Running longer and faster… a few thoughts…

Sunshine, day off and ER visit

As all days-off, a long sleep in is a must, right?…But nope! Brain waves apparently had enough of sleep @3am and got me up… NO WAY, I’ll get up at this time on a day off so remained in bed and finally got up to start baking muffins for the school party 🙂 What best than starting the day with a bit of baking… Then drop-off the goodies and off to the city for some little shopping. I am a serious lousy shopper… could not get anything but running gear of interest and even them, they were not fitting well. So ended the shopping with really little.  Had however a very nice thai lunch (slightly spicy, but just good).

Yummy thai lunch

Yummy thai lunch

Had some test for a new body cream (shea is extremely nice for dry skin, but Body Shop had a new cream “Honeymania”, which smelled delicious, so why not… Back home was really tired so took a nap before getting ready for going out for after-work with friends. Had the new honey cream on… Met in a tapas restaurant, really cosy, although a bit loud. Food was great and the serving was a bit fun.

Yummy for me

Yummy for me

Yummy for the others

Yummy for the others

The only little problem was the skin rash starting on the arms, belly and rest of the body the longer the evening went. After-work was cut short as neither allergy tablet, nor hydrocortison cream helped. Rushed home and showers not helping neither, aimed to the ER 😦 Waited a bit to get some help and got hydrocortison and back home. Luckily I will be able sleep after this, but the core workout I had planned will not be done…

No training today. Rest day on a day-off is a bit boring… would have had the whole day to do lots of running, but resisted to the temptation 🙂 Rest is rest!

Hopefully this is back to normal tomorrow (great for a day off…)

6 responses

  1. ER=apotek? Allergisk mot något.

    October 12, 2013 at 10:51 pm

    • ER=Akuten
      Allergisk reaktion mot nya bodycream
      Inget roligt alltså 😦

      October 12, 2013 at 10:58 pm

      • Varför måste alla kvinnor använda bodycream?

        October 13, 2013 at 4:42 pm

      • Hahaha! Bra fråga 🙂
        Vet inte för alla andra men jag har super torrt hud, så måste ha nåt för annars är det inte roligt. Ändring av väder påverkar också huden och så bla bla bla…
        Fråga din fru o dotter hemma, finns säkert massor av anledningar för att använda bodycream 🙂
        Män använder säkert bodycream (fast de säger inte det ….) 😀

        October 13, 2013 at 4:55 pm

      • Nix. Har för mkt hår på kroppen. Det skulle gå åt en hel tub varje gång. Nej jag rakar mig inte i duschen. Löjligt. Var som du är född, vad är det för fel med det?

        October 13, 2013 at 4:58 pm

      • Torr hud kliar.och är rätt känsligt till väder. Alltid varit så, inget fel med mig, tycker jag 😛

        October 13, 2013 at 5:11 pm

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