Yes, this model is unfortunately discontinued by Brooks, and it is not that easy to find the correct size…). Today’s run became 9.3km @5.13/km with low pulse (probably also resulting from the few stops needing with GET).

Chill out day continue with nice cartoon on tv and hopefully a long and good night’s sleep. Tomorrow is outing’s day! And for you who need to know, we are changing the clock tomorrow morning. Don’t forget to put forward all your clocks at home!

Boston: the way forward continues – 16 days to go!

Multiple leg animal...

Multiple leg animal…

New babies on the run

And finally they arrived! When coming back home after my “day without”, I had two receipts waiting for me and yesterday morning went to pick up my “new babies”: a pair Saucony Kinvara 3 and a pair of Green Brooks Silence. This definitely made my day 🙂 Did not take them for a run as I had a rest day yesterday. So today was the first!

Up @5am or so so light breakfast (oat-porridge, banana, oat milk) and more sleep, I jumped into my gear and my fabulous new Kinvara 3 “Lemon-Pink”. I had my compression socks and the shoes fitted perfectly. And off I went.

My new babies no1: Saucony Kinvara 3

My new babies no1: Saucony Kinvara 3

Today was long run as it is a bank holiday and had to run it as early as possible. Sunglasses on and ASICS 3/4 shorts, June 2.0 2012 in the ears, I started with 10k easy pace – no trouble, low pulse and feeling good in my new shoes. They felt a bit different (Daaaa!) compared to my ASICS GT-2160 as less (or no?) correction. Quite alike my ASICS Gel DS Skyspeed 2 though. So light, fantastic! I was wondering a bit whether it was smart or not to take them for a first run during a ling run and less than 3 weeks before a marathon… Think if my feet do not like it or if the calves start to ache or whatever can happen… Yes, those thoughts crossed my mind for a short while and went away. After 10K, started with 10K with alternate km fast/slow. Worked quite fine although I stupidly stopped for 20/30sec after the 3rd serie which made my legs quite cold and the 4th serie was quite tough to get the pace required. Then 2km easy pace, 1km fast, 1km slow, 1km fast, 1km slow and 1km fast. The fast were supposed to be close or under 4:00/km and this was not physically feasible. Did the two first @4:10 and the last one I skipped looking the pace. Finally 2km easy and then 7*(1minute fast / 1 minute slow) – the fast minutes were slightly too slow but the slow minutes were way to fast… So overall pace became quite good anyway. I am especially satisfied with the last 1minute for which I reached the pace of 3:17 (!!!). and then completed with a cool down of ca.2+km. All in all: 34,34km in 2:48:47. Good workout I think! I did a similar workout early January, which ended in quite a disaster (effort set at 19 out 20 when today I set it at 15). Did ensure that the energy intake was as planned for the marathon. It worked quite well. Camelbak with me, felt great.

After the run, hot shower, light food and lay down feet up on the sofa during 30 minutes. Hopefully it helps!
Recap for this first outing with my Kinvara3: Great shoes. Glad I took them in size US8.5 (my ASICS are all US8). It does give some place for the toes while running! The colour is great and I will definitely have them prepared for future marathons! Left to see if tomorrow and if the feet and legs are still ok. Because I am planning an outing with my GBS (recovery run!). Otherwise food-side it was sushi after the run and evening dinner with pommes-sautées with thyme & rosmarin+ pork filet + a large salad/tomatoe/avocado. Body feels a bit tired in the left thigh, but I put this on the run and hopefully will disappear by tomorrow.

Time to chillout now. Boston is 17 days away. Have looked at a pace calculator which S was kind enough to update with the “min/km” pace (instead of “min/mile”). Will study this a little but not today. Happy evening!


Finally completed!

Finally completed!

New babies after the run - almost clean :)

New babies after the run – almost clean 🙂

Sunshine - serious benefit for a long run!

Sunshine – serious benefit for a long run!

Looking like a fly apparently... (tshirt & bonnet matching my new sunglasses) ;)

Looking like a fly apparently… (t-shirt & bonnet matching my new sunglasses) 😉

A day “without” finally reaching its end…

This will be short. Up a little before 7am, aimed to the mat after a porridge breakfast. Short core session (E’s program including the V for 10 seconds (yapp, surprised myself with those ones). Have not done any core workout for a while note and yes it is bad and yes I know it! So today was surprising me really when I could feel the core working as if nothing had happened… Anyhow, when finished, packed my gears for my lunch interval run. No need to say that this should be done in the evening to ensure nothing is forgotten… By the time I reached the ferry I remember forgetting my jacket… Great!

Lunch time arrived and I went to change quickly for my intervals. Had eaten a strong breakfast, a banana for snack and drank powerade blue during the morning. Should have been fine. Left the office with a brilliant sun and actually the windbreaker was not missed. Started with 2K easy warm up, little stretching and of I went for my first 5K. Turned right after the bridge and despite knowing the construction areas on the way I ignored them and continue my run. Pace was fine, a bit fast first km, but ok feeling. By half way and despite my nicest smiles, the guys repaying the road asked me to turn around and aim back to where I came from… Which I did. 5K in 22:16. Ok, I would say. The second one started with a downhill and then pretty flat until Arendal. A bit windy there… Second 5K in 22:14. Not to good feeling so. Stomach started cramping. To warm I stripped one of my long sleeves and started the 3rd and last interval. Original pace was much slower than the two first even though still within the range. By km 2 I felt bad and stopped a short while. Started to run again but it ended pretty fast after 660m, and I continued a dull cool down back to the office for 5 km. Total of 20.5 km in 1hr44. Not to bad but crap feeling. Definitely not a good workout.

The whole day felt this way. Sun shining outside was not helping so I turned into Easter sweets we had in the pantry but not really helping either. Worked late and nice dinner late as well. So hitting the pillow now and hope for a better day tomorrow.

Make it a double! (again!)

Waking up with the chicken @4:50am, apparently my hand preferred snoozing the alarm rather than pulling away the cover to make me go up. To make the story short: opened my eyes it was already 5:40am and definitely on a rush if I would ever wanted to run a decent run in the morning before my 8am meeting. But so it went, quick in my gear (nicely well-prepared the day before 🙂 ) and off in the cold (Accuweather showed -9ºC this morning with realfeel -1ºC). Right after I started, my feet felt already light and easy, so decided to go for an 8km easy pace – all in the feeling ! By km1, the pace was @4:24… the second one was slower (4:45) but still way faster than I usually would run on this first kms and definitely faster than ever run at this time of the day (yes, the light has FINALLY decided to show itself early in the morning!). BY km3, feeling was good and I challenge myself (stupidly (?) I always do!) that would km4 be under 4:30, I would go for one more km (meaning 2 as I would turn back after the 5th km… you see what I mean by “stupidly challenging myself?!?!?). What do you think my watcj is showing then? 4:29.53… You bet it does that on purpose!!! Anyway (and despite missing the smell of freshly baked bread close to the bakery factory) I aimed towards 5K and turned back, feeling quite fine and honestly not THAT fast. I had in mind that I was slowing down to 4:35/40 when the watch bipped showing 4:39, 4:18… the final km being done in 4:10 (and seriously not feeling like it!). Turned out that this easy morning run was of 10km in 44:18.57. Fastest shower ever and then trying unsuccessfully to get dressed (new challenge was to get into pantyhose without breaking them… TWICE! As “third time is a charm” turned out that it worked fine. Then aiming to the office in high heels and skirt and off the day started in this other part of life…

By 6pm, work was done and aimed home – full with too many thoughts and handling of them planned to be far from cheerful. Fortunately was G home and it enlightened my day for the second time (first time was earlier today, even though it might not have seem this way for the company I had then – sorry about that!). By 7pm, gear on again (after having swallowed an oven toast with ham & cheese and a glass of oat milk with chocolate – yes, too much too late! Would regret it later on during the run!). Good that G had to be gone along with as it “forced” me to go out again. Coooooold it was then (although according to Garmin it was +1ºC – seriously felt colder than that when I was walking at first!). Got warmer by having mid-June 2012 mix in the ears and off I went. Much more settled than this morning. Legs felt good although tamed from the morning, they did not start to run off their own way 🙂 Just running and running and running… While the feet were driving the whole body forward, the legs making the effort to move on a regular pace, have to recognize that the mind was way out there wandering far away. Unsure where though! Did not feel like it came back until the end of the outing. Focused though on slowing down in uphills and accelerating in downhills. Worked fine I think. Reaching km6 without noticing, then 8 without seeing km7 anywhere and by the time I breathe again it was bipping 10km… Just running then back home and one circle around home to make it up to 15km in 1:16:10. Hot shower, unable to clear out the mind due to unplanned event. Time to hang the running gear to get them ready for tomorrow lunch workout and for me, direction my pillow.

Boston: I have received my running passport. NOW IT IS FOR REAL (if it was not before!)… I CAN’T WAIT! I WANT ALL IN FOR BOSTON (Apologies for Adidas for borrowing their slogan here…) – 20 days to go, guys… It is soon time to start tapering!

Final note: ended both runs today with thorough stretching, including prone hover (2 min in the morning and 1,10 in the evening), toe exercises (my left heel is a little sensitive. Will have to check my show lacer again) and running up the stairs (6 floors) – Hopefully someone will be proud of this achievement! I am! 🙂

Why aiming for the stars when you can aim for the sun?

Lazy day for real this Sunday. Got up late, watched TV, bought new gear… Not much done, in short!
So when the clock showed 5 pm, I got myself ready for the last run of the week. Perfect weather to try my new sunglasses. Hesitated to put on my ASICS 3/4 shorts with the long compression socks. Would have been fine for most of the run add three long tights felt warm, but for the last 3 km, as got tired, it was nice with some “warmth”.

Objective of today: easypeasyrecovery run, following the sun… In short, run with the sun in my face until it disappears… Worked fine for the first km, took simmer pictures btw at each km or so… But had to make a stop at km 5 due to upset stomach. The falafel from  lunch came out and it was not too nice to run right after without clearing the mouth… (ya, I know, gross!). Anyhow, after that it felt better to run and I so fully enjoy just running. Accelerating in the downhills and slowing down controlled in uphills. It went pretty fine and was really enjoyable. Pace ok, not really checked though, HR low (but as I was snap-stopping every km for phototaking, this may explain the low pulse). Anyway the recovery run ended into 15.17km in1hr16min30, which is a nice recovery! It turned out when I reached km13, that no bus was in sight unless waiting 20minutes, so decided to turn to the closest tram stop which was 2km away (and one loooong uphill to start with!). I took it the smile on my face (and NO it was not due to the pain!). I reached the tram stop, had 5minutes before leaving so stretched my legs and off I went back home.

Great way of recovering from long run. Surprisingly, no pain really in the body (but the mind…. OMG! so much thinking are turning around this one!). The week ends with a nice total of 103.87km which makes it (if not mistaken) the week with the highest volume ever in my training (for this year and last year!). Hopefully this increase in volume will eventually pay off in the long run (ha ha ha !) for the marathons to come!

Boston, Boston, Boston… so much reading yesterday about the course and race reports… I felt I was there already!

First slope down, sun behind the trees!

First slope down, sun behind the trees!

Funny fish-man with the sun dawn in the back

Funny fish-man with the sun dawn in the back

Continuing along the water, sun in the eyes

Continuing along the water, sun in the eyes

Sun hiding behind the trees

Sun hiding behind the trees

Me and my new sunglasses (and my apricot hat)

Me and my new sunglasses (and my apricot hat)

Nice house with sun dawn

Nice house with sun dawn

Close to the harbours, sun starting to disappear

Close to the harbours, sun starting to disappear

Seriously... no comment... just enjoy!

Seriously… no comment… just enjoy!

Little me again

Little me again

Yapp, the moon pops up as well!

Yapp, the moon pops up as well!

Soon to the end, countryside under nice lights

Soon to the end, countryside under nice lights

Harbour in the sun dawn

Harbour in the sun dawn

First outing of the year for my camel…

Long run in sight, I woke up at 5:00am (YES on a Saturday!) to get some energy (oat-porridge, frozen blueberries and oat-milk) and back to bed until 7:30am… Took a while at 5am to understand why on earth the clock was ringing and nice it was to have lights already outside! Took a little while to get body & mind up&running (ha ha ha, so much fun to play with words!), but was set and then out it was.

Today‘s plan was a long run of 29km mix, including a long 12km easy pace, alternative km fast/slow during 8km, 3km easy, 3km of alternative minutes super-fast and fast (!) and end with 3km cool down. Decided to skip the phone with me, so no picture in this post, although they would have been beautiful. The sun was already shining half-high when starting and I was glad I took my sunglasses! First bridge came after 2,5km or so, but felt light under the feet. Even took the time to say “hi” to the fellow walkers on the bridge! Took btw the other side of the bridge, compared to yesterday. Then started a long and honestly quite boring line on the water front (ok, the positive was to be on the water front!). Ended stupidly my 12km by running stiff uphill to the second bridge and right on the bridge… my “alternative km” started (and with a fast one of course!). Went fine though and then along I went, good feeling. This type of series in long run is not new, but I always have a problem running the fast km a bit too slow and the slow km a bit too fast. This time it went like on wheels! Apart from fast km #3 which was unfortunately getting both uphill and dead-end obliging me to turn back, all km were as planned in the pace range. Yippie! (and strangely all fast km were at least starting with a slope to climb… Sooooo convenient!). Then my mp3 died on me around km18 so had to continue my run without music but the sound of the wind in the trees and from time to time brave birds in the cold! Took energy gel at km9 & 18 as if would have been in marathon. Continued with Dextrosol as well but did not have enough to take as I planned. After the alternative km, felt great and had a 3km easy pace. Sun shining still and not many people out there! When the “alternative minutes” started, a bad calculation (again!) made the first one for an uphill, but after that it felt great great great! The previous last fast minutes was a bit tough as uphill again, but seriously I had it @4:00/km pace… so quite satisfied, really! And finally a 3+km cool down after that. The alternative km were fast: 4:18, 4:17, 4:27, 4:13 and slow: 4:46, 4:48, 4:46, 4:54. For the “alternative minutes”: @3:51*3, 4:00 (uphill) and 3:34 and the slow minutes @4:46*3, 5:00, 4:33… So yes, today was a great day to run: 30,5km in 2hr30min 🙂

Ended this run with some light stretching in the tram: yes, at the end of the run I was planning to have 30km. Unfortunately the first tram stop would have made it less than 30km and the one after made it more… Just testing the mental training here! Did not want to stretch the run any longer especially due to this long run being the third training day in a row and tomorrow will hopefully be easypeasyrecovery day. Sushi for lunch and 2 hot-dogs as afternoon snacks were the rewards of the day! Spent all afternoon then in a gym hall so no need to say that the body felt pretty stiff afterwards! But now it is ok. Will probably hit the pillow pretty early today as well. The body feels fine despite the mind being busy thinking lately…

Boston is soon to come, feeling good so far about it (well, it goes up&down). Hopefully S can act as pace maker during a part of the marathon, which may be good to push me faster OR may be bad as pushing me too fast too soon… Still some weeks to go to think a good approach for this marathon!
And yes, today was the first outing for my camel(bak)… which has been very patiently waiting on the back of a chair for the first day of sun and relative ok-temperature (today was -9ºC outside, but seriously feeling much warmer!)

Boston… 24 days to go!!!

Me and my apricot hat :)

Long days of work made one tired and lots of running might eventually have a similar result. Add both together and you have a recipe… for disaster? Not really, but for extreme tiredness, definitely!

Yesterday morning – after a 6-hour-luxury-sleep – aimed for the fitness room again as my watch was showing a -10ºC (realfeel -16ºC) and seriously, I do NOT want to be sick now under any circumstance! So indoor it became. Unfortunately treadmill is not the most appropriate for series of 400s, so changed the programme (oooooooooh!) into a 14km divided into: warmup: 2km @12km/h, 8:30min @13.8km/h / 13.9km/h / 14.0km/h / 14.1km/h & 4:15min @ 15.0km/h with 2min rest between each (@11.9) and finished with a cool down 1km. Felt quite ok. the last bit at 15km/h (=4:00min/km!) was really tough but lots of fun! So 14km @4:36/km at the end. GREAT way to start the day! Lots of energy before presentation at work and did great! Although at the end of the day, I went back to my room and lay down for resting… Opened my eyes ONE hour later!

Today end of training at work and back home. After working day, jumped into my shoes and aimed for the pavement again (Yippie!) so niiiiice feeling really, the sun in the face, the cold air in the nose, the gravel under the feet, the wind (from time to time) blowing as it wishes… YES, running outdoor IS the thing! Decided for an easy run as to have my long run on Saturday (i.e. tomorrow). Just ran, ran, ran and ultimately back home after 19.2km @5.08min/km (avg HR 153/ max HR 169). Not feeling really tired by the run, I will hit the pillow in a short while as tiredness is definitely there after this intense week. No core this evening but will include it probably tomorrow before the long run.

Sleep tight!

Treadmill day! A short one before sleeping…

And what I thought would NEVER happened, did happen today… Not one but TWO workouts on treadmill were completed before dinner. Just get back in time a little to see how this happened.

After a terrible night Sunday/Monday, no need to say that the whole Monday was a tough cookie to swallow… Not that I was really tired, but by 3pm, the brain was wandering on a regular basis and thanks to a very active participation call to the course I attend, I was able to focus. Did ensure to eat regularly and drink water so that for Tuesday (i.e. today!) the body would have had at least the fuel necessary to running. In bed relatively ok-early (9:30pm or so), I just did not have the time to count up to two sheeps before I joined Morpheus in the dream world. Woke up @5:00am and by 5:32am I had already hit…the treadmil. Yes, because the place we are staying is close to a lake and seriously I do have the nose running already (yes, it never want to stop!), had some scary throat alerts during the weekend and do not want to become sick WHATSOEVER before Boston. So despite all my beliefs (!), treadmil it was. A good workout of 12km @4:51/km with the first 7km @12km/h, then 2km @12.5km/h, 1km @13km/h, 1km @13.5km/h and finally 1km @14km/h. This progressive increase was quite welcome as treadmil is pretty boring. There was nothing of interest on tv, so stopped on the children channel, cut the sound and had my music in the ears. So strange to have this music as it was not corresponding to the environment I was running…no tree, no car, no people, no pavement, no change…Therefore I took some songs to be sang and… I sang along 😉 Good workout indeed as until the two final km, I was able (more or less!) to sing the songs I was listening to. The interesting part (if any!) was that this workout saw me finishing soaking wet! So much sweat have I never had while running I think. Did not find the ventilation system in the fitness romm until the end of the workout… Anyhow, body felt fine until the last 3km where it felt a bit of ache in the left hip/back of thigh/bum. But I put that on the pace increase. Low pulse was achieved as well and as the pace increased, the HR increased steadily as well. Nice curve indeed! Quick shower, quick energy and hotel breakfast before one more day at a course…

Later on today, we finished @5-ish pm and jumped into my gear again and headed to the fitness room (same reasons as earlier!). This time was planned an easy 12km, but seriously treadmil is SO not for me that I had to set a little program on my own: the Pyramid of the treadmil 🙂 2km @12km/h, 2km @12.5km/h, 1km @13km/h, 1km @13.5km/h, 1km @14km/h, 1km @13.5km/h, 1km @13km/h,
2km @12.5km/h and 2km @12km/h. Quite fun actually to have these up&down pace changes. The going up went fine (once again, same tv channel and same music in the ear, even though the singing was a bit tougher than this morning!). Reaching the half way of the workout it was pretty tough, so no singing was the rule, adn keep up the calm breathing was the other rule! Had this time my water bottle with me and did take a few gloups during the run. Ended in 13km @4.46/km (1:01:54). This was a bless to be able to run this workout as well the same day. Completed bravely and definitely soaking wet AGAIN! I mean water drops really from the face and upper body. Bläää! Worth a nice and hot shower before dinner with colleagues.

So to summarize this day: 2 workouts on treadmil for a total of 25km 2hrs00min05sec 🙂 Snowflakes have been dancing around during the whole day and I really hope the weatehr will be milder tomorrow so can do my intervalworkout outdoor.

Time for bed as beauty sleep is always welcome!

Boston: 27 days to go… and yes I have started to dream of the race already!

101.89km and some rest to do!

Yes, you read correctly! This week was a long and good week with 101.89km ran in 7 workouts. No need to say that today – Sunday – I feel that a rest day is definitely to be taken tomorrow – Monday!

After yesterday’s race, I did too much walking and was pretty tired in the evening, making me sleep like a stone from 9pm to 3am. Up then to take coughing mixture and watching a bit of rubbish on tv… and back to bed after an hour to hit the pillow for 5 more hours. The long run planned to be completed by 11am was not looking good! Took a late breakfast à la Staffan (i.e. oat-porridge, gojjiberries and blueberries, banana and oat milk). As I am unable to run right away with this in my stomach, I waited an hour or so and then hit the…SNOW! No pavement to be seen, a white layer had been falling during the night making it definitely not “spring-like”. So lucky that the race was yesterday and not today!

Whatever, put a new mix in my ears and went along for a 27K on an easy pace (well, having my ASICS GT-2160 on the feet, I could not directly be racing on the snow, right?). Just running, breathing, taking not too hilly path (at the beginning, because after a while it became up&down!). Missing one turn at a moment I arrived to a dead-end and had to climb up in the snow a very stiffed slope… SO worth the climbing to get a beautiful view from the top as well as seeing dears jumping around in the snow…After 10K and a few blitz stops for taking pictures, I took an energy gel with water (Yes, i had planned to take my camelbak for its first ride of the year, but seeing the snow I was expecting cold and left with a half-full bottle of water instead. Me who really do not like to run with bottle in my hands…). Quite empty of people despite being lunch time on a Sunday with “nice” snow weather… Got some more water at the restaurant on the dock and then hit the road again. Aimed for the harbours but strongly determined NOT to take them if there would be the SLIGHTEST shadow of snow on the road… Yes, sure! Who am I kidding, really? Turned right and here it was, the “terrible” place where I fell earlier this year on a snow/icy part. This time, the skies were light, the air was nice and yes snow was there but definitely nothing to do with the “snowy long run” I had then. The water was so calm it left a strange feeling. Body fine, head full of thoughts, reaching mid-point it was nice! Just running along turning there and turning there. Took my second gel in the middle of a houses area, a bit unsure where I actually were. Aimed towards Smithska Udden/Näset, no soul around when during summer this place is dark of people! Nice up&down slopes as well. Final 5km were really good in terms of feeling, nice in the legs, good breathing (last 2km nose only…) and finally skipped the gloves as well.

Completed the run with buying some protein recovery drink and a well-deserved half-Sub chicken. Lots of water to drink with it. And then back home with public transport (yes, because I did reach my objective of 27km and was not at home then!). Nice and hot shower (as usual!) and then 20 minutes laying on the floor with legs up / feet on the sofa. Long run of today: 27km in 2hr 24min. Pretty satisfied especially as the pulse felt quite steady and not high.

Now definitely time to call it the day. Night, night!

First line along the first harbour...snow

First line along the first harbour…snow

Crazy nice view from the top of whatever-hill-it-was

Crazy nice view from the top of whatever-hill-it-was

Yes, when you sent up, down is coming right after!

Yes, when you go up, down is coming right after!

Beautiful view again!

Beautiful view again!

House on the top! Wondering what view they have...

House on the top! Wondering what view they have…

Panorama...sooooo nice really (cannot say it enough!)

Panorama…sooooo nice really (cannot say it enough!)

Yes, It's me! With coloured bonnet! a bit tired but smiling :)

Yes, It’s me! With coloured bonnet! a bit tired but smiling 🙂

Tree house making me willing to buy this specific house!

Tree house making me willing to buy this specific house!

Downhill again towards the see

Downhill again towards the sea

Energy-stop at km10, looking at swans and dukes

Energy-stop at km10, looking at swans and dukes

Wow view of the second harbour

Wow view of the second harbour

Divine skies, don't you think?

Divine skies, don’t you think?

And it is even more beautiful in real!

And it is even more beautiful in real!

Harbour nr 3, empty of boat in the water

Harbour nr 3, empty of boat in the water

Harbour nr 3 still - calm calm calm

Harbour nr 3 still – calm calm calm

Peacefuly and ...

Peaceful and …



Into the woods...

Into the woods…

...and the fourth harbour, cute and charming :)

…and the fourth harbour, cute and charming 🙂

Final slope towards the end of the run

Final slope towards the end of the run

Cows taking it easy

Cows taking it easy

Last straight line to the finish!

Last straight line to the finish!

Race Report – Spring Race 16K 2013/03/16

Planned: Unsure of the pace to have so decided to have 4:30 to 4:24.

Actual: 1:09:04 (1 sec faster than Garmin shows!) for 15,55km
place: 6 out of 28


Woke up 3am with hoarseness, coughing and tired really. Took cough medicine and back to sleep. When up 5hours later, still husky voice but no coughing. Breakfast with oat-porridge with banana, goji- and blueberries and oat milk. Felt it was ok in the throat, sun shining so in my gear and noticed I was late to catch the tram. As I had not registered to the race, I had to be there latest 45 minutes before start for late registration. Reach the tram stop and saw the tram would come 6 minutes later. I had mixed the time to leave home and the time to take the tram… Giving me 6minutes to double check my outfit: ASICS 3/4 tights, SF long sleeves, SdP tshirt, windbreaker, bonnet, throatcover and scarf. Even had my sunglasses. Must have been a few degrees above zero, which was nice. Took the tram to catch the next one. There had to wait so took a warm tea and had a chat with a girl going to the same spot but for training. A bit stressed for not reaching the late registration on time, I “kind-of-ran” up the 1km slope to Skatås (the place to run), seriously! Who had planned this?!?! It is more than a pain to have to climb this hill before even starting the run! Anyway, got registered and then chat a bit with two ladies of the arranging club “The Vikings of the Sun” (Solvikingarna) (sounds pretty cool for a club name!) and they agreed (well, WE agreed) that clothing for running is very individual! Decided for running without my windbreaker. A bit chilly at start but was ok well. Tricky to see that we would run on gravel!



Almost to the finish line

Placed myself close to first line at start, we were really looking like calves left to go and eat in a new fields when the start was given! First 2km went fine, trying to get an understanding of what pace to get. Running on gravel was not really my cup of tea. Lots of runner were pretty fast, saw a couple of women ahead of me, but seriously, none I could even think about becoming a shadow to! First slope killed a bit my pace, but fair enough. I had run this part once in the past and it was ok. I decided to go easy on first lap and to push a bit more in the second one. Had a “Solviking” lady-runner in front of me and I followed her until km4 when I passed her in a slope. She had a great pace and it gave me a good feeling then, sun shining. But there were not that many people running so it was tricky to keep up the expected pace for not falling into the “training mode”: Music in the ears would have definitely helped (to be noted for next year!). Reaching the spot of 4km, there was a water station which I ignored. Cool to see the first guy running the 32km passing us, still smiling and fresh like he just started to run. He looked like flying on the road….and disappeared! I continued and noticed that my plan for pace was quite fine and on the faster part. I completed the first lap quite happy in ca.32min22 on my garmin (and it showed a distance of a little less than 8km).

Then the second lap started good but I quickly saw the space with the Solviking-lady increasing (she had passed me during the last km of the first lap) and after the first slope of second lap, I decided to stop trying to catch up with her. Disappeared the good feeling in the second lap, too many slopes to climb (certainly some were added after we finished the first lap! Yes this is what my mind tried to tell me from time to time!). I had taken 2 dextrosol at km5, 10 and 13. Little water after passing km8 and little sport drink at km12. Seriously the head was not fancying continuing after a while.I almost stopped for walking in the slop before the water station (ca.km10/11) but did not, which made me stronger (at least in the head!). Tough tough tough was all I thought about. My tactic to count km was not working, nor the one to compare the distance already run and left to run to a distance I knew… Nothing worked! But on the other side, when passing the km12 water station it started to count down, which is always appreciated! I found some last strength during the last 2km and despite the final slope, I kind-of sprinted as much as could in the last km. Even smiling (I think!) at the finish line.

All-in-all ok race. Now I know how the “8”-track is looking like (fyi: the place the race was taking place has several tracks and we were running 2 laps on the “8(km)”-track, although this track is slightly less than 8km, which means we ran 15.55km (instead of 16km). It is definitely worth training for next year! Gravel is not fun to run on, not good grip for the shoes. Asphalt is best! I also have to recognize that I definitely have not given what I could have on the race. A bit disappointed but satisfied at the same time (especially as I was coughing during the night and wondered if could do the race…)

Weather: +1ºC (reafeel -4ºC) – sunny, windy in some parts

Food: before Oat porridge + joggiberries/blueberries + oatmilk (2.5hr before) // 1hr before: warm tea // right after: 2 bananas+3 Coke mugs+1energydrink mug+1 water mug // during: 2 Dextrosol @5km/10km/13km + little energydrink @12km

Gear: ASICS 3/4 tights/ new compression socks/ SF lg sleeves/SdP tshirt, throat cover, scarf, bonnet, wind gloves – socks a bit too warm, but could have been cold with w/short ones! – shoes great (although not really good grip on the gravel)

16/ let’s make it a 16. Definitely not same feeling as during the SdP 2013. Cannot really understand how a half-marathon could go that fast when a little “16km” felt so long and tough. Some work to do!

NOTE: great to meet jogg-buddies at the race as well as colleagues 🙂
NOTE: sunny weather is truly helping!
NOTE: a kind friend made me noticed that the lady who passed me and got 5th place never made (so far) better than 3:15 on the marathon distance. Very kind attention to my feelings here, S! Finishing 1 minute after her will be the time to beat for next year!


Ran back home at super-easy pace (5km @5.28/km), went to try again the Saucony Kinvara3 and the GT-2000 tight, good for this extra try with “swollen feet”(!), back home for hot shower, washing of running gear and then aiming to the city for rewarding myself with a new pair of trousers (which did not happen as the model I wanted is an autumn model… COME ON! Temperature are below zero! We CANNOT have a spring collection now!!!), same for running gear – ultimately ended with a running bonnet which hopefully will be tried during tomorrow long run. Late lunch at sushi place, a bit more walking and then back home (extra reward with a pain au chocolat + croissant!).
Now pretty tired, but mostly “general fatigue”. So will hit the pillow very soon. Think… I could have been in Rome and run the marathon tomorrow…!!!

Boston – 30 days to go…

What are YOU (running) on?

Definitely tired yesterday, went to bed and slept almost immediately! Not a chance to go up and run this morning when I saw it was -10° C realfeel -14°C… Yes it starts to wear me this weather. Motivation not fully on the top, right? Exhausting day at work with great outputs,  perfect for a Friday to conclude the week! Allowed myself an hour TV watching (yes, probably rubbish!) And then in my gear to bring T her tshirt she forgot. Quite ok in the air, I just ran without expectation. Especially as I would like to participate to the spring run tomorrow, the 16km one. Bought three pairs of compression socks and tried one this evening, one layer of clothes, could have run in 3/4 shorts with long socks… Nice run but really slow, ending with a steady uphill of 2,5 km. Reached destination after 6.6 km. Rest for maybe 10 minutes and then time to run back home. All downhill almost, could feel in the front of my thighs the effort done… Boston will definitely interesting! Back home was shorter: 4.64km. So the weaning run ended into 11.24km in 1:00:43. Steady HR, and not tired at the end. Ate a large portion of spaghetti + 2 eggs + grated emmenthal and oat-sauce. Good good good! Then hot bath and time for bed.

But really, what are you on, when you are running? Sugar? Drink? Sweets? I discussed this with colleagues and friends the other day and noticed I perform quite well under frustration… or after great news, or in warmer weather… Running is a discipline allowing to clear the head from all happening around. It does help to see things under a new light, even if you have not thought about this during the run.
So what are YOU running on?




Boston… Soon I’ll come!

Intervals before dinner ain’t my cup of tea apparently!

No way I would run intervals when the temperature is under 10ºC and time on the clock is before 5am!!! So having seen this weather forecast on Tuesday evening, I enjoyed sleeping longer until 6am (!) and started a great day at work. Sun shining, temperature outdoor (on the balcony!) showing +3C (with realfeel  -8/10ºC… unsure how this one was working!). Brief shoe-testing session at lunch time. Same old same old. Tried once more the Saucony Kinvara 3 (this time in both size 8 & 8.5) and Saucony Mirage (size 8), and the ASICS GT-2000 2A and the regular GT-2000. A bit unsure still as for the ASICS the tighter model is really suiting well, but could be slightly too tigh? On the other side this is for volume training and not intervals nor long runs. The “regular” GT-2000 are niiiice and feel comfortable, like the colour as well J As for the Saucony, I am a bit wondering: according to diverse online “shoe fit” tools, I should have size 8.5 (US) for the Saucony and when trying the US8 it feels fine but a little tight, but the US8.5 feels better but slightly too large… On the other side as they are for longer distance runs, there should be place in them for not killing neither my toes nor my feet… Will come back for new test on Saturday after my run so to try them when the feet are (a little bit?) swollen J

NOTE: a bit worrying for the GT-2000 which has great reviews (much better than the GT-2170) but read this:…

To the training now, as my lunch break disappeared in shoe-testing, I took my running gear after work instead. Planned workout was a 4*3km (12:30/50) with 3 min rest. It was a bite cold especially for the hands: I have had a similar session on February 13th and checking what gear I had for this weather I decided to skip the extra gloves (but they would have been handy today!). Anyway, easy warm-up of 3km with acceleration during the last 2-400m. Rest for a couple of minutes and started after that. The first interval went close to outstanding in feeling. Especially as this is always the one which is the toughest normally. The accelerations at the end of the warm-up might have helped 😉 Then 3min light jog, feeling good – took extra carbs with 2 dextrosol tablets and then it was already time to start the second interval. This one which is often having the best feeling and enjoyment was slightly tougher. Not fully convinced that I could complete two more at this speed actually! Then 3min rest, which were done with super slow jog + extra dextrosol and time again to start. Stopped after 500m as to fix my shoelace and started again – tough was only the middle name of this interval! Not really good feeling, had to work a lot on the mindset for not throwing the glove and taking whatever bus which pass by. Ended with an unfortunate uphill and this time the 3 min rest was walking and standing. Did not want to complete this workout without a good feeling so took extra 30seconds rest and change the music. Which helped really well… for 700m! And there it was again the negative thoughts about just stopping right now and hijacking the first bike passing by for going home (yes, it did cross my mind! Just to explain what level of confusion I had reached!). Ended the serie anyway (like I always do…) but definitely not satisfied. Cool down of 2km back home, was a bless, singing like crazy and not at all tired… Are you joking?!?! Where was this energy when I needed it!!! The whole workout ended into a 19.02km @4:40/km (this includes the “jogg” rest parts as well!)






Tot. time

Tot. dist.


3,00 km





3,00 km


3,00 km





6,00 km


3,00 km





9,61 km


3,00 km





13,16 km


3,00 km





16,45 km


2,23 km





19,02 km

 Well back home started a new race: stretching, eating to refuel quickly, shower, getting dressed again and aiming to town to meet a friend for dinner. Which ended meeting a friend and three colelagues which made the dinner really fun. Large pizza and a coke to celebrate my “boring” 19km workout. After this, back home and planning to rest. But no! Ended a few things for work and… went to bed at 3:30am… No need to say that this review of the run is written “the day after”! Took extra C-vitamin this morning and it seems to help a bit.

For today, sun is shining, long day at work so will probably take it easy this evening and no running…

Boston… 32 days to go!

Make it a double!

Woke up early this morning, ready (almost) to conquer the world! Cannot happen to anybody at 5:30am… Temperature showed a nice -5/8°C, although real feel was way under that! Despite my two layers of clothes, my bum and thighs were freezing! For at least the first 4km. Tried to skip the watch and pulse and run easy. Too early for the delicious smell from the bakery factory… Disappointed! Finish the run easy, yes I can also do easy! 10.33km @5.22/km (avg HR: 156 / max: 165). Good feeling, a bit tight in the left hip, but ok. Good stretch and hot shower, then light breakfast (protein drink + banana). Got to start working early.

Good for today, nose was fine, sneezing occurred only once during the day. Had a massage during lunch break. New place. Oh my! This was painful! Once again, no pain – no gain (ya, right!). Will probably go back if tomorrow my body feels fine…

Planned today’s run was an easy 10/12 km. Dropped T at the gym and went for an evening hill run low pulse: back & forth 4 times on the major city bridge, adding some downhill works a well. All with a low pulse. Pretty nice to run this way and see the bridge under different lights. Completed a 13.73km @5:22/km (avg HR: 152 / max: 169). Stretch afterwards, but still now ache in the left bum/top of the thigh. Will see what can be done…


Burning skies... Beautiful


Still burning


I can do blue to match the skies!


Last lights in the skies

So for today, 2 runs which is not common in my training. Had the 10I on the menu for yesterday but had a rest day instead… So wanted to see how it would work with double workouts. Probably better you ask tomorrow and inn Thursday! Funny to se that at the end of the day, both workouts were done at same pace and almost same HR range…


Bridge changing colours


Under the bridge...


Sun going down


Me & the sun going down


Turning ferry


Boston, 33 days to go!

Should the whole body wish to run?

OK, for the legs. OK, for the feet. OK, the head. Even OK, for the arm. but SERIOUSLY should my nose wish to run as well? Since yesterday I have those “attacks” of sneezing and nose is running. No cold, as I see it, my friends. A stupid allergy starting strong. Got myself serious nose spray, eating fruits, drinking c-vitamins and lots of tea + honey. Not sure for the last one effect, but it is good for the mind!

Rest day today after yesterday too long run. Slight ache still on the inside of left knee, but seriously (yes, I know, I am very serious today!) any part of the body is aching due to staying working from home sitting on a hard wooden chair. A few chores to do still and then time for sleeping. Hopefully this nose will soon stop running (and the rest of the body will!)

Boston: 1 month to go,i.e. 5weeks, or 35 days exactly (well at this time in 35 days I will hopefully be resting at a nice restaurant around a pizza as I promised my friend S!).

And so was completed a recovery week…

Seven long days for this recovery week after Semi de Paris last Sunday. Two days of complete rest, then one day of dull distance, more rest, then a fantastic 15km on Friday, rest on Saturday and what would be a running week without finishing by a long run on Sunday!

Planned to have the run early in the morning but seriously, after being out (not even late!) yesterday and watching tv with G&T a bit late, nothing really was appealing for running out, especially not the -8ºC (Realfeel -13ºC) appearing on my phone. I know I have said stuff about the Vikings living in this country who do run indoors as soon as temperature is below zero (or similar) and that me, not even close to be a Viking, doing all my runs outside despite the weather…

Anyhow, after a day indoor sneezing during an athletics competition (I was a helper 🙂 ), I was able to take a run in the late afternoon and off I went. A bit cold indeed, but with the two layers of clothing it became too warm already after 3km… No chance I would strip my clothes to remove one layer, so had to endure this for the whole run. Felt like flying for the 12 first km. Slight pain/ache in the inside on the left knee, which I chose to ignore (during the whole run…). Sun in the face, slowly disappearing… this was a real bless to take this run the other way around that I am usually doing. Lost my way a bit while I try to run the same as mid-february long run in the snow, but all in all it ended with 21,18km @4:40min/km, which was more than satisfactory in my eyes (especially the km12 which was done in 4min 16 🙂 ) The end of the run was however quite painful and not real fun, surely because of lack of energy and i unfortunately did not take anything with me this time. So “brain on” and fight until the end to get the run flowing. So strange that it seems to work every single time! The legs are SO fouled by the brain telling them to just go on!

Now, got an extra shot of energy with Gainomax, banana and half a hawaiian pizza (+ cider to drink). Nose is running (how surprising!), sneezing is continuing… Definitely time for sleeping!

Still cold, still covered up!

Still cold, still covered up!

Slope to reach km6...

Slope to reach km6…

Slope before km6 (i.e. the one I just run up!)

Slope before km6 (i.e. the one I just run up!)

Hello sunshine, start to feel tired?

Hello sunshine, start to feel tired?

Slope @km7

Slope @km7

Straight line of km12, a bless for the eyes!

Straight line of km12, a bless for the eyes!

Little new path in the middle of somewhere I would never been able to find again probably...

Little new path in the middle of somewhere I would never been able to find again probably…

Nice plate on the fire station

Nice plate on the fire station

Final check on the run...GONE!

Final check on the run…GONE!

On the road again…

Flying evening, night light and plus temperature: Nice to be on the road again!
Had an early morning start planned with core and then easy pace 12K but seriously when the clock rang at 4:30am nothing would have made me going out of my bed, really NOTHING! Remained in bed until 6:20am and then hurried for getting to work. Long but rich day of work. Nice lunch with sun in the eyes and good company, ate a good mix sallad with pasta-bulgur-quinoa-plenty of veggies, tuna-shrimps-crayfish tales and japanese tea. Just good stuff! Pretty tired though when back home so slept 45 minutes and then off to the fresh air.

On the road again, nice to have this song in the ears at the beginning but then plug in “October 2012” (DJ Eclipse) and ZoomZoom! Could not understand the pace reach after the first km, passed the 5th km smiling and singing, but km 7 I was almost in tears as I enjoyed so much – cruising at a nice 4:49/km. Until 8km all good. Effortless, just letting the feet bringing me forward. Noticed that everytime there is an uphill, the pace is better than on flat parts… the last 5km were the fastest, but I felt it as well. I pushed to maintain a steady pace and did well: 15km @4:38min/km with 5km splits: 24.24 / 22.23 / 22.21 🙂 Really satisfied of the results of this evening run. Compensate by far what i would have done this morning!
Easy chillout evening after that. Will keep taking C-vitamin, eating loads of fresh fruits and training to keep my health on the top as at home two small ones have been sick already (OK, it was a virus, but they were in pretty bad shape for a few days 😦 ) Hopefully will be good soon. Now time to rest, maybe swim or little trail run in the woods for tomorrow. We’ll see how it goes!Countdown to Boston to start soon 🙂

Late and lazy back on track

After two full rest days one may think that the body and mind would have rested enough and be ready for some more. But seriously after a long day at work, lots on the mind and finally all the clothes that have been piled for days finally folded, it is pretty late to start a run after 10pm, especially when the whole me felt already tired.

Nevertheless got into my gear and off on the road. Took 300m to get a HR over 195… so stopped, took a few minutes and started again my clock. Crazy sensor noting strange HR all the way long. heavy legs, tired calves and not really able to clear out the thoughts in my head. Ended with a shy and boring 10K @52min. The positive was the temperature with +4ºC and clear skies. Nice to breathe the air without risking a pneumonia! Nice hot shower afterwards to relax the muscle, little food and now aiming for bed. Long day tomorrow and friday but THEN it is the weekend (with all the activities already planned to happen… Yippie???)

Short short post today …

Recovery day 1 & 2…

After a short but good night of rest, woke up pretty early on Monday for getting breakfast before leavin to the airport. Once again long trip home: subway to Porte Maillot, bus to Paris Beauvais airport and wait for the plane to arrive, fly back home, bus to the train station, tram home and finally keys in the door! Fortunately was able to sleep – like a stone!- on the plane and then pretty good later on.

Today was up not too early (7-ish), worked from home, no training planned. Sounds almost empty but believe me the days are filling themselves up pretty easily! Now it is soon 10:40pm and lots is left to do. But that will be enough for me and for today.

Full rest during these two days. Ensured to eat and drink well. Body feels fine, slight “pain” in the left hip on Monday, almost gone today. Similar to the after marathon in Dubai, but soooo much left, almost difficult to feel, but there anyway. Calves were feeling really tired today, but at the end of the day it was fine.

Have emailed the organizers of SdP regarding the time published at arrival, but according to them this is indeed strange that i got same time for real and official time but apparently part of the minimum percentage happening every year and can be due to plenty of fabulous and crazy reasons (which cannot be applied to me!). And so it is. Does not really matter, got a so much better time than expected, body feels great and it boost me for preparing Boston soon to come.

Now time to rest for real! Even the mind should sleep and take some time off…

Race Report – Paris Half-Marathon 2013/03/03

Planned: 1:34 if all good 1:33.

Actual: official finish time 1:30:04 (on my Garmin: 1:29:50…) – new PR by 6min 37sec from Göteborgs Varvet (May-2012) and 10 minutes from last year Paris Half-marathon!Extremely happy with the result – 1) completed the race way under what I thought could be done for this race, 2) great feeling throughout the race and no spooky pain from leg, thigh, bum whatsoever and 3) was not tired after the finish line – felt I could have run a 10K more (no, not one more half-marathon!). Nice feeling afterwards to be able to see what can be done. The race length on my Garmin was slightly longer (200m) but that is fine. However I was a bit surprise with the official time as it corresponded to the real time… This generally is for the elite runners from the head group… Anyway, race was nice and if the weather is better next year, i might consider doing it once more!


km official sum per 5K
5 21:46:00 21:23.40 21:23.40
10 42:51:00 42:17.10 20:53.70
15 01:03:57 01:03:09.10 00:20:52
20 01:24:31.40 21:22.30
21.1 01:30:04 01:29:50.70 05:19.30

Average pace: 14.06km/h – 4.16min/km


First alarm rang at 6am. Light breakfast with a glass of orange juice and a pain au chocolat. 2dl water to get all down and back to bed again. Up every half hour for drinking water and finally up for preparing myself at 7:15. Banana on the top as forgotten at 6am! All gear ready but for once, my Bib was not on my top. Still unsure of what to wear I gave a try to SF long sleeves + blue tshirt from Midnight Run Gothenburg 2012 + long tights. Went down and out of the hotel and brrrrr! So cold it was, so outfit felt correct. I still put in my backpack some extra clothes for after the run including my ASICS 3/4 shorts.

Ready with my splits :)

Ready with my splits 🙂

Shoes well tied up - not the same on left and right shoes!

Shoes well tied up – not the same on left and right shoes!

8:50am – set our clocks, looked at the sun, regretted a bit to have left my sunglasses in my room but so it went. We ran easy peasy pace to the start and there it was great to see all the runners filling the huge roundabout of the start area. Decided to change to my 3/4 shorts and no wind jacket not gloves. Drop off the bag, last good luck exchange to my running mate and aimed for the start. Looooong queue for the loo so not too great. Got a little warmup by running back and forth a 100m path and then went to my group. Nice with this “Preferentiel” group as it is checked the time you are ABLE to run a half marathon (and not as the other groups the time you PLAN/WISH to run it, which may end into people bring completely wrongly place and making the whole run slower and not too enjoyable for the fellow runners around). A lady close to me ran with her husband and planned a 1:28/30, which suited me well to follow!

Crowd on the start area close to the Castle

Crowd on the start area close to the Castle

9:45am – Music music music no possibility to warm-up any more as we are packed like fish in a can!
9:57am – ready to rock, took out the music in my ears and focused on the start.
10:00am – PANG! Already? Aaaand passing the start a few seconds after the start shot! Lots of pushing still but quite ok. Took a while for getting the first 100m!!! Just walked actually. Started to run and off it went. Men in this race are loaded with testosterone! Never seen this in other races actually. Pushing, running in the sidewalk, whatever it takes to get there first. Takes a km before I decide to put on my music in the ears. “Juni 2.0” this time. But quite low volume. Quickly checking my click after first km and it shows 4:20, which is what I am aiming for (i.e. between end at 1:30 & 1:33). Shortly after starts the large avenue and downhills. I remember from last year that this was a nice and enjoyable part. Same this year. Sun is shining, my frozen fingers from the start (next time I will have gloves until the start and dispose of them afterwards!) are now fine, the gear chosen are perfect. No wind, place for everyone to run, I chose to follow the “blue line” (i.e. the shortest way to the finish).
Until km5 lots of people are passing me seems like! But after that it us more seldom, I think. I take a bottle if water at the water station to rice my throat, but keep it and run along as I have in my strategy to get two gels: first one at km8 and second at km16, thereafter Dextrosol tablets every km from km18. Little wind from time to time, but quite nice. I ran with my “buff” (throat/face cover) until km5 as I felt it was cold in the air and did not want to jeopardise my throat! After that I had it to cover my neck only.
Reaching km8 on my watch, I start taking my gel, take the road turn aaaand realise that we reach the first hill of the race. Here I am, mouth full with half my gel, a bottle of water in my hand and a 1km slope to climb… No worries, throwing water in my throat, swallowing quick the rest if my gel and actually in the meantime enjoying running uphill. And just when I am fine and ready for more (hill) it just turns and the hill is finished… 😦 OK then, just have to get along and continue running. Quick calculation in my head to realise I already passed 1/3rd of the race. Yippie! My mind is comparing the distance completed and yet to run with my training routes, which us a great way for keeping up the mood and remaining focused.
Passing the 10km mark under 42:40 on my watch which means, faster than 1:30 tempo 🙂 just keeping in smiling when I read 4:13/km as average pace! Thus us my intervals pace, not my half-marathon pace!!!! Enjoying really as I calculate how many minutes I have in the “plus” side for the second half for still finishing at or under 1:33.
I recalled as well while passing the 10K-water station how painful it felt last year at this exact same spot. Now it feels just great. The music is making me fly almost. The crowd is there all the way, but apart from the musicians I feel the crowd is not as “dedicated” as the great Lobdon marathon one! They are here to watch, not really to encourage. But still, hearing my name shouted (it us written in my bib) or having a “Allez les filles” (“let’s go girls”) does definitely have an effect in the run 🙂
Passing “Place de la Bastille” is one of the best part of this race, we run on one side, then straight forward on the docks of the Seine (this is however boring, beautiful to see Notre Dame de Paris but dreadful in terms of place to run and really empty of people). Streets see people greeting us runners, probably as they are on their way to the Sunday markets which take the city every week.
Sun still shining, have a runner “in” for NY marathon 2013 just in front of me and his pace suits me well so I just put the cruising gear and follow his steps for 2-3 km.
Km12 happens something weird in my mind. A subtitle and quiet voice tells me that just stopping a few seconds would feel sooo nice, and the body would rest and it would just mean running slightly faster afterwards and bla and bla and bla… It would have been so easy to let go go the voice and rest, but the mind us strong and drop those thoughts for coming back to the comparison :9k to go means from point X to home during training, which is really piece of cake (when feeling fit). So continuing the run.
Km15 I feel tired, taking a water bottle for a short drink, and thinking about taking my second gel directly. But after the water station it went better and gel was taken at km16 (on my watch). Note that despite having the first 4-5 km right on the clock (i.e. my Garmin showed the correct km at the same time I passed the km-sign), it started to end after that, from 70m at km6 to 100 or so and by km16/17 it became 200m difference (my watch showing the distance before the sign). This plays a certain game with the mind, especially when running on the pace. The watch showed a nice 4:13/km when at the end of the race, the actual pace became 4:17/km…
Anyhow taking the gel gave done extra boost and km16&17 felt great. Reaching km18 was really tough as it goes downhill and then subtitle uphill (well, not THAT subtile as you can SEE the road going up…). Back to this km-sign difference with what the watch shows: so strange to even say it, but kilometres became longer the further you ran!!!! 🙂 Great to have a yelling group on the way uphill which caught my name and cheered quite a lot! THIS was at least as effective as taking an energy drink 🙂 so nice to quickly calculate and hit that 3km were left from this point…
Then I thought I had reached the final straight line, and ran and turned and yes, this must be the final straight final aaaaand turned again and yes, this time it must be the final straight line…. Come on, where was this final straight line that I thought I had reached now?!?! Did not noticed the 20km-mark but realised I was not tired enough (!) for having run at this pace so tried to push a bit more until the end, huge smile on the face. Noted the clock at the arrival, 1:29:57, 1:29:58, 1:29:59, dropped the eyes, 1:30:02, 1:30:03, and passed when the 4th second just dropped down.
Great run, met the couple from the start, congratulated each other, she had 1:28:xx on her watch. Then walk to the recovery area, got my medal and then food & drinks. Such a difference from last year. 10 minutes less made a huge difference on the availability of everything throughout the race. There was no pushing, good atmosphere…and sun in the skies!
Picked up my bag and aimed to the massage area. Last year was the queues so long outside that I skipped the massage. This time I thought I mistakenly went to the “male tent” as I could not see any woman! But apparently not many had arrived yet. Nice easy massage where the students also treated two blisters on my toes (took a seringue to empty it, the put some “eosine” in it to dry them out). Plaster and off I was ready. Changed to long tights and NY long sleeves, bonnet and wind jacket. On the top, put my poncho. Aimed to the baggage area to wait for my friend. Time for stretching and then aimed back to the hotel.

Well-deserved medal - awaiting for massage!

Well-deserved medal – awaiting for massage!

Unofficial time on my Garmin

Unofficial time on my Garmin

Weather: max 2°C at start, nice and sunny throughout the race. Max3-4°C during. Little wind from time to time, but hardly noticeable

Food: orange juice+pain au chocolat @6am/banana @7-ish
During: vitargo km8 & 16, Dextrosol 2tablets @ km18, 19 & 20.

Gear: ASICS 3/4 shorts, SF long sleeves, Midnattloppet blue, throat cover – flying ASICS Gel Skyspeed 2: once again delivering as expected. Almost did not feel them during the race. Great feeling in the feet (apart from the surprise of the small blisters in left little and middle toes)

After that, hot shower especially on the stomach which felt upset and pretty frozen changed to casual clothes and nice pizza and coke for celebrating. Chilling afternoon then with book shopping and back to hotel for resting, legs up. Evening ended in nice Parisian brasserie, with a nice grilled entrecôte and French fries. Not forgetting the huge ice-cream for dessert (vanilla, pear, chocolate on the top + sweet chantilly cream). Almost grotesque dessert… but all went down.

Time for bed, enjoying a bit of French tv (boring programs but speaking French 🙂 ) and falling into Morpheus’ arms. Well-deserved rest!

Summary: new PB by 6minutes and 37seconds (and 10minutes faster than same race last year!), body fine and mind at peace. Still a bit not understanding how my official time could be similar to real time as I definitely took at least 5-6 seconds to reach the start line… But but but, this does not change the greatness of the result!

Well-deserved medal

Well-deserved medal

Well-deserved oriental pizza after the race

Well-deserved oriental pizza after the race

Mums with proteins and carbs

Mums with proteins and carbs

Maxi mums with all-what-is-needed-to-feel-good!

Maxi mums with all-what-is-needed-to-feel-good!

Paris HM Day: 1:30:04!!!

1:30:04…!!! Pretty happy of this performance! Tricky to get it into the head, as it felt the race finished right after starting almost!

Not tired, body feeling fine (apart stomach cramp which I might put on the pizza I ate for celebrating…mozzarella?). But this is now better.

Time to rest a bit now (it is 6pm) before dinner. More on the race later :)!

Again for this race, thanks for all kind words of encouragement and congrats!

Paris HM Day-1 (cont’.)

And so it was dark (and freezing cold) again. Quick post before bedtime.
Spent easy day with pickup of race number with J, metro to La Defense and rest of the day with my sis. A bit of shopping at Decathlon (love the store!) only finding 5 pairs of running socks and a backpack as forgot mine at home. Then lunch at 1:30pm at Japanese restaurant: Yummy! Eat everything you want for 11€! See below all the good stuff I found. And rice it was. Took as well bread during the day. I generally do no “loading” before other races than marathon, so here no exception although I checked a bit for not over-eating.
Slept 1.5 hr in the afternoon and then it was time for aiming back to the hotel again. Final food shopping of the evening (bananas, water, pain au chocolat et chausson aux pommes). Good breakfast in perspective 🙂
Ending the day with dinner at Italian restaurant (green tea for me… + a little coffee cookie and little bread). A banana of course before that 🙂

Now time for resting if possible as quite cold in the room…
SdP : LESS than one day to go….






This I did not eat! But it looks so nice!


Paris HM Day-1 real!

Ok, today was planned for rest. I always haven my rest day two days before race, but now it feels it will change. Having run yesterday was great. Make the body starting to realise the end is soon (figure of speech here!). Skipping the morning jogg (despite early wake up at… 5:20am without clock – you were just so right, J!) mainly because it is cold and do not wish to catch something. Would it be a regular training day, -2C would not stop me at all!!! Opened the window to get my orange juice I left there yesterday (I have no fridge in my room, so am using the natural cold from outside 🙂 ) and felt the nice and fresh air on my face. Hmmmm, nice but cold. Took a large glass of orange juice, min iron and allergy tablet and a banana. Now reading in my bed until it is time for breakfast!

Thoughts are not that many in my head. Feels like a regular long run will be done tomorrow … only that I am not at home, will run slightly (!) faster than I generally do my long runs AND not to forget that 39,999 enthusiast runners will join for “my” Sunday long run. 🙂 Cool, right? Now I cannot skip thinking of the pace. If all goes right and as “planned” (of rightly said ” trained”), 1:35 should be fine to reach. Although in Dubai it was probably 10C warmer than here… but in the other side, I had been not to well the days before. But under 1:35 is definitely the aim, once again all under 1:34 is just a bonus! Why writing this down here? Starting the bets? Not directly. I gave read about elite runners writing much about their hard training for their super tough goals, although most of the time (!) the objective is not reached at the end. Yes they do run pretty fast but not as they expected. Ok, so not that I compare myself to those runners (far from my thus idea!) but I thought that by writing down what one bus having for objective makes it more real. So independently of what happened tomorrow, my goal ain’t changed since last year: beat this 1:35 line! I trained hard last year to get this at the SdP but a terrible fever took me the days before the race and even though I participated (as I was little better and fever-free), my time ended at 1:40 on this route pretty flat. So yes it became a new PB, but far from what I had prepared myself for. Now one year has gone, lots of races have been run and training has been really different. Will see tomorrow what fruits it will bring!







Paris HM-Day-2

And so it was time to travel again.

Soon to come!

Soon to come!

Fair day to train...but cold!

Up at 5am without clock, difficult to sleep again, but felt rested despite the short time slept. Double check of the suitcase content and then banana/apple/tea before rushing to the tram…to hear that there is a stop on the line! OF COURSE TODAY OF ALL DAYS! So jump out and into a bus to get to the central station. Hurrying a bit and could relax when I see that my bus would arrive 30minutes later.

Sad little girl at the train station

Sad little girl at the train station

Pretty flexible to have a bus leaving to the airport so to ensure you arrive on time! Drop off the luggage and wait in the sun (indoor but close to the window!). Ate a large handfull of grapes while waiting.Up in the air, I succeeded in reading two chapters of my book…

Then finally landing in Beauvais. Slept most of the flight. Well on the ground it is a little mess to get a ticket for the shuttle and 12:33pm I am finally on the road to Porte Maillot. Takes over an hour and then time for the metro no 1. I like this line as it is without driver 🙂 nice to hear speaking French everywhere! 14 or so stations later (!) I can finally look for my hotel. Nice and simple, 5th floor (perfect for training!) and a double bed (when I was expecting a little tight single bed).

Direction Chateau de Vincennes

Direction Chateau de Vincennes

Metro line without driver

Metro line without driver

My room with (Yippie!) double bed!

My room with (Yippie!) double bed!

Dropping my stuff and jogging light&easy to the Parc Floral de Paris to pick up my Bib. Yes it us 3pm and still have not eaten lunch… Got water and banana and a chausson aux pommes 🙂 3,5km later arriving in the exhibition. Giving my medical certificate and picking up my bib. I succeeded changing group from “Yellow” (1:35) to “Preferentiel” (women under 1:35 & men under 1:25). Quite happy. The exhibition is not too big. Lots of ads for other races. I drop a message on the message wall and off I went back to the hotel. Yes, still hungry! Finally buy bananas, water and orange juice. Stop by the Brasserie close to the hotel and sit down finally for… eating! “Soupe aux legumes” (vegetables soup) and “blanquette d’agneau et riz” (veal stew with rice) and orange juice. Nice and all was eaten!

Yummy! Blanquette de veau with extra rice!

Yummy! Blanquette de veau with extra rice!

Nice vegetable soup WARM!

Nice vegetable soup WARM!

Back to the hotel for resting a bit, then jumping in my gear (2layers for cold weather) and started to run. Surprising to see so much lights in the city despite being the night! Ran back to the Parc Floral to check how long it would be for Sunday (2.5km) and continue a bit on the route of the start. Noticed some small vans with lights on one side if the roads… Understanding what the women were doing there and because it was pretty dark there, I turned back. Ran the last 500m back and forth and home . A few accelerations between lights and finally a 50/80m fast before finishing the run. 9km @5:10. Really easypeasy run!
Banana and water before hot shower. Now resting and planning tomorrow’s activities. Chat with H for this!

Weather was a little cold this evening but much better than the biting cold of the day. Plan probably to run with my ASICS 3/4, SF long sleeves and windbreaker. If there is no wind it will be good, slightly warm. But if it is windy as planned (11-14km/h), then it will be optimal…

Now time to sleep.
SdP: 2days to go…


Chateau de Vincennes

Chateau de Vincennes

Chateau de Vincennes

Chateau de Vincennes


Parc Floral de Paris - pickup of the BIBs

Parc Floral de Paris – pickup of the BIBs



PIck up of Yellow numbers

PIck up of Yellow numbers

Pickup of tshirts

Pickup of tshirts

This one is for you, Tove!

This one is for you, Tove!


Advice HM D-Day-1

Advice HM D-Day-1

Advice HM D-Day

Advice HM D-Day


Message wall

Message wall


Here is the start path

Here is the start path

Help keeping Paris clean! Throw your ponchos on the hole!

Help keeping Paris clean! Throw your ponchos on the hole!

Here it comes :)

Here it comes 🙂

My new start :)

My new start 🙂

Where to find your start?

Where to find your start?

Preparation for SdP

Preparation for SdP

Entrance of the Chateau de Vincennes

Entrance of the Chateau de Vincennes

Last year hotel

Last year hotel

Friday on the mortorway

Friday on the mortorway

Bike to rent

Bike to rent

Bike path close to the start - by night

Bike path close to the start – by night

Entrance of Parc Floral

Entrance of Parc Floral

Nice with a pizza truck!

Nice with a pizza truck!

Traffic traffic traffic...

Traffic traffic traffic…



Normal Friday evening on Paris motorway

Normal Friday evening on Paris motorway